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86 Cards in this Set

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All the following structures lie in the transpyloric plane EXCEPT:

a) origin of the inferior mesenteric artery
b) fundus of the gall-bladder
c) termination of the spinal cord
d) pancreatic neck
e) duodenojejunal flexure


Which of the following is true concerning the abdominal planes?

a) The transpyloric plane of Addison lies half-way between the xiphoid and the pubis
b) The subcostal plane lies at the level of L1 vertebra
c) The hila of the kidneys lie in the transpyloric plane
d) The intertubercular plane lies at the level of the pubic tubercles
e) The level of the subcostal plane is a little higher than that of the transpyloric plane.


The superficial perineal fascia (of Colles)

a) is a continuation into the perineum of Camper's fascia
b) encloses the superficial perineal space
c) is attached to the anterior margin of the perineal membrane.
d) limits the extravasation of urine to the tissues of scrotum and penis in cases of rupture of the penile urethra
e) allows extravasation of urine into the thigh in cases of rupture of the penile urethra.


4. Regarding the segmental innervation of the abdominal muscles and the overlying skin, all the following is true EXCEPT

a) it is derived from T7 to L1
b) the umbilicus is supplied by T1
c) the groin and scrotum are supplied by L1
d) The abdominal reflexes are absent in lower motor neuron lesions.
e) T7 innervates the skin over the xiphoid process


Which of the following statements about the oesophagus is true?

a) It begins at the level of C6 vertebra
b) It begins at the upper border of the cricoid cartilage
c) It passes through the diaphragm at the level of T10 vertebra
d) It is about 35 cm long
e) The intra-adbominal part averages 3-5 cm


Vertebral Artery enters the skull through ....?

a. Foramen Ovale

b. Carotid Canal

c. Jagular Foramen

d. Internal acoustic meatus

e. Foramen magnum


In the Cubital Fossa:

a. the Ulner nerve is on the medial side

b. Radial nerve is on the lateral side

c. the Medial nerve passes downwards lateral to the brachial artery.

d. all of the superfacial veins are deep to catanious nerves.

e. Brachial arterY is lateral to the tendon of biceps.


Concerning the anal canal, which of the following statements is INCORRECT?

a) upper end of the anal canal is supplied by superior rectal artery
b) The upper canal drains to the superficial inguinal lymph nodes.
c) area below the pectinate line supplied by the inferior rectal branches of the pudendal nerve.
d) upper canal and lower canal differ in their embryological origin.
e) The upper canal is a site of portal-systemic anastomosis.


The suprarenal glands: one is TRUE

a) are symmetrical in shape
b) Each gland receives blood only from its corresponding adrenal artery.
c) Each gland is usually drained by a single vein.
d) inferior vena cava is an anterior relation of left suprarenal gland.
e) Both cortex and medulla are supplied by parasympathetic nerves.


All the following statements concerning the kidneys are true EXCEPT:

a) They are retroperitoneal organs.
b) Their lower poles may be palpated in the normal individual
c) The right kidney lies in a higher position than the left.
d) The kidneys move vertically with respiration.
e) The perinephric fascia (of Gerota) surrounds the perinephric fat.


Concerning the relations of the kidneys: (TRUE)

a) the left, the hilum is related to the second part of the duodenum.
b) the right, the hilum is related to the tail of the pancreas
c) The costodiaphragmatic recess of the pleura is at risk in the lumbar approach to the kidney.
d) The hilum of both kidneys lies at the subcostal plane.
e) kidney and suprarenal gland lie in the same fascial compartment.


Which of the following statements concerning the three main structures of the hilum of the kidney is INCORRECT?

a) The renal pelvis is normally the most posterior of the three
b) The anatomy of the contents of the hilum can be variable.
c) The renal artery divides into 3-5 segmental arteries at the hilum.
d) The right renal vein is longer than the left.
e) The renal veins empty directly into the inferior vena cava.


