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149 Cards in this Set

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Who are David Life´s and Sharon Gannon´s 3 main Gurus from whom the Jivamukti lineage stems?
Swami Nirmalananda, Shri K. Pattabhi Jois, Shri Brahmananda Sarasvati
What is the primary course requirement for this Jivamukti Yoga teacher trainin course?
To show up, be present and listen
What is the importance of listening in this course?
To become receptice and then be able to hear, to start the process of knowing, in otder to become and be what we truly are.
What is aarti?
Aarti is a light offering ritual usually performed at the beginning or at the end of a sat-sang or worship. First the light is waved to the images of the Gods and Teachers on the altar, and then shared with all people present, to remind us of the same Light which is withing us.
What is the purpose of an altar?
To help us to focus on our spiritual practice. It is personal, and adding only items of deep meaning to us (and offerings, and costant care) helps to create a highly spiritually charged environment.
What is Yoga?
Yoga means union. It comes from the Sanskrit root "Yug" to yoke, unit, One cannot do Yoga, Yoga is our natural state, which is bliss, Samadhi.
What is the Jivamukti Yoga method?
it is a path to Enlightment that focuses on compassion towards all living Beings. Jivamukti Yoga approach is radical.
What does the word Jivamukti means?
It originates from two Sankrit words: Jivan (=individual Soul) and Mukti (=liberation). It means living liberated. A Jivamukta is one who is liberated while still living.
What are the 5 tenets of Jivamukti Yoga?
1- Shastra: study of the ancient scriptures
2- Ahimsa: non-violence towards all Beings & Mother Earth (focus on Veganism)
3- Bhakti: devotion / God - Self-realization is the goal of the practice
4- Dhyana: meditation, turning inward to our eternal Self
5- Nada: developing a sound body & mind through deep listening
What are the 14 points to be covered in a Jivamukti "open level" class?
1- Vinyasa (min. 5 mnutes of Surya Namaskar - Jivamukti variations - movemt & breath linked together with a set higher intention
2- side bendings 5 breaths per side (Trikonasana or equivalent --> supported side bendings)
3- twisting 5 breaths per side (Ardha Matsyendrasana or Parivritta Parshavokanasana)
4- Inversions min- 5 minutes (Adho Mukha Vrikshasana, Pincha Mayurasana or Shirshasana
5- Bhujangasana or Shalabhasana, 5 breaths
6- Dhanurasana, or Ushtrasana or rabbit, twice, 5 breaths each time
7- Urda Dhanurasana, min. 3 times, 5 breaths each time
8- Paschimottasanasa, min. 10 breaths
9- Purvottasanasa, or table top or half wheel, 5 breaths
10- Sarvangasana/Halasana or Viparita Karani, 5 minutes min.
11- Marsyasana or Supta Baddha Konasana, 10 breaths
12- Shavasana, min. 10 minutes
13- Meditation, min. 5 minutes
14- spiritual teaching from the Focus of the month, 5 minutes
What are the 6 standardized Jivamukti Yoga class formats?
1- Basic
2- Beginner Vinyasa
3- Meditation
4- Open Class
5- Spiritual Warrior
6- ICP (In class private)
What is the Jivamukti Yoga method of meditation?
it is a Mantra method of meditation. The focus is on the Mantra "let go". Whit every inhale say mentally "let"., with every exhale "go". it is instructed in the 3 steps.
What are the 3 steps to meditation?
1- Choose your seat
2- Be still
3- Focus
Why chant OM at the beginning and end of each class?
Om ist the unstruck sound. A sound that is ever re-creating and connect us to our divine Source. It is the most sacred mantra, and at the same time it means nothing per-sé (cannot be linked to any religion).
Translate lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu.
English translation: May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and my the thoughs, words and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and freedom for all.
lokah = location, realm
samastah = sama(same) / stah(standing, steady)
sukhino = suk(sugar, sweet, at ease)
bhavantu = bhav(Divine mood/ unconditional love) antu(=May this be so! - because i said it)
Translate atha yoganusasanam
English translation: now this is Yoga as i have observed in the real world.
Atha= now, right now living, not arcaic
Anu= tiny little thing
sasanam= coplete instruction
Describe the us of props and give a few examples.
They help to expand and stabilize the Asanas and the breath. For example we can use blocks in side bendings and forward bendings to aid the practicioner. We can use props in restorative and relaxation asanas such as Shavasana (with rolled blankets under the knees for example) or Supta Boddha Konasana (blankets under the thigs, belt around the sacrum & feet)
Define sadhana
it is a consisted committed and conscious spiritual practice. The aim is Self-Realization.
Sad= to sit, to be
Dhana= to donate, to offer without expecting anything in return
Define sadhaka
Sadhaka is a person engaged in sadhana. A spiritual practicioner on the path of Self-realization, out of love and compassion.
Define satsang
A gathering of holy beings talking about elevated topics, and scriptures. It is the more important yoga practice because it brings people together, creating a sense of community. A gathering of people seekin the Truth and who believes that it is possible to achieve Self-realization.
Name the principle shat karm kriyas according to the Hathayogapradipika
1- Dhauti = tongue scraping
2- Basti = colonic and enemas
3- Neti = jala neti -> salty water pot nostrils / sutra neti --> cateter nose-mouth
4- Trataka = staring at the light without blinkin (candlelight)
5- Nauli = churning (stomach)
6- Kapalabhati = skull shining (breathing)
Translate Kapalabhati, agni sara, nauli and trataka
kapa (skull) bhati (shine)= shining skull
agni (fire) sara (agitation/washing)= washin with fire
nauli = churning
trataka = gaze/fixing
Compare kapalabhati, bhastrika and breath of fire
bhastrika= forceful inhalation and exhalation
kapalabhati = forceful exhalation, then relaxation
breath of fire= timber of the diaphragm
in what direction does the diaphragm move on inhale?
in what direction does the diaphragm move on exhale?
Name the five bony parts of the spine
1- cervical vertebrea (7)
2- thoracic vertrebea (12)
3- lumbar vertrebea (5)
4- sacral vertrebea (5 - fused)
5- coccyx bone (4 - fused) or tailbone
What is Yoga according to Patanjali? Cite the second sutra from the first chapter of the Yoga Sutra. Give word for word translation plus interpretation.
Interpretation: When you stop identifying with your thoughts, fluctuations of the mind, then there is Yoga. identity with the Self, which is samadhi, happiness, bliss and ecstasy.
yogash= yoga (union, samadhi)
chitta = content of the mind
vritti = whirling of the mind
chitta-vritti = fluctuations of the mind stuff
nirod = to cease, to drop
nirodaha = time stopping, letting go
According to Swami Sivananda what are the result of karma yoga?
it breaks the veil, removes the crust and causes expansion of the heart. it purify the heart. This leads to the realization of Oneness.
Define R.I.C.E.
it is the the standard first aid procedure for acute injury.
R=rest (no stress/weight on the injury)
I= ice (until the injury is numb)
C= compress
E= elevate (the area above the heart)
Translate vinyasa. krama and kshana
Vinyasa (Vi = order / nyasa=placement)= ordered sequence placed in a special way (consciously, like i mean it)
krama= understood sequence of events from the beginning to the end
kshana= smallest tinest moment. Krama is formed by the sequence of kshanas next to another
Why is surya namaskar important? When should it be practiced?
(in vinyasa krama) Because it establishes the intention of the entire practice. it is a prayer to the earth and all earthly Beings, and the heavens. As yogi we wish to live in harmony with all creation. Performing surya namaskar we experience the nature of the eternal in everything. It should be practiced at the beginning of the practice.
What are the 5 key elements of vinyasa krama?
1- intention
2- breath
3- movement
4- bandha
5- gaze
Where does the world we see come from, and how do our thoughts affect the world we live in?
the world as we see it is a mirror of our internal world, which originates in past experiences and mental impressions. these create patterns and repetitions of experiences in our own life. Our thoughts shape the world we live in as they limit the field of possibilities and re-create known situations by the mind(eg. "I see" only what "I know")
how do we go beyond our thoughts?
putting ourselves in the witness position. Meditating. And after meditating (on a regulare practice) keep a diary, contemplate the thoughts, see and analyze which patterns are recurring (which emotions do they stir up?), and let them go.
what is meant by the term shakshi?
Sakshi means witness, observing without judgement, not follow and not holding on the thoughts.
Why should we meditate?
We meditate to stop identify ourselves with our thoughts. Our intention is Self-realization. By practicing regularly meditation we are willing to surrender our outcome of our practice.
What is Patanjali ´s one step method for the attainment of yoga?
YS 1.23 isvara-pranidhanad va
By giving your life and identity to God, you attain the identity of God.
isvara=God/your choice of the Lord
pranidhanad= offer your prana, your life
va= yes!!
what is the aim of all yoga practice?
it is Self-realization, union with God, our true nature
is Yoga a religion?
No! a religion sees God in a certain way/form, through a codified religious system.
Yoga is a spiritual practice, and must come from someone´s prana ("life force", from the heart). Every practicioner perceives God according to his/her Love.
list the 14 principles of assists
1- Set the intention, focus
2- a moving body
3- cultivate trust & patience
4- speak up
5- demonstration
6- props
7- the magic touch
8- stop, look and listen
9- establish the seat
10- find space- move in
11- assist energy flow
12- isotonic & isometric strenghtening
13- continuity
14- assist the breath
What are the 4 main types of yoga?
Jnana Yoga (the Yoga of the intellect, "who am I?")
Bhakti Yoga (the Yoga of the devotion, of the heart)
Karma Yoga ( Yoga of action, selfless service)
Raja Yoga (yoga of Being, 8 steph path - kingly path, the ashtanga yoga of Patanjali: yamas, niyamas, asana, pranayama, pratihara, dharana, dhyana, samadhi)
what is meant by integrated yoga?
it is the combination of all 4 types of Yoga, looking for the thread that unifies them all. Jivamukti Yoga is a kind o integrated Yoga.
Put the following groups of asanas in a correct sequence; from easy to more complex
1 Dhanurasana, Shalabhasana, Urdhva Dhanurasana
2 Adho Mukha Vrikshasana, Tadasana, Virabhadrasana II,
3 Uttanasana, Janushirshasana, Paschimottanasana
1 Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, Urdhva Dhanurasana
2 Tadasana, Virabhadrasana II, Adho Mukha Vrikshasana
3 Uttanasana, Paschimottanasana, Janushirshasana
Where does the urge to dominate, subjugate or exploit another come from?
it comes from many factors, the main being "disconnection" and ignorance (avidya). Ignoring that we are all connected and with the false belief (culture, society) to be a superior race, that the Earth and its Earthlings belong to us. Ultimately it stems from low self-esteem which draws people to exploit another being for his/her selfish purposes (dress, taste, enterntainment)
Why do humans feel the need to wear fur or the skins of animals?
Mainly because of low self-esteem. They want to appear important and empowered. Again they are conditioned by society and living in Avidya (ignorance) ignoring or wanting to ignore the pain they cause, and sometimes not even questioning the issue
Give a word-for-word translation and an interpretation of sthira - sukham asanam, and give a brief commentary
The connection with the Earth should be steady and joyful.
sthira= steady, consisten (sth = to stand)
sukham = joy-filled (comfortable, at ease)
asanam= seat ( as(s)=to seat )
Commentary: the relationship with the earth and all its living Beings should be stable and at ease (mutually beneficial).
Why are standing asanas important, and what is the most basic and important standing asana and why?
Because they ground us, they connect us to the earth and create a solid foundation. Standing asanas are related to the first chakra (Muladhara) wich karmic aspects are: mother-father-family-people present in my childhood, money-job-boss-colleagues, home-house-country-earth....
the most basic and important standing asana is Tadasana (mountain pose), because it creates a solid base and its principles are reflected, in all other asanas. If there isn´t a good foundation, then all other relationships (eg the other chakra) are compromised.
What does the term guru means?
gu= darkness (ignorance) ru= remover. The enlightenement principle within us and surrounding us anytime.
name the 6 classical philophical schools of india or shad dharshan
1) Yoga (Patanjali)
2)Sankhya (Kapila)
3) Vaisheshika (Kanada)
4) Nyaya (Gautama)
5) Purva Mimansa (Jaimini)
6) Vedanta (Vyasa)
tat twam ais
that thow art
aham Brahmasmi
I am Brahman
I am that
define Vedas
Knowledge, old written scripture (Rig, Yajmr, Sama, Atharva)
Define Upanishads and Vedanta
Vedanta = end of knowledge, long spiritual teachings
Upanishads (108 texts)= essence of the Vedanta in form of poems, sutras, mystic stories (exploring the nature of the Soul)
the 5 exponents (acharyas) of Vedanta
1 Shankar
2 Ramanaja
3 Madhva
4 Nimbarka
5 Vallaba
role of Sansrkit language in yoga practice
Sanksrit is the language of Yoga. All the important scriptures are in Sanskrit as well as the Asanas´ names. it is a highly refined science of vibration. Sanskrit drwa in to then pull out. The sound (Nada) purifying everything.
Define Brahman
it is the source of everything, all that exist, the ultimate reality
define Maya
Maya means illusion (illusory nature of the phenomenal world)
Maya has 2 powers: to veil brahman and to reveal the world of form. Maya confuses us and make us identify with body & mind
define Jiva
Jiva is the individual Soul. still bound to Maya, subject to the gunas. ignoraNT of its true nature which is Brahman
define atman
it is the cosmic soul, pure consciousness, state of absolute joy. it is unborn and deathless
the 3 gunas
- Sattva= steadyness, lightness, happiness, pure, balanced
- Rajas= active, stimulate, attach
- Tamas= slowing down, sluggish, sleepy, confused, heavy, dark
Name and describe the 3 state of consciousness
Jagrat: the waking state, objective reality
Swapna: dream state, subjectice reality (dreams are made of our thoughts)
Sushupti= deep sleep, no thoughts, the Jiva is merged with Brahman
the stateless 4th state
Turiya= Samadhi, superconsciousness
the 3 Shariras (bodies) and the 5 koshas (sheats
- Sthula Sharira (heavy phsycal body)
> Annamaya kosha (body made up of the 5 elements)

- Sukshma Sharma (Astral body)
> Pranamaya Kosha = life force
> Manomaya Kosha = heart mind, body of emotion
> Vijnanamaya Kosha = intellect/ego self

- Karana Sharma (seed body)
> Anandamaya Kosha = bliss covering
yoga practice and koshas?
Annamaya K= indirectly purified by Asana and Nadam
Pranamaya Kosha = purified by pranayama and asana, mudra. bandha, nadam
Manomaya Kosha = purified by satsang, chanting, yamas, karma yoga
Vijnanamaya Kosha = purified by satsang, niyamas, sanskrit, self- inquiries
the 2 paths of yoga
Maryada Marg= path of effort (Hatha yoga)
Pushti Marg= path of grace (Bhakti Yoga)
Define ishvara
God, the form of the Lord
from the root "kr" to do/act. Karma is the chain of action and the reaction, subject to the law of action (can be thoughts, words and physical deeds) and the law of cause and effect
3 types of karma
- Sanchitta karma = karma of past actions
- Prarabdha karma= karma of present incarnation
- Agami karma= future actions
the karmic seeds present in our karmic account, at some point the seeds will ripe.it determines the character of the jiva
instant karma?
no, there needs to be time between the action and the ripen of the seeds (even through different lifetimes)
veganism in yoga practice?
Veganism is a mean of practicing the Yamas
it means Peace without borders and conditions, alwaya present within me, my naturale state. to achieve that: purify all body and remove Avidya
4 ways of karma
1) is certain
2) expands (ripple effect)
3) if you do it it will come back to you
4) if you do not do it, it won´t come back to you
practice to resolve old karmas?
freeing ourselves from avidya and asmita (identification with the ego), go beyond our built identity
what does determine the result of any action?
the intention behind! the mindset is more important than the outer activity
what is karma yoga?
the yoga of selfless service , not attacched to the fruits of the result, neither for myself not for the recipient . the focus is on God and to create union
Patience and bad karma
it is natural and necessary to stop identifying with the ego, it created space between action and reaction
prana = life force, to restrict (prana+yama) or to set free (prana + ayama) the life force.
4 parts of the breath
1 inhale (puraka or abhyantara)
2 held inside (antar-kumbhaka)
3 exhale (Rechaka)
4 exhale and hold out (Bahya-Kumbhaka)
nose breathing / mouth breathing
nose adds humidity, better control of the breath
through the mouth air escape easily
pranayama and social activism?
it is a source of energy and give the necessary vitality for activism
tubes or wires (energetic channels) through which the prana flows in the subtle body
the 5 winds or prana Vayus
1 Prana Vayu : from the diaphragm to the base of the throat
2 Apana Vayu: downwards, navel to feet
3 Samana Vayu: Space between navel and diaphragm, back and forth like a pendulum
4 Udana Vayu: up, base of the throat to top pf the head
5 Vyana Vayu: flows in all directions
asaNA affect nadis and flow of prana?
balance the 2 main energies in the body, raise consciousness
bandhas + location
1 Mula Bandha= root lock contract perineum for men/ vaginal walls for women. lift from pubc bone to navel, apply anytime
2 Uddyana Bandha= flowing up lock, abdomen drwan in and up, only on exhale retention
3 Jalandhara Bandha= net lock, nadis in the neck and in the throat, bring chest to chin
4 Maha Bandha= 1+2+3
5 Brahma Bandha= fixing mind on God
bandhas and yoga practice
prana flows correctly , help the energy to flow in the central channel up to the 3rd eye (Samdhi)
knots which prevents prana to flow, they can be pierced through the nadis
name and describe the granthis
Brahm granthi > base of the spine , fight or flight, prevent correct development of personality
Vishnu Granthi > between Manipura and Anhata chakra , can make one selfish
Rudra Granthi > between heart and 3rd eye : heart and feat, when pierced "others" disappear
2 categories of pranayama
samavritti = equal
visamavritti = unequal
when u stop harming others...
others cease to harm you
if you stop lying to others...
the words are listened to and acted upon in a positiveand immediate manner. Able to say what they mean, what ones say come true
stop stealing from others...
prosperity (material, mental, spiritual) appers
stop misusing others sexually...
one obtains enduring vitality resulting in good health
stop being greedy...
one obtain knowledge of why one was born
listening a yogic practice
process of refinement, we refine our inner listening . all nada yoga practice is about raising consciousness
whaT is kirtan?
call & response sinsing . we sing the name and to God. it means cut through the mundane thinking mind. it is bhakti practice.
Chakra 1
Muladhara, root place, red, coccyx, LAM, standing/balances, karmic: family, home, boss, money, job, earth...
Chakra 2
Svadhishthana, her favorite standing place, orange, sacrum, VAM, forward bends, hip openers, karmic: romantic, sexual, creative partners
Chakra 3
Manipura, jewel in the city, yellow, lumbar, RAM, twists,karmic: others you have hurt
Chakra 4
Anahata, unstruck, green, thoracic, YAM, backbends, karmic: others who have hurt me
Chakra 5
Vishuddha, pure, blue, HAM, cervicaL,shoulderstand/plough/fish, karmic: see myself as holy being
Chakra 6
Ajna, command center, violet, OM, skull, child´s pose, karmic: guru/teacher
Chakra 7
Sahasrara, 1000 petaled, luminous, OM, subtle nervous system, shirshasana, karmic: god/the divine
nadi and the 3 primary ones
nadi are channels through which prana flows
Ida= left- moon (feminine)
Pingala = right - sun (masculine)
Sushumna= center (ray of light)
what is Kundalini
consciousness/perception, dormant snake coiled at the base of the spine (muladhara chakra). As consciousness begins to rise, throught the central channel upwards, Kundalini ascends up to the 3rd eye ( leads to enlightenement)
when prana out of sushudna?
through self-centered actions & how we treat ourselves (ida) and others (pingala)
practices to bring back energy to central channel: chakra balancing asanas, chanting
define hatha yoga
ha= sun tha=moon, "code words" for self & others, practices to join sun & moon, to overcome separation, to purify the relation wit me & others.
what is magic?
magic is a shift in perception
what is Patanjali´s advice to prserve the innate serenity of the mind?
YS 1.33 a yogin should be happy for those that are happy, be compassionate toward those who are unhappy, be delighted for those who are virtuous, and be indifferent toward the wicked.
fear and contraction of the psoas?
psoas is connected to the fight or flight reflex, therefore is contracted in people who are scared, anxious, angry. Stretching and lenghten help to release feeling of fear in that area (sitting on a chair does not hekp)
describe Ujjayi
it is a form of Samavritti pranayama (equal breathing), best for asana & vinyasa, require application of mula bandha!
what qualify a person top teach yoga?
Lineage, integrity, serve others & God, humility
yoga teacher = spiritual teacher/guide?
yes, teaching cosmic teachings (how to attain enlightenement) ..at the end s(he is just channels for teachings that were already there
according to Shri Krishnamachary, 3 things make good yoga teacher?
- lineage
- practice (daily)
- sincere liking of people
how should a teacher perceive the students?
as holy beings
an incarnation of Adisesha, demigod, 1000 heads serpent, around 200 bc
what s yoga sutra?
the written barest essentials to get enlightened through yoga (short & concentrated pearls of wisdom, divided into 4 chapters)
5 movements of mindstuff in the yoga sutra
thy can be klishta (painful) or aklishta (not painful)
- Pranama = god knowledge
- Viparata = misconception
- Vikalpa = verbal delusion / imagination
- Nidra = sleep
- Smritayah = memory
shraDDha in the yoga sutra?
ishvara in the yoga sutra?
Form of the Lord, God is OM
9 interruptions from practice by Patanjali?
- Vyadhi = disease
-Styana = dullness
- Samshaya = doubt
- Pramada = carelessness
- Alasya = lazyness
- Avirath = sensuality
- Bhrantidarshana = false perception
- AlabdhabhumikaTVa = failure to reach firm ground
- Anavasthitatvani = slipping down from the ground
symptoms interruption of Practice according to Patanjali?
- Duka = darkness
- Daurmanasya = doubt
- Angam Ejayatva = unsteadiness of the body
- Shvast Prashvasa = irregular breathing
2nd chapter of yoga sutra
Sadhana Pada = on practices
3 ingredients for Patanjali Kria yoga?
Tapah = heat / pain as purification
Svadhyaya = study of the self
ishvara Pranidhanani = devotion to god
5 Kleshas
Avidya = ignorance
Asmita = ego
Raga = craving
Dvesa = preference/dislike
Abhinivesah = fear of death
Raja yoga system?
8 steps plan to enlightement
8 limbs of raja yoga
Yama = restraints
Niyama = observances
Asana = connection to the earth
Pranayama = life force control
Pratyahara = tutning senses inwards
Dharana = concentration
Dhyana = meditation
Samadhi = bliss
Ahimsa = non harming
Satya = truthfullness
Asteya = Non stealing
Brahmacharya = continence
Aparigraha = greedlessness
Shauca = cleanliness
Santosha = contentment
Tapas = discipline
Svadhyaya = study of the self
Ishavarapranidhana = devotion to god
protection of the mind, man=mind tra=traNSCEND. a certain sound which has a certain resul
many times repetition of mantra
3rd chaper of yoga sutra?
Vibhuti Pada chapers on powers
merged wih the absolute / shining through
one. dharana + dhyana + samadhi together
super powers resultimg from yoga practice
4th chapter of yoga sutra?
kaivalya = the chapter on absolute freedom
siddhis revealed through?
birth, drugs, mantra, tapah, saMAdhi
vastu samyhe...?
vastu = real objec
samye= being the same
citta = mind
bhedat = from the differences
tayor = of these 2
vibhakth = different
panthah= the path
darshana, sparshana, prashan and nadi pariksha?
darshana= look at the student
sparshana= touch
prashan= inquiry
nadi pariksha= pulse diagnose
5 models of integrations for the yogis?
the 3 gunas, the 5 elements, the 7 chakras, 3 bodies, 8 limbs
hatha yoga?
ha sun, tha moon, merging of the opposites, code words for "me" and "others"
hatha yoga pradipika?
light on hatha yoga (pra= forward, dipika = light (torch)) purify the body first, then the mind
Bhagavad Gita and Arjuna?
song of God, surrender the results to god, renounce the fruits of your actions. overcome all selfish tendencies, be kind to all
what s bhumi and what are bhumikas?
bhumi= place/ level of existence
bhumikas= 7 levels/ steps that describe the enlightened liberated being (development of wisdom found in Vashishtha´s Yoga, teacher of Rama)
pavritti marga /nivritti marga
pavritti marga: path of activity , material world as ultimate source of happiness
nivritti marga: path of cessation, nivritti to enter the bhumikas
7 bhumikas
subhechcha = good will
vicharana = right inquiry
tanumanasi = thinning out the mind
sattvapatti = attainment of purity
asamshakti = leaning away from the world
padartha bhavana = disappearance of visible form
turya= perpetual samadhi
4 means to attain subhechcha
viveka = discrimination
vairagya = non attachment
shadsampat = 6 virtue
mumukshutva = burning desire for liberaration
6 virtues shadsampat
sama= control of the mind
dama= control of the senses
uparathi= mental poise
titiksha= equanimity
shraddha= faith
samadana= concentration on Brahman