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42 Cards in this Set

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define lichen planus? where does it occur IO and EO?

idiopathic chronic inflammatory mucocutaneous disease affecting stratified squamous epithelium

often affects skin

can affect genitals, anus, pharynx

conjunctival and oesophageal involvement rarely occur

what causes LP? (5 reasons)

genetic predisposition

immune mediated

more common in HCV seropositive


dental materials

also link with HEP C

what is the pathogenesis of LP? what kind of reaction? what cells are damaged by what?

cell mediated immunological reaction, precise trigger unknown

basal keratinocytes are damaged by langerhans cells, T lymphocytes and macrophages

what are the variants of LP?

reticular (most common) papular

plaque like atrophic

erosive (2nd commonest) bullous (rare)

desquamative gingivitis (descriptive term)

what form of LP is this?

what form of LP is this?


what form of LP is this?

what form of LP is this?

reticular- mild

what form of LP is this?

what form of LP is this?


what form of LP is this?

what form of LP is this?


what form of LP is this?

what form of LP is this?

erosive (buccal) and plaque like (commissure)

what form of LP is this?

what form of LP is this?

plaque like

what form of LP is this?

what form of LP is this?

plaque like

what form of LP is this?

what form of LP is this?


what form of LP is this?

what form of LP is this?


different from erosive as at bullous stage its like a blister that quickly bursts to form erosive

what is this form of LP? what other conditions get this?

what is this form of LP? what other conditions get this?

desquamative gingivitis

immunobullous diseases (pemphigus/pemphigoid/linear IgA disease)

where is LP on the skin common? what is it like? what induces it? is it permanent?

where is LP on the skin common? what is it like? what induces it? is it permanent?

flexor surfaces of wrists, a. lower leg, scalp, back

puritic (itchy) purply papules

lines go through papules- wickhams striae

can be induced by trauma- koebner phenomenon

resolves leaving hyperpigmentation

what do LP genital lesions look like?

white/erosive lesions

what do LP nail lesions look like?

longitudinal ridging and fissures

nail plate thinning

(10% of cases)

what do scalp LP lesions look like?

scarring allopecia

what is this?

what is this?

lichen planopilaris

hair is thin rather than receded

what is likely to get LP?

middle aged/elderly

F>M 2:1

what is the differential diagnosis for LP?

lichenoid reactions




lupus erythematous

immunobullous disease



when do you do blood tests for LP?

atrophic, erosive or bullous types

rule out any anaemia or haematinic deficiency

what is the differential diagnosis for desquamative gingivitis?

lichen planus



linear IgA disease

how is LP managed (general)?

OHI (desquamative gingivitis)

avoid risk factors- smoking and alcohol

manage symptoms

refer to dermatologist (EO lesions)

long term rv

how is very mild and mild LP treated?

asymptomatic- nil

V.mild- avoid e.g. spicy food, vinegar..

mild- CHX gluconate 0.2% MW

-benzydamine hydrochloride 0.12% MW/spray

hydrocortisone sodium succinate 2.5mg

(corsodyl, difflam, corlan)

how is moderate LP treated?

stronger topical steroids (not licensed)

betamethansone sodium phosphate 0.5mg

beclometasone diprionate 50ug x2qds

budesonide 64ug qds

triamcinolone rinse and antifungal therapy (prevent candiosis)

(betnesol, becotide, rhinocort)

what is betnesol?

betamethasone sodium phosphate

moderate strength steroid

now on dentist formulary

what is becotide?

beclometasone dipropionate

moderate strength steroid

what is rhinocort?


moderate strength steroid

how is severe LP treated?

systemic prednisolone (check weight, BP, blood glucose and osteoporosis risk)- short term


other immunomodulators (long term)- retinoids, methotrexate, topical tacrolimus

does LP go into remission?

wax and wane

skin lesions remiss earlier

is there malignant risk with LP? which types are more at risk?

1-3% chance of malignancy

atrophic and erosive

what drugs cause lichenoid drug eruptions?

antihypertensives esp. ACE inhibitors


oral hypoglycaemics

gold salts



can only be confirmed if lesion resolves when its removed

what causes lichenoid reactions?

dental materials- amalgam, gold

whats this?

whats this?

lichenoid reaction (amalgam)

must be directly touching/adjacent to source

whats this?

whats this?

lichenoid reaction (amalgam)

what the treatment for lichenoid reaction?

change restoration if its bothering them

if not leave

what is lupus erythematosis? what causes it? who gets it?

autoimmune connective tissue disease

autoantibodies against nuclear components

uncommon, young adults, F>M

what are the types of lupus erythematosis?

discoid lupus erythematous

systemic lupus erythematous

what are the symptoms of DLE?

skin- scaly red patches, scarring, alopecia

oral lesions usually on the lops, erythema with white margin

what are the symptoms of SLE?

skin- photosensitive butterfly rash, alopecia

joints- pain and swelling

heart- raynauds, pericarditis, myocarditis, libman-sacks endocarditis

BM- anaemia, thrombocytopenia

lungs- pleurisy

kidneys- nephritis, hypertension

what are general features of LP?

usually bilateral, buccal mucosa most commonly but can occur anywhere, rare on palate

after the cheeks the tongue and gingiva are most common