Lymph drainage in the pelvis includes the


a) Ovaries to the lateral pelvic nodes

b) Scrotum to the superficial inguinal nodes

c) Uterine cervix to the deep inguinal nodes

d) Vagina to the lateral pelvic nodes

e) Fallopian tubes to the para-aortic nodes

B, D, E

Skin around the anal canal has a sensory supply from (More)

a) Parasympathetic nerves

b) Posterior femoral cutaneous nerve

c) Pudendal nerve

d) Obturator nerve

e) Posterior rami of S4

B, C, E

Tributaries of the portal system include (MORE)

a) Adrenal

b) Renal

c) Gonadal

d) Pancreatic

e) Splenic

D, E

In the abdomen the (MORE)

a) Superior rectal artery arises from the inferior mesenteric artery

b) Right gastric artery arises from the hepatic artery

c) Right gastro-epiploic artery arises from the splenic artery

d) Left gastro-epiploic artery arises from the gastroduodenal artery

e) Inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery arises from the superior mesenteric artery

A, B, E

Organs on a mesentery include (MORE)

a) Appendix

b) Descending colon

c) Jejunum

d) Sigmoid colon

e) 3rd part of duodenum

A, C, D

Considering the abdomen it could be said that the (MORE)

a) Neck of the pancreas lies on the transpyloric plane

b) Right adrenal gland is posterior to the inferior vena cava

c) Neck of the pancreas is posterior to the portal vein

d) Transverse mesocolon attaches to anterior surface of the pancreas
e) Anterior vagal trunk carries sympathetic as well as parasympathetic fibres

A, B, D

Veins draining directly into the portal system include: (MORE)

a) Renal

b) Adrenal

c) Splenic

d) Pancreatic

e) Middle rectal

C, D

The greater omentum is attached to the (MORE)

a) Porta hepatis of the liver

b) Lesser curvature of the stomach

c) Transverse colon

d) Greater curvature of stomach

e) Spleen

C, D

At the level of the T4/5 vertebral interspace, a CT scan shows the: (MORE)

a. Upper aspect of the arch of aorta
b. Bifurcation of trachea
c. Left brachiocephalic vein
d. Azygos arch
e. Commencement of the pulmonary artery

B, D

The azygos vein: (except)

a. Has the right superior intercostal vein draining into it
b. Is systemic part of the lower oesophageal portosystemic anastomosis
c. Drains into the superior vena cava
d. Arches over the root of the left lung


The vagus nerve supplies the (MORE)

a) Upper rectum

b) Gall bladder

c) Descending colon

d) Lower oesophagus

e) Mediastinal pleura

B, D

The prostate (MORE)

A. contains glands embedded within skeletal muscle and connective tissue
B. provides about 30% of the volume of seminal fluid
C. receives a blood supply from the gonadal artery
D. has an embryonic origin from both endoderm and mesoderm

B, D

Postoperatively, a patient complains of numbness of the anterior and medial thigh after extensive groin surgery. The cutaneous nerve least likely to have been affected is the:

A. Femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve
B. Obturator nerve
C. Saphenous nerve
D. Medial cutaneous nerve of thigh
E. Intermediate cutaneous nerve of thigh


The cystic artery (TRUE)

A. typically arises from the hepatic artery proper
B. usually passes behind the cystic duct to reach the neck of the gallbladdr
C. if thrombosed, frequently causes gallbladder necrosis
D. runs with the cystic vein


Posterior wall of the axilla is NOT composed of:

A. Clavipectoral fascia
B. Tendon of the latissimus dorsi
C. Teres Major
D. Subscapularis


Chief arterial supply of the female breast is from:

A. Lateral thoracic artery
B. Internal thoracic (mammary) artery
C. 2nd & 3rd intercostal arteries
D. Thoracoacromial arteries
E. Lateral pectoral artery


Which of the following is NOT a rotator cuff muscle?

A. Supraspinatus
B. Infraspinatus
C. Teres minor
D. Teres major
E. Subscapularis


Medial intermuscular septum is pierced by:

A. Ulnar nerve
B. Radial nerve
C. Median nerve
D. Profunda brachii artery
E. All of the above


Which of the following regarding cubital fossa is INCORRET?

