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60 Cards in this Set

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Elite (n)

a group of people in a society, etc. who are powerful and have a lot of influence,because they are rich, intelligent, etc.


Pauper (n)

a very poor person


Stigma (n)

a mark of shame or discredit

وصمة عار

Racism (n)

the unfair treatment of people who belong to a different race; violent behavior toward them


Discriminate against (v)

to unfairly treat group of people worser than other groups

تميز ضد/اضطهاد

Stereotype (n)

a fixed idea or image that many people have of a particular type of person or thing, but which is often not true in reality

صورة نمطية

Conservative (adj)

showing that you prefer traditional styles and values


Liberal (adj)

willing to understand and respect other people's behavior, opinions, etc.,especially when they are diferent from your own


Multi-Ethnic Society (n)

Society that contain people from many different races and cultures

مجتمع متعدد الأعراق

Voluntary Work (n)

a job you do without wanting to be paid for it

عمل تطوعي

Mug (v)

to attack Someone violently in order to steal their money, especially in a public place

سلب بالعنف (بالبلدي كده تثبيت)

Shoplifting (n)

the crime of stealing goods from a store by deliberately leaving without paying for them

السرقة من المتجر

Pickpocketing (n)

stealing money, etc. from other people's pockets, especially in crowded places


Ransom (n)

money that is paid to someone so that they will set free a person who is being kept as a prisoner by them


Evidence (n)

the information that is used in court to try to prove something


Suspect (v)

to have an idea that someone is guilty of something, without having definite proof


Innocent x Guilty

not having done something wrong X having done something illegal

برئ X مذنب

Alibi (n)

an excuse that proves that a person was in another place at the time of a crime and so could not have committed it


Outlaw (n)

a person who has done something illegal and is hiding to avoid being caught

خارج عن القانون

Embezzle (v)

to steal money that you are responsible for or that belongs to your employer


Gesture (n)

a movement that you make with your hands, your head, or your face to show a particular meaning


Nod (v)

moving your head up and down to show agreement, understanding, etc.

حرك رأسه لأعلي و لأسفل

Frown (v)

to make a serious, angry, or worried expression by bringing your eyebrows closer together so that lines appear on your forehead

تكشر (بالعامية) تعبس (بالفصحى)

Ambiguous (adj)

that can be understood in more than one way; having different meanings

مُبهم (ودي يسطا معناها شئ مش محدد و ممكن يتفهم باكتر من معني)

Posture (n)

the position in which you hold your body when standing or sitting


Fidget (v)

to keep moving your body, your hands, or your feet because you are nervous, bored, excited, etc.

تململ (قاعد مش علي بعضك)

Facial Expressions (n)

the feelings expressed on a person's face

تعابير الوجه

Shrug (v)

to raise your shoulders and then drop them to show that you do not know or care about something

هز كتفيه (لما تكون مش عارف حاجة او مستغرب..الخ)

Yawn (v)

to open your mouth wide and breathe in deeply through it, usually because you are tired or bored


Boredom (n)

the state of feeling bored

ملل [ زي حياتنا كده بالظبط :( ]

Protest (n)

an occasion when people show that they disagree with something by standing somewhere, shouting, carrying signs, etc.

وقفة احتجاجية

Overthrow (v)

to remove a leader or a government from a position of power by force

قلب نظام الحكم

Coup (n)

a sudden illegal, often violent, taking of government power, especially by part of an army

انقلاب عسكري

Oppression (n)

a situation in which people are governed in an unfair and cruel way and prevented from having opportunities and freedom

ظلم/طغيان/اضطهاد/استبداد :)

Tear Bombs (n)

a bomb charged with a gas that irritate the eyes and cause tears

غاز مسيل للدموع ;(

Martyr (n)

a person who is killed because of their religious or political beliefs


Live Bullets (n)

a bullets that are made to be fired by a gun to threat, injure or even kill

الرصاص الحي

Riots (n)

a situation in which a group of people behave in a violent way in a public place, often as a protest

أعمال الشغب

Drastic Change (n)

a very great and noticable change

تغيير جذري

Freedom of Speech (n)

the legal right to express your opinions freely

حرية التعبير

Adolescent (n)

a young person who is developing from a child into an adult


Infant (n)

a baby, especially a very young one


Toddler (n)

a child who has only recently learned to walk

طفل صغير

Illegitimate Child (n)

a child born to parents who are not married to each other

طفل غير شرعي

Overprotective (adj)

too anxious to protect someone from being hurt, in a way that restricts their freedom

مفرطة في الحماية

Decadence (n)

low moral standards and behaviour


Maternity (n)

the state of being or becoming a mother


Deadbeat Dad (n)

a father who neglects his responsibilities as a parent, especially one who does not pay child support

أب مهمل

Fraternity (n)

the relationship of brothers


Mistreat (v)

to treat a person or an animal in a cruel, unkind, or unfair way

إساءة المعاملة

Denote (v)

to represent or mean something


Jeopardy (n)

in danger of being harmed or destroyed

خطر محيق

Endanger (v)

to put someone or something in a situation in which they could be harmed or damaged

يعرض للخطر

Hazardous (adj)

involving risk or danger, especially to someone's health or safety (related to health)


Escapade (n)

an exciting adventure (often one that people think is dangerous or stupid)

عمل طائش/خطير

Foolhardy (adj)

taking unnecessary risks (to show off)


Precautions (n)

something that is done in advance in order to prevent problems or to avoid danger


Menace (n)

a person or thing that causes, or may cause, serious damage, harm, or danger


Reckless (adj)

showing a lack of care about danger and the possible results of your actions


Peril (n)

serious danger

خطر موبق