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148 Cards in this Set

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Systems learn, grow, and improve according to the ____ they receive.


A prison is an institution for the incarceration of people convicted of serious crimes, ususally ___.


An institution designed to isolate offenders from society and one another so they could reflect on their misdeeds, repent, and undergo reformation was called a ______.


The social and political climate of the 1960s gave rise to the ______ model of corrections.

crime control

______ are a variety of punishments used by the courts that are more restrictive than traditional probation but less severe and costly than incarcerations.

Intermediate sanctions

Approximately how many Americans are currently incarcerated in a jail or prison?

2 million

As community corrections evolved, prisons were able to be avoided because they were artificial institutions that interfered with the offender's ability to develop _____.

a crime-free lifestyle

Solitary confinement and isolation at night, work in the day

congregate system

Since 1980, a greater proportion of correctional growth has occurred in

probation and parole

The opening of the ______ State penitentiary in Cherry Hill, PA marked the full development of the penitentiary system based on the philosophy of solitary confinement.


Nearly 40% of all offenders are under the correctional control of what 4 states (Big 4)?



-New York


In the US jails are operated mainly by what level of government?


The twin goals of corrections are:

Punishment and protection

During the Colonial Period, jails were mainly used to house

those pending court appearance

Much of the ideas, practices, and principles that are the foundation of the American Criminal Justice System were adopted from what country?


What percent of people born in 2001 will go to prison at some time during their lives?


Until early 1800s, most of our practices came from ______


System of government in which power and responsibilities are split between individual state governments and one national government


Which 2 states have the largest prison populations?

Texas and California

In Bentham's view, criminals were somewhat ______ or unbalanced, lacking the self-discipline to control their passions by reason


Incarceration remains the standard punishment for people who commit ______ crimes


The scientific/forensic development of ____ has enabled many who have been wrongfully convicted and imprisoned to be exonerated


A convicted offender who is imprisoned for a fixed period of time has been given a _____ sentence


Most states have ____ time policies


When an innocent person is found guilty by plea or verdict, it is known as a

wrongful conviction

Punishment of criminals that is intended to be an example to the public and to discourage the commission of offenses by others is known as ____.

general deterrence

_____ is known as the founder of what is know referred to as the Classical school of criminology.

Cesare Beccaria

_____ sentences are usually reserved for certain types of offenders, including violent and serious drug offenses and habitual offenders.


Punishments less severe than prison but more restrictive than traditional probation are ____ sanctions.


The ____ report is a summary prepared by a probation officer who investigates the background of a convicted offender in order to help the judge select an appropriate punishment.


Fines, forfeiture of illegally gained assets, and restitution to victims are all examples of what form of punishment?

Intermediate sanctions

Advocates a type of punishment which is designed to repair losses to the victim and the community while attempting to keep the offender connected to society

Restorative justice

_____ remains the standard punishment for people who commit serious crimes


The presentence report is prepared by a ____

probation officer

The death penalty was used frequently in the ___

Middle Ages

Fines and restitution are examples of ____ sanctions


Deterrence assumes that people think ____ before they act.


Felony courts hear about ____% of all criminal cases.


Which state has the largest death row population?


Which state executes the most death row inmates?


____ are those individuals who are dependent upon a drug or alcohol


People in jail are younger and disproportionately African-American and most are _____


Despite the short stays of inmates in jails, specialized treatment programs designed especially for jails have shown ____ success.


Compared to incarceration, diversion has been shown to be a _____ alternative.


A _______ program program is an alternative to adjudication in which the defendant agrees to conditions set by the prosecutor in exchange for no jail time.

pretrial diversion

The average delay between arrest and sentencing is

more than 6 months

Significant problems facing inmates today:

-Mental health

-substance abuse


-medical needs

-pretrial detainee rights

Supervision style designed in pedlar units and encourages staff and offender interaction; problem with maintaining qualified staff

Direct supervision

Generally, it has been found that building new jails or ____ the capacity of existing facilities has little impact on the problem of crowding


4 new jail design concepts:

-Podular design

-Personal space

-Interaction space

-Direct supervision

The idea behind the American jail system was adopted from ____


Recently there has been a major emphasis on programs to ____ offenders awaiting trial


The ___ system is a system in which jail operations are funded by a set amount paid per day for each inmate held.


Jails are considered to be the ____ of corrections.

entryway to

Jail practices in US descend directly from feudal practices of 12th century ____


____ jail population is awaiting trial


Most jail inmates in US today are

young Caucasian males

About ____ of all jail inmates have a history of mental problems


Jails run by states in (6):

- Connecticut



-Rhode Island



____ is compensation for an injury to society by performance of service

community service

____ is a sum of money that the offender must pay either to the victim or to a public fund for crime victim


_____ was a practice under English Common Law whereby a judge could suspend the imposition or execution of a sentence on a condition of good behavior on the part of the offender

Judicial repreive

______ is based on the goal of punishing the offender as severely as needed to protect the community and to satisfy the public.

community corrections

_____ are a variety of punishments that are more restrictive than probation but less severe and costly than incarceration.

intermediate sanctions

form of probation with conditions that are more strict

intensive supervision program (ISP)

Intermediate sanctions fit the concept of ___ which is a range of punishments that vary in intrusiveness and control

continuum of sanctions

The two most common types of intermediate sanctions used to lessen prison overcrowding in the US are

shock incarceration and boot camps

type of sentence where an offender serves a period of time before being placed on probation

split sentence

When savings from community corrections are used to help build up the crime prevention programs in communities that have the most people under community supervision

justice reinvestment

One way corrections predicts the risk of future criminal behavior

objective risk assessment

Government seizure of property and other assets derived from or used in criminal activity


If an offender falls behind on restitution, they may be sent to a

restitution center

More than 2/3 of people under correctional authority are under

community supervision

Several recent studies indicate that prison is _____ in changing people for the better

not successful

First US probation officer and creator of the term

John Augustus

Variations to home confinement may be possible if they are __ & __

justified & approved

____ are infrequently used in US other than motor vehicle infractions


Law enforcement role emphasizes ___ & ___

surveillance and control

3 types of conditions in probation




The typical ___ prison of the 1940s and 1950s was a walled prison with large tiered cell blocks, a yard, a shop, and industries.