A. Median nerve lies medial to the bicpital tendon
B. Lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm lies on the tendon of biceps
C. Radial nerve gives rise to posterior interosseous branch
D. Pronator teres & brachioradialis form the medial & lateral borders
E. Brachialis & supinator form the floor


Fractured shaft of humerus with radial nerve damage usually do NOT have the
following feature:

A. Wrist drop
B. Inability to extend elbow
C. Sensory loss over posterior aspect of forearm
D. Sensory loss over lateral aspect of forearm


Axillary vein:

A. is formed from the confluence of basilic, brachial & cephalic veins
B. lies medial to axillary artery in its course in the axilla
C. is enclosed in the axillary sheath
D. has the same tributaries as the axillary arteries
E. All of the above


Which statement correctly describes the abdominal wall? (only one)

a. superficial fascia of the abdominal wall contains Camper’s fascia.

b. The deep fascia of the abdominal wall is known as Scarpa’s fascia.

c. Scarpa’s fascia adheres to the superficial fascia of the thigh.

d. The umbilicus receives sensory fibres from T8.

e. The groin is innervated by T12.


Which statement about the rectus abdominis is correct?

a. It has the transversalis fascia posteriorly throughout its length.

b. It has three tendinous intersections which are visible posteriorly.

c. It has the aponeuroses of the three oblique abdominal muscles anterior to it below the arcuate line.

d. The lower free border of the anterior rectus sheath is called the arcuate line.

e. The linea alba is a highly vascular structure.


Which statement about the borders of the epiploic foramen is correct?

a. The second part of the duodenum forms the inferior border.
b. The quadrate process of the liver forms the superior border.
c. The hepatic vein forms the posterior border.
d. The free edge of the greater omentum forms the anterior border.
e. The common bile duct is contained within the anterior border.


Which of the following statements regarding peritoneal compartments is correct?

a. The infracolic compartment lies below the lesser omentum.
b. The right and left subphrenic spaces are separated by the coronary ligament.
c. The right subhepatic space lies between the right lobe of the liver and the right kidney.
d. The left subhepatic space is also known as the hepatorenal pouch.
e. The right paracolic gutter lies medial to the colon.


Which of these statements about the coeliac trunk is not correct?

a. It supplies the foregut and its derivatives.
b. It leaves the aorta at the level of L1.
c. It gives a left gastric branch that supplies the oesophagus.
d. It gives a splenic branch.
e. It gives rise to the gastroduodenal artery via its hepatic branch.


Which statement best describes the blood supply of the stomach?

a. It is derived entirely from the superior mesenteric artery.
b. The gastroepiploic arteries supply the lesser curvature.
c. The right gastric artery is a direct branch of the coeliac axis.
d. The left gastroepiploic artery arises directly from the coeliac trunk.
e. The short gastric arteries arise from the splenic artery.


Which statement best describes the venous drainage of the alimentary tract?

a. All blood drains into the portal system.
b. The portal vein is formed from the union of the inferior mesenteric and splenic veins.
c. The superior mesenteric vein crosses the uncinate process of the pancreas.
d. The inferior mesenteric vein passes behind the left renal vein.
e. The prepyloric vein is variable in position.


Which statement best completes this sentence? The superior mesenteric artery:

a. Supplies the gut from the pylorus to the terminal ileum.
b. Arises from the aorta at the level of L1.
c. Runs in front of the body of the pancreas.
d. Crosses the second part of the duodenum.
e. Supplies the appendix via its right colic branch.


The layer that surrounds the testis and is derived from the peritoneum is the:

A. tunica albuginea

B. germinal epithelium

C. tunical virginalis
D. tunica germinativa

E. tunica vaginalis


Which statement best describes the inferior mesenteric artery?

a. It arises from the aorta at the level of the transpyloric plane.
b. It supplies the mucus membrane of the gut as far as the mid-rectum.
c. It gives off a left colic branch.
d. It crosses the pelvic brim at the point of bifurcation of the right common iliac vessels.
e. It anastomoses with the superior mesenteric artery via its sigmoid branch.


