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200 Cards in this Set

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When focusing the microscope, one should begin with which objective?


When using a microscope with a 10X ocular and the 40X objective in place, the total magnification is ?


The pH of a urine a sample is checked to determine ?

Acidity or alkalinity

When performing a routine phlebotomy, the common gauge needle is ?

20 or 21

When performing a finger puncture, the first drop of blood should be ?

Wiped away

Serum is ?

The liquid portion of whole blood after the blood has been allowed to clot and the solid liquid potions have separated.

When collecting specimens for a blood count, you would use a tube that contained ?

An anticoagulant

When performing a differential white blood cell count a basophil will be recognized by ?

Large blue to purple staining granules

When a venipuncture is performed using a lavender top vacationer tube, the sample ?

A. Is commonly used for hematology testing

B. Is allowed to clot, and after centrifuging, the liquid portion is used for chemistry testing

C. Does not clot because an anticoagulant has been mixed with the whole blood.

D. A and C

D. A and C

The most common bacteriology stain is ?

Gram stain

Gram staining is done to determine ?

Whether a bacteria is gram positive or gram negative

A papanicolaou smear is used to ?

Detect cervical cancer

The universal donor is blood type ?


GTT is a test for ?

Sugar metabolism

A lipid profile includes testing for ?


Large amount of injectable medication, at least 2 ml or more are given ?


A medical assistant may give an injection ?

Only on the orders of a physiciain

Which of the following needles has the widest lumen ?

#19 gauge

The nerve to be concentrated with given an injection into the buttocks ?


Intradermal injections are usually given ?

For allergy testing

Size of the needle is expressed by ?

Gauge numbers

The part of the syringe and the needle that may be touched is ?

The outside of the barrel

An injection given at a 45 degree angle is ?


A Z-track injection is an _"blank"_ injection given in the gluteal muscle of the buttocks ?


The most common positions for x-rays are ?

PA and lateral

The substance used to prevent x-ray exposure?


When you are asked to take a cervical x-ray, you would take the film of the ?

Neck region

On a normal ECG tracing, the first wave to show a downward deflection is a ?

Q wave

The purpose of applying paste or jelly when running an ECG is to reduce ?

Skin resistance

An electrocardiograph is ?

A device to monitor electrical heart activity

Ultrasound should not be used for ?

A. muscle strains

B. tumors

C. sprains

D. None of the choices

D. None of the choices

A technique that employs high-frequency, inaudible sound waves which bounce off body tissues and then record, is called ?

Sonogram or echogram

A diagnostic technique which detects regions of heat and cold in the body is called ?


The application of water in the treatment of disease is referred to as ?


The branch of medicine which uses radionuclide in the diagnosis and treatment of disease is ?


The type of physician that would diagnose and treat diseases and malfunctions of the glands of internal secretion is a/an ?


One who studies disease is a ?


Physiology is the ?

Study of the functions of living organisms

Hypertension is also referred to as ?

High blood pressure

Another name for myocardial infarction is ?

Heart attack

During galvanic electrical stimulation the patient ?

Must be attended at all times

Metastasis refers to ?

Growth of cancer cells from one tissue to another

A tumor that is non-progressive and not life threatening is considered


Drugs to prevent the clotting of blood are ?


Drug agents that neutralize the hydrochloric acid in the stomach are called ?


An agent which affects blood pressure by increasing the flow of urine and this reducing volume of fluid in the body is called ?


An agent given to counteract an unwanted effect of a drug is called a/an ?


A mild hypnotic drug that is relaxing but doesn't necessarily produce sleep is called ?


An agent which excites and promotes functional activity is called ?


Under the Controlled Substance Act how many schedules are there?


IPPB is used in the treatment of

A. Pneumonia

B. Emphysema


D. All of the choices

D. All of the choices

A governmental agency having the legal responsibility for enforcing proper drug manufacture and clinical use is called ?

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Intercostal refers to ?

Between the ribs

A patient in the prone position is ?

Lying face down

A patient in the supine position?

Lying flat on their back with palms and face up

In the anatomical position the patient ?

Stands erect with palms turned anterior

The lithotomy position is used when a patient

Is having a vaginal examination

The position of superficial is ?


When preparing the patient for a vaginal examination you would position them in the ----position ?


The urinary system is composed of ?

Kidneys, bladder, urethra, and external genitalia

An inflamed condition of the tendon and tendon muscles ?


The most important muscle to aid in breathing is


The muscle walls of the heart are called the ?


This bone forms the forehead and bony sockets which contain the eyes ?


Facial bones that compose the massive upper jaw bones are called ?

Maxillary bones

Facial bones that compose the lower jaw are referred to as ?

Mandibular bones

The collar bone, a slender bone, one on each side of the body, connecting the breastbone to each shoulder is called the ?


The small sac attached to the underside of the liver and stores bile is called the ?


Insulin is secreted directly into the bloodstream by what organ?


A substance provided by the stomach, necessary for the digestion of food is called ?

Hydrochloric acid

The master gland of the human body is called the ?

