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A reads text to speech;

93 Cards in this Set

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A broad area of knowledge
Some specific aspect of a subject
An uncritical, non-evaluative process of generating associated ideas
Audience analysis
The study of the intended audience for your speech
Audience adaptation
The active process of developing a strategy for tailoring your information to the specific speech audience
A questionnaire designed to gather information from people
The occasion and location for your speech
General speech goal
The intent of the speech
Specific speech goal
A single statement of the exact response the speaker wants from the audience
Secondary research
The process of locating information about your topic that has been discovered by other people
Magazines and journals that appear at fixed intervals
Specific instances that illustrate or explain a general factual statement
Expert opinions
Interpretations and judgements made by authorities in a particular subject area
A person who has mastered a specific subject, usually through long-term study
Brief, often amusing stories
Accounts, personal experiences, tales, or lengthier stories
Illuminate a point by showing similarities
Highlight differences
The unethical act of representing a published author's work as your own.
Primary research
The process of conducting your own study to acquire information for your speech
The process of selecting and arranging the main ideas and supporting material to be presented in the speech in a manner that makes it easy for the audience to understand.
Main points
Complete sentence representations of the main ideas used in your thesis statement
Thesis statement
A sentence that identifies the topic of your speech and the main ideas you will present
Speech outline
A sentence representation of the hierarchical and sequential relationships between the ideas presented in a speech
Wording in more than one sentence that follows the same structural pattern, often using the same introductory words
Topic order
Organizing the main points of the speech by categories or divisions of a subject
Logical reasons order
Emphasizes when the main points provide proof supporting the thesis statement
Goals of the introduction
Getting attention, stating the thesis, eestablishing our credibility, setting a tone, creating a bond of goodwill
Time or sequential order
Organizing the main points by a chronological sequence, or by the steps in a process
Words, phrases, or setences that show the relationship between or bridge ideas
Methods of gaining attention
Startling statement, rhetorical questions, personal reference, quotation, stories
Describes the behavior you want your listeners to follow after they have heard your arguments
Points of a conclusion
Summary of main ideas, leaving vivid impressions, appeal to action
Audience analysis
The process of customizing our speech material to your audience
Adapting the information in the speech so that audience members view it as important
Showing how information is useful now or in the near future
A relationship to personal space
Presenting information in a frame of reference that is familiar to the audience
Common ground
The background, knowledge, attitudes, experiences, and philosophies that are shared by audience members and speaker
Personal pronouns
"we", "us", "our" pronouns that refer directly to members of the audience
Rhetorical questions
Questions phrased to stimulate a mental response rather than an actual spoken response on the part of the audience
The level of trust that an audience has or will have in the speaker
Knowledge and expertise
How well you convince your audience that you are qualified to speak on a topic
Both character and apparent motives for speaking
The extent to which you project an agreeable or pleasing personality
Initial audience attitudes
Predispositions for or against a topic, usually expressed as an opinion
Visual aid
A form of speech development that allows the audience to see as well as to hear information
A three-dimensional representation of an idea you are communicating
Graphic representation that present information in easily interpreted formats
Word charts
Used to preview, review, or highlight important ideas covered in a speech
Flow charts
Use symbols and connecting lines to diagram the progressions through a complicated process
A chart that compares information
Bar graphs
Charts that represent information using a series of vertical or horizontal bars
Line graphs
Charts that indicate changes in one or more variables over time
Pie graphs
Charts that help audiences visualize the relationships among parts of a single unit
Flip chart
A large pad of paper mounted on an easel. It can be an effective method for presenting visual aids
Informative speech
A speech that has a goal to explain or describe facts, truths, and principles in a way that increases understanding
Intellectually stimulating
Information that is new to audience members
Using information in a way that yields different or original ideas and insights
Divergent thinking
Thinking that occurs when we contemplate something from a variety of different perspectives
A system of improving memory by using formulas
Words formed from the first letter of a series of words
The informative method used to create an accurate, vivid, verbal picture of an object, geographic feature, setting or image
A method of informing that explains something by identifying its meaning
A word that has the same or similar meaning
A word that is a direct opposition
Comparison and contrast
A method of informing that explains something by focusing on how it is similar and different from other things.
A method of informing that explains something by recounting events
A method of informing that explains something by showing how something is done, by displaying the stages of a process, or by depicting how something works
Expository speech
An informative presentation that provides carefully researched, in-depth knowledge about a complex topic
Persuasive speech
A speech that has a goal to influence the beliefs or behaviors of audience members
A declarative sentence that clearly indicates the speaker's position on the topic
Not knowing enough about a topic to have formed an opinion
Knowing the basics about a topic but still not having an opinion about it
Having no opinion because one is uninterested to a topic
Main point statements that summarize several related pieces of evidence and show why you should believe or do something
The process of proving conclusions you have drawn form reasons and evidence
Arguing by example
Support a claim by providing one or more individual examples
Arguing by analogy
Support a claim with a single comparable example that is significantly similar to the subject of the claim
Arguing from causation
Support a claim by citing events that have occurred to bring about the claim: "The dry weather hurt the local lake economy"
Arguing by sign
Support a claim by citing information that signals the claim: "longer lines at a soup kitchen are a sign that the economy is worsening."
Hasty generalization
A fallacy that presents a generalization that is either not supported with evidence or is supported with only weak evidence
False cause
A fallacy that occurs when the alleged cause fails to be related to, or to produce the effect: "The black cat crossing the street brought me bad luck, so I had an accident"
Ad hominem argument
A fallacy that occurs when one attacks the person making the argument rather than the argument itself
The audience perception that the speaker understands empathizes with and is responsive to them
Being responsive
Showing care about the audience by acknowledging feedback from the audience, especially subtle negative cues
Forces acting on or within an organism to initiate and direct behavior
A reward promised if a particular action is taken or goal reached
Statement of reasons pattern
A straight forward organization in which you present the best-supported reasons you can find
Comparative advantages pattern
An organization that allows you to place all the emphasis on the superiority of the proposed course of action
Criteria satisfaction pattern
An indirect organization that first seeks audience agreement on criteria that should be considered when they evaluate a particular proposition and then shows how the proposition satisfies those criteria
Problem solution pattern
An organization that provides a framework for clarifying the nature of the problem and for illustrating why a given proposal is the best one
Motivate sequence pattern
An organization that combines the problem solution pattern with explicit appeals designed to motivate the audience to act. The five steps of the motivated sequence are: attention, need, satisfaction, visualization, action