Big House

Historically the Bureau of Prisons has enjoyed a good reputation and has been viewed as an ___ in the field of corrections


The director or the Bureau of Prisons is appointed by the ____


The ___ design is mainly used for maximum-security prisons in the US

telephone pole

The ____ strategy refers to a plan of doing nothing in regard to prison overcrowding, simply because it is assumed the problem is temporary and will disappear in time


Currently the largest racial/ethnic group in state-level US prisons is ____

African American

3 main models of corrections in past 60 years




4 basic prison designs currently in US

-telephone pole




Majority of adult prisons in US are located in ___ areas


Number of people incarcerated in US jails and prisons

2.3 million

Prison design is organized to permit inmates and visitors as much freedom as is consistent with the concept of incarceration

minimum security

Mandatory sentencing laws greatly limit the discretion of judges with regard to the ___

length of sentences for certain offenders

The nation's first prisons were built utilizing the ___ design (modeled after Eastern and Western state penitentiaries)


Dept of Corrections is ___ to control amount of people sent by courts


prison constructed in form of a wheel with spokes radiating from a central core


Prison construction is an explanation for the ____ in US

increased rate of incarceration

Most frequent type of offense of federal prisoners is ___

drug related

In the traditional prison of the big house era, administrators enlisted the assistance of ___ to help maintain order

inmate leaders

The span of ____ refers to the extent of supervision by one person


Much of the American public believes that prisons are run in a ____ manner


The ability to obtain compliance by manipulating symbolic rewards is known as ____ power


Prisons seem to function more ___ now than they have in the past


____ is a management principle holding that a subordinate should report to only one supervisor

unity of comand

Serious violations can earn a prisoners a ____; a disciplinary report forwarded to a higher authority for action


____ power is a way of gaining compliance in exchange for material resources


3 characteristics that underlie prison behavior




Custodial force has graded ranks similar to

the military

Receiving a verbal reprimand as a consequence for breaking an institution rule is an example of a

minor violation

the goals of the ___ model are to "punish offenders - fairly and justly - through lengths of confinement proportionate to the gravity of the offense."


philosophy that tolerates minor infractions and allows inmate leadership; grant and deny privileges to gain compliance of inmates

inmate balance theory

Correction officers must be at least ___ of age


Prison disorder, riots, staff murders, escapes, and inmate homicides are ____ today than in the 1970s and 80s

more rare

Obedience to an order


___ therapy emphasizes personal responsibility for actions and their consequences


Research shows that ___ sexual abuse is linked to HIV/AIDS risk-taking behavior among female prisoners


____ activity among men is one way that HIV is transmitted in prison populations

unprotected sexual

older prisoners make up a ___ portion of the total inmate population


the availability and type of mental health treatment programs ___ from one prison to the next


Those serving at least 20 years

long term offender

Transgender offenders enter prison with a disproportionate amount of (3)

- substance abuse problems

- past physical and sexual victimization

- mental health issues

Rate of confirmed AIDS cases found in US state and federal prisons is ____ times higher than the rate found in the total US population


Due to the rising US health costs, the increasing number of ____ offenders may become a major problem for corrections within the next decade


3 main principles to follow with long-term inmates

- create opportunities for meaningful living

- maximize opportunities for the inmate to exercise choice in living circumstances

- help the inmate maintain contact with the outside world

High risk behaviors that prisoners engage in (3)

-IV drug use

-needle sharing

-unprotected sex

___ % of jail and prison population have symptoms or history of mental health problems


Aim of cognitive approach is:

teach offenders new ways to think about themselves and their actions

Prisons in the US all have ___ testing services for HIV


Mental illness ___ by race, gender, and age


Long term inmates are ____ than those sentenced during the "get tough" era

more youthful

In prison an offender's life may be ___ with better medical care


Administrators believe as much as possible that elderly should:

remain in the general population but with special accommodations

Emphasizes solidarity of inmates against prison staff

inmate code

knowledge of ___ helps us understand inmate society

prison subculture

role of ___ : view prison as brief but inevitable break in incarceration career (career criminal)

"doing time"

role of ___: often have mental health issues, manipulated, adjust poorly, don't fit in other 3 adaptive roles)

"disorganized criminal"

Adaptive roles of inmates (4):

- doing time

- gleaning

- jailing

- disorganized criminal

inmates can buy a limited number of items in exchange for credits against their accounts


women are considered the ___ offenders


women generally receive ___ sentences than men


women are ____ to programs than men

more responsive

women are ____ with status among inmate population than men

less concerned

Sexual misconduct could be:

- touching

- threats

- exposure

More female inmates live with ___ prior to incarceration than men

their children

One of the largest concerns for incarcerated women is the ___ of their children


___ are any formal structured activity that take prisoners out of their cells and perform personal tasks

prisoner programs

___ process by which inmates could be grouped according to custody requirements and program needs


with classification, _____ can then created to meet those requirements


prison purchases machinery and raw materials leads to inmates manufacturing products

Public Account System

most controversial of all prison-based products

rehabilitative programs