Pituitary gland

The act of giving birth is called ?


The premature termination of pregnancy before the embryo or fetus is able to exist on its own ?


For the first 2 (two) months the unborn child is referred to as a/an ?


The number of bones in the body is?


The longest of bones in the body is the ?


The most common place to take a pulse is at the ?

Radial artery

A patient with a rapid pulse has


The best respiratory rate can be taken by ?

Watching the patient's chest rise and fall while appearing to take the pulse

The first sound heard when taking the blood pressure is ?

Systolic pressure

When applying a cast, the plaster ?

Is applied over a stockinette

A counting chamber utilized in manual microscopic methods is called a ?


If a carotid pulse was taken, it would be taken at the ?


Hot packs are a form of physical therapy that provides

Superficial heat

Palpation is done by ?

Feeling a part with the hand

Ausculation is done by using a ?


A hemostatic forcep ?

Clams off small vessels and bleeders

Tissues are composed of ?


Pathology is ?

The study of disease

High blood pressure is referred to as ?


Incision into the chest wall is referred to as ?


Bradycardia refers to ?

Slow heart beat

Neoplasm refers to ?

New growth

Atriomegaly refers to ?

Enlargement of the atrium of the heart

When autoclaving instruments, the timing period begins

A. When adequate pressure has built up

B. When the instrument are placed in the autoclave and the door is sealed

C. When the proper temperature has been reached

D. Both A and C

D. Both A and C

An instrument to view the nose is a ?


A tray for a pelvic examination normally includes ?

Lubricant, vaginal speculum, gloves

During an eye examination using the
Snellen's eye chart, the patient should ?

Keep both eyes open but cover one of them

Hemostats are a type of ?


The smallest blood vessels is the ?


Normal oral temperature is 98.6F. The equivalent Celsius temperature is ?

37.0 C

When a small sample of tissue is taken from the body and sent to a clinical laboratory to be examined or studied it is called ?


The outer most cellular layer of skin is called ?


Tiny microscopic projections in the wall of the small intestine, which absorbs nutrients into the blood stream are called ?

Villus: villi

A goiter ?

Is a visible swelling of the thyroid gland

One complete heart beat, combining the contraction and relaxation phases is known as the ?

Cardial cycle

In order to inflate the blood pressure cuff the valve is turned ?


AIDS are the initials for ?

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome

Hepatitis is ?

Inflammation of the liver

Liver enlargement is referred to as ?


The voice box is called the ?


The medical term for nose bleed is ?


The word part peri means ?


The word part dys means ?


The word part itis means ?


The word part which means joint is ?


The word part meaning white is ?


The word part phago means ?

To eat

The part nephron means ?


The word part megalo means ?


The suffix which means plastic repair is ?


The suffix which means discharge or flow is ?


The suffix which means pain is ?


Occull means ?


Osteo means ?

A. None

B. Cartilage

C. Joint

D. Knee

A. None

Osteo means bone

The abbreviation for immediately is ?


The abbreviation for every hour is ?

Q. H.

The abbreviation for every two hours ?


The abbreviation for four times a day is ?


The abbreviation for blood pressure is ?


The abbreviation for three times a day is ?


The abbreviation for teaspoon is ?


Relapse refers to a ?

Recurrence of symptoms

The term self refers to ?


Prognosis refers to ?

Prediction of outcome

The combining form for woman is ?


If a patient begins to feel faint during a venipuncture procedure you should ?

Have the patient put her head between her knees and hold smelling salts under her nose.

If a patient who has complained of chest pain collapses in the office you should ?

Be sure the patient is breathless and pulseless before administering CPR.

A patient is bleeding heavily from a wound on the forearm, you should ?

Apply direct pressure

A patient calls the office and states they have received a blunt injury to the eye. You should advise them to ?

Come in as soon as possible to have the eye checked

An unacceptable procedure for a fainting victim is ?

Pour water over the victims face

The first way to communicate courtesy to the telephone caller is to ?

Answer promptly, identify yourself, and ask how you may help them

When one encounters a baffling term you should ?

Consult a dictionary

The doctor's office is most concerned with ?

Civil and criminal law

A prefix is the ?

Beginning of the word

A suffix is the ?

Ending of the word

The most common combining form is ?


Of the following, which could not legally act as an agent for another patient?

A minor for their younger sister

An insurance contract written for a company for its employees is called

Group insurance

A patient who is 68 years old is most likely covered by what type of insurance ?


Medicare pays ?


To establish eligibility for the Medicaid patient you must check their ?

A. Current ID

B. Policy number

C. Social Security number

D. All of the choices

D. All of the choices

Persons who are unable to pay for medical care or who have dependents children may apply for ?


Under what program may retired military or their dependents or active military personnel receive care?


What kind of insurance provides medical care for job related accident or illness?

Workers Compensation

The purpose of aging the account receivables:

Is used to identify past due accounts for collection

How often is the physician's narcotics license renewed?


The type of insurance that provides income when the insured is unable to work due to illness or injury ?


