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28 Cards in this Set

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Who are the 9 Supreme Court Justices?
Kennedy, Alito, Sotomayer, Roberts, Thomas, Ginsburg, Scalia, Stevens, Brever
What is the purpose of the Court System?
To determine innocence or guilt, to punish, to implement policy (SCOTUS)
What are the levels of Courts?
Trial, Apellate and SCOTUS
What established the Federal Court system?
Judiciary act of 1789 (constitutional)
How many cases does the SCOTUS hear?
Who are the actors?
Judge, Prosector
Who are the decision makers?
U.S. Department of Justice Guidelines
What are the 3 systems prosecutors use to determine cases?
Legal sufficiency, Trial sufficiency and System sufficiency
What's a defense attorney's job?
To keep defendant out of jail, contradict guilt.
How are you assigned a defense attorney?
Hire one, public defender system, contract system, private firm, assigned council (as needed).
How many pretrial cases go to trial?
How many cases are plead out?
How many of the worlds' trials take place in the US?
When can you opt for a bench trial (3% of trial cases)?
When appearance of defendant is crude, gross offender, or complicated case where evidence is better understood by expert i.e. judge.
What is Doir Dire?
To speak the truth.
What's the difference between a challenge and a preemptory challenge?
Preemptory challenge doesn't need a any legal basis/reason.
Defense gets more preemptory challanges than prosecution...why?
Burden of Proof
What are the goals of sentencing?
Deterance, Rehabilitation, Retribution, Incapacitation.
How many states have the death penalty?
198. _________ Contains detailed descriptions of work packages? a. WBS dictionaries b. Scope of work c. Budget estimates d. Cost estimates
Answer: B
What did SCOTUS say about the Fuhrman v. GA case?
5-4 decision said that the way D.P was administered was unconstitutional.
How many years was there no Death Penalty?
4 years
Gregg v. GA did what?
All capital trials had to be bifurcated and aggravating and mitigating factors had to be considered
What is the average waiting time for Death Penalty?
14 years
Atkins v. VA
can't execute retards
Roper v. Simmons
Can't D.P. juveniles
Kennedy V. Louisiana
cases that don't involve homicide aren't D.P. eligible
Baze v. Reese
Even with all mistakes/botched attempts....lethal injection is okay.