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119 Cards in this Set

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What are the two drugs used to augment labor?



Hydroxyprogesterone caproate is a ______________.


COX inhibitors are _______________ with regards to labor.


Ca2+ channel blockers are ______________ with regards to labor.


B2 agonists are ___________ with regards to labor.


Magnesium sulfate is a _______________ with regards to labor


What is the synthetic analog of oxytocin?


What effect does oxytocin have on the breast?

Milk ejection

Pharmacologic concentrations of pitocin produce ________________ and can be used to induce or augment labor.

Powerful uterine contractions

Pitocin can be administered IM to control _______________________.

Post partum bleeding

If pitocin fails to control post-partum bleeding, what drug can be used instead?

Ergonavine maleate

______________ receptors on the uterus increase during the last half of pregnancy.


What type of receptors are used to bind oxytocin?


Oxytocin is not bound by plasma proteins, so it has a half life of ________.

5 minutes

Steady state for oxytocin/pitocin is achieved after __ minutes of initiation or dose change.


Pitocin and oxytocin stimulate the release of __________ and ____________, further augmenting labor contractions.

Prostaglandins, leukotrienes

Excessive stimulation of uterine contractions in which more than five contractions occur in 10 minutes for a 30 minute period is called ___________.


What are the three adverse drug reactions of pitocin?



Inadvertent activation of vasopressin receptor

This adverse effect of pitocin can lead to fetal distress, placental abruption or uterine rupture.


Treatment with pitocin should be stopped immediately if _____________ are observed, and should only be resumed when tachysystole stops and ___________ return to normal.

Fetal heart changes, fetal heart patterns

Inadvertent activation of the _______________ can lead to excessive fluid retention as an adverse effect of pitocin use

Vasopressin receptor

This adverse effect of pitocin use can lead to hyponatremia, heart failure, seizures and death. Treatment should be stopped immediately if this occurs.

Water intoxication

True or false: the best route of administration for pitocin is in bolus form.

False. You should administer it as a dilute solution at a controlled rate.

What kind of receptor binds to prostagandins?


What is the synthetic version of prostaglandin E2?


What is the synthetic version of prostaglandin F2a?

Carboprost tromethamine

Which prostaglandins/products of COX are involved in uterine muscle contraction?


Low concentrations of PGE2

Which prostaglandins are involved in uterine muscle relaxation?


High concentrations of PGE2

What are the two prostaglandins that have potent oxytocic actions?


Which is a more portent oxytocic PG, PGE2 or PGF2a?


This is the first step in the induction of labor and may initiate labor on its own.

PGE2 vaginal preparation

What effect does PGE2 have on the cervix?


This synthetic PGE1 can be used to ripen the cervix and induce labor.


This PG is administered vaginally, where small amounts are absorbed into the maternal system to stimulate contraction of the uterus


Which PG, PGE2 or PGF2a, has more toxicity in the GI tract (N/V/D) from increased activation of smooth muscle?


PG administration increases uterine sensitivity to _____________, increasing the risk for tachysystole.


This synthetic progestin is administered IM or vaginally to reduce the risk of premature labor in women with a history of preterm labor.

Hydroxyprogesterone caproate

Hydroxyprogesterone caproate can be used between __ and __ weeks gestation to prevent preterm labor.

16, 37

Urticaria, pain and swelling at the injection site and preterm labor are adverse effects of this tocolytic drug.

Hydroxyprogesterone caproate

This non-specific COX inhibitor prevents the conversion of arachidonic acid into prostaglandins, staving off preterm labor between 24-32 weeks.


What is a maternal adverse effect seen with COX inhibitors?

GI distress

What are two fetal adverse effects seen with COX inhibitors?

Premature closure of ductus arteriosus

Decreased fetal urine output --> decreasing amniotic fluid volumes --> oligohydramnios

What are five contraindications to COX inhibitor use as a tocolytic?

Platelet dysfunction/bleeding disorders

Hepatic dysfunction

GI ulcerative disease

Renal dsyfunction


Nifedipine is this type of drug.

Ca2+ channel blocker

Nifedipine inhibits the release of intracellular _________ from the SR, resulting in inhibition of the myosin light chain phosphorylation and myometrial ____________.

