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62 Cards in this Set

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Lifestyle and Career development have been emphasized since
the beginning of the counseling and guidance movement and are still major concern.
The beginning of guidance movement has often been associated with the work of
Frank Parsons
In the terms of leisure time and dual career families
dual career families have less leisure time.
Trait Factor approach
attempts to match the worker and the work environment (job factors).
Edmund Griffith Williamson
Minnesota Viewpoint, expanded upon Parsons' model to create a theory of counseling which transcended vocational issues.
The trait-factor or matching approach is associated with
Parsons and Williamson
Trait-factor model also known as a "structural" theory since
it emphaiszes individual differences or structural differences.
Trait-factor model is grounded in differential psychology
The trait-factor or actuarial approach asserts that
a counselor can match the correct person with the appropriate job and relies heavily on testing.
Frank Parsons wrote a landmark book entitled Choosing a Vocation. Parsons has been called
The Father of Vocational Guidance
The Trait-factor model
attempts to match the person's traits with the requirements of the job...usually relies on psychometric information...is associated with the work of Williamson and Parsons
Edmund Griffith Williamson's work(Minnesota Viewpoint) purports to be scientific and didactic, utilizing test data from instruments like the
Minnesota Occupational Rating Scale
The Trait-factor approach fails to take ___________ into account.
individual change throughout the life span
Psychometric data refers to
the use of test results in counseling
Anne Roe suggested a personality approach to career choice
based on the premise that a job satisfies an unconscious need.
Roe's theory is primarily psychoanalytic, but draws on Maslow's hierarchy of needs...
and emphasized that early child rearing practices influence later career choices since a job is a major source of gratification for an unconscious need
Roe was the first career specialist to utilize a two-dimensional system of occupational classification utilizing
fields and levels.
Roe's fields include:
service, business contact, organizations, technology, outdoor, science, general culture and arts/entertainment
Roe's levels include
professtional and manegerial 1; professional and manegerail 2; semiprofessional/small business; skilled; semi-skilled; and unskilled
Roe spoke of three basic parenting syles: overprotective, avoidant, or acceptant. The result is that the child
will develop a personality which gravitates toward people or away from people.
Roe's theory relies on Maslow's hierarchy of needs in the sense that in terms of career choice
lower order needs take precendnce over higher order needs. THE JOB MEETS THE "MOST URGENT NEED".
Some support fot Roe's theory comes from
the Rorschach and the TAT. ROE BEGINS WITH "R" so does RORSCHACH
In terms of genetics, Roe's theory would assert
genetics help to determine intelligence and education, and hence this influences one's career choice.
According to Anne Roe who categorized occupations by fields and levels
the choice of career helps to satisfy an individual's needs
Another theorist who emphasized the unconscious process in this area of study was
Bordin felt that career choices could be used to...
solve unconscious conflicts.
Edwin Bordin felt that difficulties related to job choice
are indicative of neurotic symptoms
Another career theorist who drew upon psychoanalytic doctrines was AA Brill. Brill emphasized ___________, an ego defense mechanism.
Sublimation occurs when
an individual expresses an unacceptable need in a socially acceptable manner.
A client who becomes a professional football player because he unconsciously likes to hurt people would be utilizaing _____________ according to Brill's theory of career choice.
Today, the most popular approach to career choice reflects
the work of John Holland.
Holland categorized _____________personality orientations which correspond to analogous work environments.
Holland's Six personality orientations are:
realitic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising or conventional
Most experts in the field of career counseling would classify Roe, Brill and Holland as _____________theorists.
Personality or structural theorists
Counselors who support Holland's approach believe that
an appropriate job allows one to expres his or her personality.
Holland mentioned six model orientations. A middle school counselor is most likely
Holland's theory would predict that the vice president of the United States would be
A client who wishes to work on an assembly line would fit Holland's ________typology.
Holland's psychological needs theory would say that a research chemist is primarily the _________ type.
In regard to an individual's behavioral style or so-called modal orientation, Holland believed that
most people are not pure personality types and thus can best be described by a distribution of types such as Realistic, Social, Investigative
The Strong Interest Inventory (SII) is based on
Holland's Model
Holland believed that a given occupation will tend to attract persons with
similiar personality
Hoppock's theory, based on the work of __________ is also considered a personality approach.
Henry Murray
Henry Murray created
the "needs-press" theory and the TAT projective test.
Developmental career theorists view career choice as an ongoing or so-called longitudinal process rather than a single decision made at one point in time. The pioneer theorists were
Ginzberg, Ginsburg, Axelrad, and Herma
Initially, Ginzberg and his associates viewed career choice as irreversible and the result of compromises between wishes and realistic possibilities. this theory identified three stages of career development...
Fantasy(birth-11), tentative(11-17), and realistic (17 to early 20s)
Ginzberg and his colleagues now believe in a development model of career choice which asserts that
the process of choosing a career does not end at age 20 or adulthood; career choice decisions are really made throughout the life span; career choice is reversible
The most popular developmental carer theorist is Donald Super. Super emphasizes
the self-concept (HINT: both begin with "s")
Super's theory emphasizes _____________ life stages.
Super's stages are:
Super's theory includes:
the life-career Rainbow
Research into the phenomenon of career maturity(vocational maturity) reflects the work of
John Crites
focused heavily on adult career development.
Schlossberg suggested five noteworthy factors in adult career development
behavior in the adult yeas is primarily determined by social rather than biological factors; behavior can either be a function of one's life stage or one's age at other times; sex differences are actually more powerful than age or stage differences; adults continually experience transitions which require adaption and self-assessement; identity, intimacy, and generativity are recurring themes in adulthood
The decision-making theory, which refers to periods of anticipation and implementation/adjustment, was proposed by
David Tiedman and Robert O'Hara
John Krumboltz postulated a social learning approach to career choice. This model is based mainly on the work of
Albert Bandura
The model Krumboltz suggested is
a behavioristic model of career development...LEARNING
individuals secure training and education to get the best possible income
suggest that chance factors influence one's career...student like his history teacher therefore decides to become a history teacher
The status attainment theory
the child will eventually secure a job commensurate with his or her family status
A Counselor who favors a behavioristic mode of career counseling would most likely
suggest a site visit to a work setting.