Which statement best describes the lymphatics of the gastrointestinal tract?

a. They generally follow routes which are distinct from those taken by the venous drainage of the bowel.
b. Peyer’s patches are found on the mesenteric surface of the large bowel.
c. Lymphoid follicles become less numerous in the distal part of the gut.
d. Preaortic nodes lie at the origins of major blood vessels.
e. Lymph from the alimentary tract eventually passes into the portal system of veins.


Which of the following statements about the duodenum is incorrect?

a. The second part overlies the right kidney.
b. The transverse mesocolon attaches over the second part.
c. The ampulla of Vater lies in the third part.
d. The inferior vena cava and aorta lie directly behind the third part.
e. The gall bladder overlies the first part.


Which statement regarding the jejunum and ileum is incorrect?

a. The ileum has thicker walls than the jejunum.
b. The proximal small intestine is of greater diameter than the distal.
c. The mesentery of the small intestine is thicker distally.
d. The jejunum lies mainly in the umbilical region.
e. The mesenteric vessels form more numerous arcades in the ileum.


Which of these statements regarding Meckel’s diverticulum is correct?

a. It is found in about 4% of the population.
b. Is always found on the antimesenteric border of the ileum.
c. Is usually about 2 cm in length.
d. Is usually located about 20 cm from the ileocaecal junction.
e. Is usually attached to the umbilicus.


Appendicular artery is a branch of:

a. right colic artery

b. iliocolic artery

c. middle colic artery

d.posterior cecal artery


Caudate lobe of liver is situated between:

a. Gall bladder & groove for ligamentum teres

b. IVC and ligamentum venosum

c. Posterior part of left lobe

d. Anterior superior surface of liver


Transpyloric plane passes through

a. T2- L1

b. LS- 81

c. T10

d. L1-L2


Pancreatico-splenic lymph nodes receive lymphatics from the part of the stomach which is supplied by?

a. Left gastric artery

b. Short gastric arteries and left gastro epiploic artery

c. Right gastro epiploic artery

d. Right gastric artery


Most common type of diaphragmatic hernia

a. Bochdalek's hernia

b. Morgagni's hernia

c. Hernia through dome

d. Hiatus hernia


Normal portal venous pressure is·

a. 5- 8 mm Hg

b. 6-12mm Hg

c. 12-15mm Hg

d. 45mm Hg


The least dilatable part of the urethra is

a. Prostatic

b. Membranous

c. Spongy

d. All are equally dilatable


The lesser peritoneal sac (omental bursa) is bounded by : (more than one)

a. Anteriorly by the stomach

b. Posteriorly by the ileum

c. Posteriorly by the pancreas

d. Posteriorly by the lesser omentum

A, C

Buck's fascia is related to :

a. lschiorectal fascia

b. Thigh

c. Neck

d. Penis


The posterior wall of inguinal canal are formed by many structures that include: more than one is true

a. Conjoint tendon

b. Transversus abdominis

c. Fascia transversalis

d. Lacunar ligament

A, C

The right suprarenal gland is related to the

(more than one is true)

a. Third part of the duodenum

b. Inferior vena cava

c. Transverse colon

d. Right lobe of the liver

B, D

The rectus sheath contains all of the following except :

a. Pyramidalis muscle

b. Genitofemoral nerve

c. Inferior epigastric

d. Superior epigastric vessels


The chief blood supply of the greater omentum is _artery : (more than one)

a. Gastroduodenal

b. Right gastroepiploic

c. Left gastroepiploic

d. Superior pancreaticoduodenal

B, C

The boundaries of morison's pouch are

(more than one)

a. Inferior surface of liver

b. Anterior abdominal wall

c. Falciform ligament

d. Peritoneum over right kidney

e. Coronary ligament

A, B, E

It is true that the gall bladder: (more than one)

a. Is supplied by cystic artery which has an accompanying vein on its

left side

b. Is drained by veins into the liver

c. Has a fundus which projects beyond the liver

d. Has an infundibulum which projects downwards joining a pouch

A, C

The superior mesenteric artery arises opposite the vertebra - ?

