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30 Cards in this Set

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a paid, mass mediated attempt to persuade
messages placed to persuade an audience
Advertising Campaign
an integrated series of ads that communicate a central theme or idea
Integrated Brand Promotion (IBP)
the process of using a wide range of promotional tools working together to create widespread brand exposure
Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)
carefully integrate and coordinate its many communication channels to deliver a clear, consistent and compelling message about the product
a group of individuals who receive and interpret messages sent from companies
Target audience
a particular group of consumers singled out by an organization for an advertising or promotional campaign
Global advertising
using an ad worldwide with only minor changes
International advertising
firms prepare and place different ads in different national markets outside home market
National advertising
reaches all geographic areas of one nation
Regional advertising
carried out by producers, wholesalers, distributors and retailers that concentrate their efforts in a relatively large, but not national, geographic region
Local advertising
directed at an audience in a single trading area, either city or state
Cooperative advertising
sharing of ad expenses between national companies and local merchants
the process of planning and executing the conceptions, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individuals and organizational objectives
Marketing Mix
product, price, promotion and distribution
a name, term, sign or symbol that identifies one seller’s good or service as distinct from those of other sellers
Brand extension
an adaptation of an existing brand to a new product area
Brand loyalty
occurs when a consumer repeatedly purchases the same brand to the exclusion of competitors’ brands
Brand equity
a firm creates and maintains positive associations with the brand
Market segmentation
process of breaking down a large, widely varied market into submarkets or segments that are more similar
the process of creating a perceived difference, in the mind of the consumer, between organization’s brand and competition’s
process of designing a brand so that it can occupy a distinct and valued place in the target consumer’s mind relative to other brands and conveyed through ads
External position
niche brand will pursue relative to all competitive brands on the market
Internal position
must be achieved with regard to other similar brands a firm markets
Primary demand stimulation
company is trying to create demand for entire product category
Selective demand stimulation
purpose to point out a brand’s unique benefits compared to competition
Direct response advertising
asks consumers to act immediately
Delayed response advertising
relies on imagery and message themes that emphasize benefits and satisfying characteristics of a brand
Corporate advertising
create favorable attitude toward company as a whole
Brand advertising
communicates specific benefits by a particular brand