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6 Cards in this Set

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A dictatorship is an autocratic form of government in which one person rules.
Sandanistas (p.972)
ruled Nicaragua in the early '80s. They promoted literacy, health care, and gender equality for all. The Sandinista's were a revolutionary group that ousted the Somoza family that ruled Nicaragua. The Somoza's
were a rich, violent family. But, they were Anti-Communist so the USA supported them.
N.A.F.T.A. (p.980)
In 1992, Mexico, US, and Canada signed the NORTH AMERICAN FREE TRADE AGREEMENT. NAFTA'S purpose was to remove tariffs (taxes on traded goods imported and exported) between the three countries.
Contras (p.972)
In the 1980s, the Contras resisted the Sandanista Junta (a junta is a group of leaders that ruled together) that ruled Nicaragua. The USA did not like that the Sandanistas were between a democratic & socialist govt. So the US govt. tried to help oust the Sandanista Junta by backing the Contra rebels to overwhelm the Nicaraguan government.
Liberation Theology (p.971)
Liberation Theology is a christian movement in political theology that interpreted the teachings of Jesus Christ to promote EQUAL ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL status among all peoples. Lib.Theo. arose as a result of a large gap between the rich and poor classes of people in Latin America, and the Church tried to address this social issue by introducing Liberation Theology. L.T. became popular in Latin America.
Cuban Missile Crisis (p.971)
In 1962, the communist Soviet Union began building nuclear missiles in communist Cuba. The democratic USA was upset because the missiles could easily hit our country. President Kennedy demanded that the missiles be removed to avoid nuclear war. This was the closest that the world came to experiencing a nuclear war.