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61 Cards in this Set

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Landscape designs must be drawn like


To use masking tape to anchor your drawing, you must first

Stick it to your skin to reduce tack


Used to square paper on the drafting table and guide straight lines

2 standard triangles

45/90 and 30/60

H lead

Hard, draws thin and faint (lightweight) lines, doesn't smudge, for general drawing

Higher number = harder lead

4H - guidelines, 2H - details/letters

B lead

Thicker, darker, heavyweight lines, smudges easily, to draw shadows or create contrast (HB)

Higher # = softer lead

To prevent smudging your drawing, use

A piece of tracing paper between design and your hand

Tape pennies to triangle so it can slide across your design

Pink pearl eraser

Smudge free, preferred eraser

Kneadable rubber eraser

Can be molded to erase small details, picks up lead dust well, can be used to lift line weight using a dabbing motion


Draws perfect circles, width = radius


A ruler with units that represent feet in your design

Architect scale

Measurements in both directions

Every 1/8th in = 1 foot

Engineer scale

Based on decimal scale divisions of an inch, measurements run left > right

Ex) 1: 10 or 10 scale means 1 inch = 10 feet

Line consistency

Equal width and value (darkness) beginning to end

Line inconsistencies come from

Drawing tip becoming flattened or speed of hand (faster movement has less downward pressure, making it thinner)

Line inconsistencies come from

Drawing tip becoming flattened or speed of hand (faster movement has less downward pressure, making it thinner)

Free hand vs straight edge

More artistic and can be traced vs more professional/solid and can be slower

When the lead of our drawing pencils is dull, it creates

Thicker lines with vague edges

To maintain consistency, you should ______ as you draw to change the contact area

Rotate your pencil

Nervous drawing can lead to

Shaky lines

T/F : Sketch long lines with multiple strokes


This will look sloppy

Longer lines are better with straight edges

T/F: when you are unhappy with a line, it is best to erase and redraw it completely


Drawing back over a line will create an undesirable double line

When drawing corners, line ends should

Meet, can slightly cross

Oils from your hand will

Seal in lead dust, creating a hazy drawing

Heavier line weight creates

Higher degree of presence

From a birds eye view, objects that are ____ will use more heavyweight lines

Closer to you (tree canopy, roof)

Heaviest weight lines will be used for

Borders and title block to frame and focus attention

Second heaviest/medium lines will be

Immovable objects/hardscapes (house)

Used to emphasize outlines for contrast

For lettering (H/HB)

Lightweight lines are used for

Objects that are farther away/seen in less detail (under a tree canopy)

Details or texture on the ground or within a symbol

The lightest weight line (4H and up) will be used for

Guidelines for lettering and symbols

Lettering is

Printed and consistent in size and level across paper

Lettering is

Printed and consistent in size and level across paper


Guideline beneath text, keeps it level across page

Top guideline

Keeps height of lettering consistent

Middle guideline

Used for larger lettering to keep the center consistent

Case consistency

Either all uppercase (UPPER) or all lowercase (Lower) throughout the design

Formal lettering should have no _____ on horizontal axis


Lettering is generally ____ tall, and titles may be ____.

1/4"; 1/2"

Lettering is generally ____ tall, and titles may be ____.

1/4"; 1/2"

Hierarchy of size

Size is dictated by scale of project and importance of information

Ex)titles are larger to indicate importance and make them easy to read

All labels should be on the

Horizontal plane (straight across paper)

Labeling is one of the last steps, but should be

Planned out or practiced on tracing paper

Site inventory

Records all hardscape and greenery already present

Site analysis

Analyze the strong and weak points of a landscape and establish changes that should be made that are functionally soundAlso analyzes shade

Analyze the strong and weak points of a landscape and establish changes that should be made that are functionally soundAlso analyzes shade

Symbols are used to show approximate _________ and help ____

Size and shape of plant material; identify them

Symbols reflect _____ of plant material

Quality and character

We can use ______ to distinguish between two similar plants

Symbol detail variation

Each symbol has a _____ to identify it as a single plant, and can also be portrayed as a

Center dot; + (proposed), x (remove), or o (existing)

The size of the plant material drawn is based on the _____ of the plants to prevent overcrowding

Mature size

If the scale of a design is too small, there will be ______.


If the scale of a design is too large, there will be _____.

Too much space between plants

If the estimated mature size is a range of numbers, pick one _______.

In the middle (4'-6' > draw 5')

______ will not be drawn based on mature size. Instead, they are drawn at ___% of their mature size.

Large trees that take decades to mature; 25-50%

Some designers use a _____ to plan designs that will look good after a certain period of time

Set time frame

T/F: You should draw the initial design first, then pick plants that fit in the space and with client desires


General sizes of shrubs

Small (3'), medium (5'), and large (7')

General sizes of trees

Small (10'), medium (15'), and large (20')

For symbol outline, use ____ lead, and draw ____.

H/HB; directly over the guideline

Details and outline should always ____ the center dot.

Radiate from

3 types of broadleaf outlines

Looping, irregular, and umbrella

3 types of broadleaf foliage details


Triangles and squares