Ca2+, relaxatoin

A mother given a Ca2+ channel blocker as a tocolytic agent can experience __________________, resulting in nausea, flushing, headache, dizziness and palpitations.

Peripheral vasodilation

This tocolytic agent can lead to decreased uterine blood flow and decreased fetal O2 saturation.

Ca2+ blocker

This tocolytic agent works by interfering with myosin light chain kinase, which inhibits the interaction between actin and myosin and results in decreased myometrial contraction.

B2 Agonist

Terbutaline is this type of tocolytic agent.

B2 agonist

The target cells of B2 agonists can become desensitized, leading to a decreased drug effect known as __________.


Terbutaline should be used no longer than __ to __ hours.


B2 agonists can also activate maternal B1 receptors, increasing/decreasing maternal HR and SV.


Stimulation of B2 receptors in other places aside from the uterus can lead to vasodilation/constriction, diastolic hyper/hypotension, and bronchial constriction/relaxation.

Vasodilation, diastolic hypotension, bronchial relaxation

The combination of a B2 agonist's action on both B1 and B2 receptors can lead to maternal ___________, palpitations and lower _______.

Tachycardia, BP

What adverse effect does a B2 agonist have on the fetus?


This drug's MOA in tocolysis is unknown, but it is thought to inhibit myosin light chain kinase activity in order to reduce myometrial contraction.

Magnesium Sulfate

Maternal side effects from magnesium sulfate include (list two)

Diaphoresis, flushing

Fetal side effects from magnesium sulfate include _____________. It is considered pregnancy category _.

Bone abnormalities, D

This is a marker for bone formation that is decreased with maternal use of magnesium sulfate.


These three drugs are used in combination to abort an early pregnancy.

Mifeprostone (RU-486)



The oral route for mifeprostone, PGE1 and misoprostol is preferred to vaginal because of a decreased risk for _________.


This combination of PGs can be used to abort a pregnancy in the 1st or 2nd trimester by promoting uterine contractions.


A vaginal suppository of this drug at a dose much higher than that used for induction of labor is used for 2nd trimester abortion.


IM administration of _________ is used for 2nd trimester abortion and postpartum hemorrhage unresponsive to conventional treatment.


This drug rapidly crosses the placenta and causes apnea and sedation in a newborn.


Lipid soluble/polar drugs cross the placenta more readily.

Lipid soluble

Polar compounds can cross the placenta if ____________ are high enough.

Maternal fetal concentrations

Smaller/larger MW drugs cross the placenta more readily.


What is the anticoagulant of choice used in pregnancy and why?

Heparin; larger MW than warfarin

Doesn't cross placenta as readily

True or false: large molecules can cross the placenta through drug transport molecules.


Sulfonamides, barbiturates, phenytoin and local anesthetics have a much lower __________ of fetal fetal proteins, resulting in more free drug in the fetal blood.

Binding affinity

Ionized/unionized drugs can become trapped in a compartment (such as the fetus or placenta) because they cannot cross the membranes.


The stage of fetal and placental ___________ at the time of drug exposure is crucial to whether or not the drug will affect the fetus.


The placenta and the fetal liver are capable of __________ and activating certain drugs, which may lead to the buildup of the toxic products of this process.


What is an example of a substance that can be metabolized into a toxic metabolite in the placenta or fetal liver?


Drugs that enter the umbilical artery return to the placenta and may be shunted back to the _____________ and metabolized.

Umbilical vein

This drug, when taken by the mother, can stimulate fetal lung maturation when a premature delivery is expected.


This drug, when taken by the mother, induces fetal hepatic enzymes responsible for the glucuronidation of bilirubin. It is administered to reduce the incidence of jaundice.


This drug is administered to an HIV positive mother to reduce transmission of the virus to the fetus.


GI/respiratory distress, fever and high pitched cries are neonatal withdrawal symptoms witnessed when the mother has chronically used _________ during pregnancy.


ACE inhibitor use in pregnancy may result in significant and irreversible ________ damage in neonates.


This drug is a synthetic estrogen that used to be prescribed to reduce pregnancy complications. However, it has been found to interfere with the reproductive system of a developing fetus when used in the first 5 months of pregnancy, leading to clear cell carcinoma of the vagina and cervix of female babies and future problems with fertility.

