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Educational programmes and IQ

Headstart - set up by the US government to provide help for disadvantage children and prepare them to succeed at school, but this only resulted in short term gains of IQ that deteriorates with time.

Abecetarian project - children are given hours of daily supplement schooling 5 years before kindergarten along with nutritional, medical and social support. This resulted in a long term boost of IQ (about 5 points).

Boosting IQ - the Flynn effect

A trend documented by Flynn describes the average increase of IQ of 3 point every 10 years within the population, where the most gain is shown through tests that are not culturally influenced such as the Raven's progressive matrices. Reasons for such increase might be due to

1. better nutrition available, less starvation as the biggest IQ gain had been from those of low and medium intelligence which in part reflected poor nutrition.

2. life became more challenging - as the very act of coping with daily life may have increase IQ as it has become more challenging nowadays due to social media etx, also school may have become more challenging, especially in maths.

3. hybrid vigour - intermarriage between different populations tend to weed out recessive genes that represent intellectual impairment

4. Perhaps the intelligence itself hasn't increased but the kind of rezoning ability used in the test has. Perhaps tech has made people to become more comfortable in abstract thinking needed for these IQ tests and television shows such as sesame Street help children to pay attention and also expose then to tasks that are similar to those in the IQ test very early on

As IQ score rose along with a rise in specific abilities, therefor the g factor had accounted progressively less for the variability in those scores

Success of education programmes

The key ingredients for a successful enrichment programme include teaching kids the strategy for making decisions, organising problems, remembering info, planning and monitoring progress, when to stop and change strategies, detect situations that require particular ways of thinking. The child also needs a mentor who can show them how to improve their problem solving and thinking skills. The enhancement in intellectual skills and social support will help the children succeed at school and at work