a. T12

b. L 1

c. L2

d. L3


Deep inguinal ring is a defect in the:

a. External oblique

b. Internal oblique

c. Transversus abdominis

d. Transversus fascia

e. Peritoneum


Carcinoma prostate commonly occurs in the:

a. Anterior

b. Posterior

c. Lateral

d. Middle


The shortest part of colon is

a. Ascending colon

b. Transverse colon

c. Descending colon

d. Sigmoid colon


Lymphatic drainage of the anal canal is to

a. Inguinal

b. Lymph nodes

c. External iliac nodes

d. Para - aortic

e. None of the above


Which of the following about meckel's diverticulum is false :

a. Present in 2% of population

b. Occurs at 2 feet form the ileocaecal junction

c. Posses all 3 coats of intestinal wall

d. Arises from the mesenteric border of ileum


The structures in the free border of the lesser omentum anterior to posterior are:

a. CBD, Hepatic artery, Portal vein

b. Portal vein, hepatic artery, CBD

c. (a) and (b)

d. Portal vein, CBD, hepatic artery


Lymphatic drainage of the umbilicus is to :

a. Axillary nodes

b. Inguinal nodes

c. (a) and (b)

d. Porta hepatis

e. Coeliac axis nodes


The kidney has segments:

a. 11

b. 9

c. 7

d. 5


The neurovascular bundle in the anterior abdominal wall is situated between:

a. The subcutaneous tissue and ext. oblique muscle

b. External oblique and internal oblique

c. Internal oblique and transversus abdominis

d. Transversus abdominis & peritoneum


Fascia extension of lacunar ligament along iliopectineal line is :

a. Poupart ligament

b. Thomson's ligament

c. Cooper's ligament

d. Lacunar ligament


All of the following muscles are posterior to the right & left kidneys except:

a. Psoas major

b. Latissimus dorsi

c. Quadratus lumborum

d. Transversus abdominis


The pancreatic bed does not include:

a. Left kidney

b. Splenic artery

c. Left renal vein

d. Left crus of diaphragm


Fascia of Gerota is :

a. True capsule

b. Renal fascia

c. Fatty capsule

d. Thoracolumbar fascia


Internal pudenda! artery is a branch of :

a. Anterior division of Internal iliac

b. Posterior division of Internal iliac

c. Obturator artery

d. Hypogastric


Xiphisternal junction is usually at the level of disc between the following thoracic vertebra:

a. 9 and 10

b. 8 and 7

c. 1 and 12

d. None


Embryonic ventral mesogastrium gives rise to :

a. Greater omentum

b. Lesser omentum

c. Pelvic mesocolon

d. Gastro splenic ligament


The following is true regarding spleen :

a. Notch is on inferior border

b. Long axis parallel to 12th Rib

c. Developed form ventral mesogastrium

d. Nerve supply from coeliac plexus


The efferent Ii mb of the cremaster reflex is provided by the:

a. Femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve

b. Genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve

c. llioinguinal nerve

d. Pudenda! nerve


168. Blood supply of sigmoid colon is by (more than one) :

a. Middle colic A

b. Marginal artery

c. Left colic artery

d. Sigmoid artery

B, D

Not true about the anal canal is:

a. Completely lined by stratified squamous epithelium

b. Supplied by pudenda! nerve

c. Drained by veins forming portosystemic anastomosis

d. Part below pectinate line is supplied by inferior rectal artery


All the statements are true about ileum except :

a. LN in mesentery

b. 3-6 arcades in continuation

c. Smaller diameter than jejunum

d. Large circular mucosal folds


A patient of external piles has pain, which of the following nerves carry this pain sensation:

a. Hypogastric nerves

b. Parasympathetic plexus

c. Sympathetic nerve

d. Pudendal nerve


173. The architecture of liver is divided into lobes by : (more than one)

a. Bile duct

b. Hepatic artery

c. Hepatic vein

d. Portal vein

e. Lymphatics

A, B, D