Diethylstilbestrol (DEB)

Which drug, when taken during pregnancy, can lead to clear cell carcinomas in the vagina/cervix of female infants?


Vitamin A __________ are considered teratogenic in pregnancy.


Isotretinoin and etretinate are examples of ___________ that are teratogenic in pregnancy.

Vitamin A analogs

Folic acid supplementation reduces ___________ defects.

Neural tube

True or false: even a single exposure to a teratogenic drug can affect fetal structures undergoing rapid development at the time of exposure.


Exposure to a teratogenic drug must occur during the ________________ for particular high risk site of teratogenic effect.

Critical time in development

This drug used to be administered to treat morning sickness until it was found to produce numerous birth defects, such as flipper-like appendages.


This syndrome can result in fetal death, abnormal facial features, growth problems and CNS problems. It can also result in learning, memory, attention span, communication, vision and hearing problems.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

This disorder results in intellectual disabilities, behavior problems, learning impairment and poor school performance associated with math, memory, attention, judgment and impulse control.

Alcohol related neurodevelopmental disorder

Problems with these four organs/processes occur as alcohol-related birth defects.





This pregnancy category indicates a drug is safe because controlled studies have failed to demonstrate a risk to the fetus.


This pregnancy category indicates a drug has not shown fetal risk in animal studies, but no human studies have been conducted.


Some studies show animal risk, but studies in 1st trimester women have not shown problems.


This pregnancy category indicates that animal studies have revealed adverse effects, but there have been no controlled studies on humans. Drugs in this category should only be given if potential benefits justify potential risk.


This pregnancy category indicates that there is positive evidence of human risk, but benefits may be acceptable despite the risk in life threatening situations or with serious diseases for which safer drugs are ineffective.


This pregnancy category indicates that fetal abnormalities have been observed in both human and animal studies. The risk of these drugs far outweighs possible benefits, and they are contraindicated in women who are or may become pregnant.


Sick, preterm infants exhibit irregular drug absorption following IM administration due to decreased ___________.


Improved _____________ may result in a sudden unpredictable and toxic increase in the amount of IM drug entering circulation.


Full term infants' gastric acid secretion begins shortly after birth and increases over time, but preterm infants secrete it more slowly, with gastric acid levels peaking at 4 days after birth. This affects the ability to give ______ medications.


_____________ in infants may be prolonged, so drugs absorbed in the stomach may be absorbed more completely than in adults.

Gastric emptying

Since gastric emptying is prolonged in infants, especially those who are preterm, drugs absorbed in the _____________ may take longer to show benefit.

Small intestine

Neonates have a higher/lower percentage of body weight in the form of water.


______________ water is 40% of the body weigh t in neonates, which is important when determining concentration of drugs at receptor sites. It is especially important when considering water soluble drugs.


Most neonates exhibit ____________ during the first 24-48 hours of life, causing the initial weight loss.


Protein binding of drugs is increased/decreased in neonates, increasing/decreasing amount of free drug in the blood.

Decreased, increasing

If free drug concentration in neonates is increased, it also leads to increased drug _________ and __________.

Effect and toxicity

Some drugs compete with ____________ on albumin, leading to jaundice.


Excess bilirubin can cross the BBB and cause ______________, which is extreme jaundice, slow startle reflex and poor sucking.


GFR is higher/lower in newborns than adults.


GFR reaches adult values by _ to _ months.


True or false: toddlers have lower GFR than adults.

False. It is much higher, causing a shorter drug half life

Does indomethacin promote closure or maintain the ductus arteriosus?

Promotes closure

Does prostaglandin E1 promote closure or maintain the ductus arteriosus?


Nursing mothers should take medication __ to __ minutes after nursing or _ to _ hours prior to nursing.

30-60, 3-4

Are caffeine and aspirin safe to take while breastfeeding?


Codeine use while breastfeeding has a variable effect on the infant; mothers with ultrarapid metabolisms produce high levels of _________ through CYP2D6


These two drugs have a significant effect on a nursing infant and can result in neonatal narcotic dependence.

Heroin, methadone

What effect can tetracycline have on a nursing infant?

Staining of developing teeth