The pre-determined amount of money paid by the patient before an insurance company pays is ?


The word indicating the date medical insurance coverage begins is ?


For a patient to be entitled to be paid in full benefits under the Blue Shield program, their physician must be ?

A participating physician

which of the following groups sponsors Champus ?

U.S. Military

A patient's financial accounts is referred to as ?

Ledger or ledger card

A listing of specific services rendered and fees charged is a/an ?

Itemized statement

What is the latest date and employer may give the employee the W-2 form?

By January 31st

Incorrect information given that may injure the reputation of another is called ?

1. Breach of contract

2. Battery

3. Tort

4. Slander

A. 1,2,3 C. 2,4

B. 1,3 D. 4

D. 4

The patient is more cooperative if they:

1. Bring along a relative

2. Have adequate insurance coverage

3. Understand medical terminoldogy

4. Understand the procedure to be done

A. 1,2,3 C. 2,4

B. 1,3 D. 4

D. 4

One way to prevent patient from forgetting future appointments is:

1. Call them the day before the appointment

2. Not to book more than two weeks in advance

3. Use appointment cards

4. Call the patient one hour before the appointment

A. 1,2,3 C. 2,4

B. 1,3 D. 4

A. 1,2,3

When a patient must cancel an appointment unless they promise to make the appointment:

1. Reprimand the patient

2. Express regret

3. Refuse to re-book another appointment unless they promise to make the appointment

4. Immediately schedule another appointment

A. 1,2,3 C. 2,4

B. 1,3. D. 4

D. 4

If poor records are kept and a physician fails to report all his income and deductions to the IRS the physician is open to a charge of ?

1. Negligence

2. Dishonesty

3. Suspension

4. Fruad

A. 1,2,3. C. 2,4

B. 1,3 D.4

D. 4

What should be avoided by a medical assistant?

1. Giving medical advice

2. Arguing with the patient

3. Discussing the patient's condition

4. the medical assistant can and should do all the above

A. 1,2,3 C. 2,4

B. 1,3 D. 4

A. 1,2,3

Of the following choose the word or words that are incorrectly spelled:

1. Anorexia

2. Oititis

3. Leger

4. Metabolism

A. 1,2,3 C. 2,4

B. 1,3 D. 4

A. 1,2,3

Of the following choose the word or words that are incorrectly spelled:

1. Keloid

2. License

3. Doctrine

4. Eutoria

A. 1,2,3 C. 2,4

B. 1,3 D. 4

C. 2,4

The three main groups of carbohydrates are ?

Monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides

Galactose is a product of the digestion of ?


A simples sugar to which all forms of carbohydrates are ultimately converted is ?


Fats are sometimes called ?


The digestion of fats occurs mainly in ?

Small intestine

Good sources of vitamin C are ?

Citrus fruits

The vitamin that is necessary for the proper clotting of the blood is ?

Vitamin K

Review says clothing but I think it means clotting.

An inflammation of the meninges of the brain and spinal cord are due usually to a bacterial infection from the ears, sinuses, lungs or a brain abscess ?


Person incapable of forming melanin is called ?


A seizure disorder affecting 1 to 2 percent of the population and is associated with electrical impulses from the neurons of the brain is ?


A congenital defect consisting of the absence of a vertebral arch of the spinal column is called ?

Spinal bifida

An inflammation of the skin usually causing itching sometimes accompanied by scaling or blisters is called ?


Variation in the shape of red blood cells would be indicated as ?


A gradually developing cloudiness of the lens, occurring most frequently in persons over 70 years of age is ?


A condition of excessive intraocular pressure which results in atrophy of the optic nerve is ?


What is a chronic inflammatory disease that attacks joints and surrounding tissues, and is an intermittent disease with periods of remission?

Rheumatoid arthritis

A metabolic bone disorder affecting primarily postmenopausal women and is characterized by the loss of calcium and phosphate from the bone.


A mysterious condition which kills apparently healthy infants between the ages of 4 weeks and 7 months is known as ?

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

A condition indicating that certain elements are lacking in the blood ?


A congenital anemia occurring primarily among blacks. Which and average of one in ten carry the abnormal gene is called ?

Sickle cell

A condition characterized by frequent liquid stools ?


A critical illness resulting in the sudden cessation of kidney function is known as ?

Renal failure

A chronic disease of insulin deficiency or resistance ?

Diabetes mellitus

A fragile organism called gonococcus bacteria causes which of the following ?


Which of the following may precipitate attacks of asthma?

A. Volatile irritants from organic solvents

B. Exposure to mists and dusts in industrial plants

C. Inhalation of cold air

D. All of the choices

D. All of the choices

Which of the following are characteristics of infantile eczema?

A. Usually appears in the first of life

B. Is associated with a great increase in sebaceous activity producing an excessively oily skin

C. In all cases, it resolves permanently by 3 years of age

D. Associated with raised, pruritic, scaling, areas on checks, scalp, and diaper area

D. Associated with raised, pruritic, scaling, areas on checks, scalp, and diaper area

Conducting away is referred to as:
