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25 Cards in this Set

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"When something doesn't insists on being noticed, when we aren't grabbed by the collar or struck on the skull by a presence or an event, we take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude"

To be used to someone or something , therefore you cannot recognize their true value.

By struck of luck there were people around, so they throw me a lifeline, and rescue me.

Something good happened by chance ./ something help you in difficult or dangerous situation.

I will sketch out some of the benefits as well as the drawbacks of ....

To give a general description of something

I didn't have the foggiest clue about the benefits of reading books, I was in the dark until I told my self that I must give it a shot and see....

To not know or understand something at all.

Surfing the Internet without anti-virus can be a minefieald of hacks and glitches.

A dangerous situation that contains a lot of hidden problems.

There is a handful of alternative energies, such as solar power, nuclear power, hydroelectric energy, wave energy, natural gas, geothermal, wind energy, and tide energy.

Other sources of energy.

We are falling prey to imitate famous characters. Nevertheless, Although there are some celebrities who are reputable, others have notorious habits, so people aren't the same.

Known to be honest and to do good work.

Nobody believes in me. Nevertheless, I did it anyway, and I guess I've hit the bullseye by doing so

Idiom like hit the nail on the head.

In the mean time I'm as strong as an ox

Extremely strong 💪 possessing great physical strength

The space shuttle collided with a comet, which resulted in the wreckage in the atmosphere.

To hit something violently.

Social media is a double-edged sword

Have both advantages and disadvantages

They didn't want to workout, but I twisted their arms to do so.

To persuade someone to do something.

My mother could make everything from scratch . She has a magic touch.

From the beginning, without using anything already exists//A special ability to do something very well

There are two prominent types of motivators. First and foremost, intrinsic, and the second one is extrinsic.


A diamond is merely a chunk of coal that handled pressure exceptionally well under difficult circumstances . Apart from that, money doesn't grow on trees. Therefore, we must do all best to be like a diamond, since the sky is the limit.

.there's no limit

Moat girls like to style their hairs in various ways, but the common ones are,curly, ponytail, braids


You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs. Therefore, we must look at the big picture.

It's hard to achieve something important without causing unpleasant effect.

We must accept people, warts and all

Including all the bad qualities and features.

I want to spread my wings as far as travelling overseas, and this develop a sense of wanderlust in my blood, because I am a busy body, I want to learn about people from various nations as well as backgrounds.

A strong desire to travel.

Many people want to get the prize without even willing to pay the price, expecting to get everything on a silver platter. It requires a no-brainer to know that nothing great comes easy.

To get something very easily, without having to work for it.

By providing more food and beverages, organisations would be able to cater to people's necessities.

To provide what's wanted or needed by someone or something.

I used to have a devil may care attitude. You know breaking the rules, cutting corners, and do crazy stuff, such as going to abandoned houses in the middle of the night with some of my peers. However, everything is completely altered I'm now a humble, wise,and peaceful person,and now I don'tbreak the rules anymore I just bend them, for instance .....

Not considering or worrying about the results of your action./ do the thing is a fastest and easiest way.

While males gravitate towards.....() , girls have a tendency to...(). Although it sounds always true, there are some of them goes against gender stereotype, for instance ....


As far as I'm concerned, the vast majority of people acknowledge that the best sports for shaping a body are bodybuilding, calisthenics, crossfit, and HIIT.

In my opinion , regarding...

Companies are looking for the cutting edge of technology to attract more consumers.

The most modern stage of development in a particular type of work or activity.