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32 Cards in this Set

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Apprendistato, tirocinio

Blue-collar (agg.)

Blue-collar Jobs/manual labour vs white-collar jobs (office jobs)

Dei lavoratori, labouring, working class. (A blue-collar family: famiglia di colletti blu)

A process of trial and error

(Es. Finding a cure is a process of trial and error)

Un processo di prova ed errore

Give yourself something to aim for

Darti qualcosa da puntare, ambire

Make a concerted effort

Fare uno sforzo combinato, coordinato

Set yourself a goal

Poniti un obiettivo


extremely tiring and difficult, and demanding great effort and determination:

Arduous, exhausting (grueling climb, grueling exam)

Rewarding myself with

Ricompensarmi con

Reap the rewards

Raccogliere i frutti

Further my career

Promuovere la mia carriera

Taking a course

Enrol in, study, Frequentare, seguire un corso

Finding It a struggle completing my assignments

Trovarlo uno sforzo, sacrificio il completare i miei compiti

Pretty dry subject

Argomento Abbastanza noioso

I'm broadening my knowledge OF

(In your knowledge

Knowledge of

Acquire knowledge)

Sto espandendo la mia conoscenza di

Vocational education

Educazione che ti prepara al lavoro: tipo le scuole professionali (vocational schools)

Living wage

Enough pay to live on

Enough money to buy the things that are necessary in order to live, such as food and clothes:"He does make a living wage but only by working 72 hours a week."

Job vacancies

Posti liberi di lavoro

Human endeavour

Sforzo, tentativo, impresa umana

Endeavour: an attempt to do something

Physical exertion

Sforzo fisico

Exertion: the use of a lot of mental or physical effort

Strive to achieve

Impegnarsi, adoperarsi, sforzarsi per ottenere

Strive: to try very hard to do something or to make something happen, especially for a long time or against difficulties

The results were consistent with

I risultati erano coerenti, in accordo con...

Looking for a job

Look for vacancies

Apply for a job

Send in a letter of application

Send in a CV and letter of motivation

Go on a job interview

Get offered a job

Accept the job offer


Work full time/ work on a full-time basis/ work a full-time job

Work a nine-to-five job (dalle nove alle cinque, orario classico d'ufficio)

Work lots of overtime

Have flexible working hours

Do shift-work/ work in shifts

Work part time/work on a part-time basis

Work freelance (libero professionista)

Make a living/earn a living (as a teacher/doing teaching)

Be in teaching/banking/catering..

Do voluntary work/ to volunteer

Do some work on the side/ have some side-jobs (lavoro aggiuntivo, supplementare) "on the side: in aggiunta)

Work two jobs

To be on leave, to take leave: essere in ferie/congedo

Sick leave: malattia (permesso lavorativo) "He has been on sick leave for three weeks"

Maternity/paternity/parental leave

Unpaid leave : congedo non retribuito

To take a sabbatical: prendere un anno sabbatico

To lose your job

To be made redundant: essere licenziato

To get laid off: essere licenziato

To be dismissed: essere licenziato

To resign: dimettersi, rassegnare le dimissioni

To quit: lasciare (il lavoro)


To be on strike, to go on strike

To be retired, to retire

To take retirement

To draw a pension : ritirare una pensione

Types of jobs

Employer vs employee

Trainee (tirocinante) vs apprentice (apprendista) vs intern (stagista, specializzando)

Trade (mestiere in senso artigianale) vs profession

Skilled/unskilled work

To work full time vs overtime (straordinari "I m doing some overtime this week": fare gli straordinari; get overtime: prendere gli straordinari)

What s your job ?

I work at/in a bank

I work for (company name)

I work as a teacher

What kind of work do you do?

I work in marketing (general area)

What does your job involve ?

I'm in charge of accounting

I'm responsible for complaint handling

I have to send invoices (fatture) to costumers

I run the coffee bar

My job involves doing quite a lot of paperwork

I meet clients and advise them on their purchase

I have to attend to a lot of meetings

I have a big workload

I have five employees under me

I recently got promoted

Apart from the salary, it's not a bad job




-minded: combines with adjectives to form words that describe someone's characters, attitude, opinions, or intelligence.

If someone is minded to do something, they want or intend to do it