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80 Cards in this Set

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The branch of science that studies the structure of the body
The branch of science that describes how the body works, or functions
The branch of science that describes the consequences of the improper functioning of the body parts
List the bodies levels of organization from simple to complex
Atoms, Molecules, Cells, Tissues, Organ, Organ system, Organism
This system consists of skin and related structures such as hair and nails.
Intetgumentary system
List three functions of the integumentary system
Covers the body, helps regulate body temperature, and contains some of the structures necessary for sensation
This system forms the basic framework of the body and is made up of bones, joints, and cartilage
Skeletal system
List two functions of the skeletal system
Protects the body organs, and stores calcium
This system consists of three types of muscles
Muscular system
List two functions of the muscular system
Moves the skeleton and maintains body posture
This system consists of the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and sense organs
Nervous system
These nerves receive information from the environment and bring it to the spinal cord and brain for interpretation
Sensory nerves
this system consists of numerous glands that secrete hormones and chemical substances that regulate body activities
Endocrine system
The body functions growth, reproduction, metabolism, and water balance are regulated by which body system
Endocrine system
This body system consists of the hear and the blood vessels
Circulatory system
This system consists of the lymph nodes, lymphatic vessels, lymph, and other lymphoid organs
Lymphatic system
This system consists of the lungs and the other structures that conduct air to and from the lungs
Respiratory system
This system consists of organs designed to eat foodk, break it down for absorption, and eliminate the waste
Digestive system
This system consists of the kidneys and other structures that help excrete waste product from the body via urine
Urinary system
This system consists of organs and structures that enable humans to reproduce
Reproductive system
This term refers to the body's ability to maintain a stable internal environment in response to a changing external environment
Mechanisms that help maintain homeostasis are called ____________.
Homeostatic mechanisms
Diseases and disorders are the result of homeostatic __________.
This position is demonstrated with the body standing erect, with face forward, arms at the sides, and the toes and palms of the hands directed forward
Anatomical position
This relative position means that a part is above another part or is closer to the head
If a body part is located below another part or is closer to the feet it is said to be _______
The relative position that means towards the front surface (belly surface or ventral surface).
Relative position that means toward the back surface
Another word for posterior is _________
Another word for anterior is _________
The relative position that means towards the midline
The relative position that means away from the midline of the body
This term means that the structure is nearer the point of attachment
Term that means a part is farther away from the point of attachment than is the other part
Relative position that meants that a part is located on or near the surface of the body
This terms means the body part is away from the surface of the body
A part located in the center is said to be ________
A part located away from the center is said to be _____
This plane divides the body lengthwise into right and left portions
Sagittal plane
This plane divides the body into anterior (ventral) and posterior (dorsal) portions
Frontal plane or Coronal plane
This plane divides the body horizontally, creating an upper (superior) and lower (inferior) portion
Transverse plane
Regional term for the anterior trunk just below the ribs
Regional term for the area in front of the elbow
Regional term for the armpit
Regional term for the upper arm
Regional term for the cheek area, specifically between the gum and cheek
Regional term for the head
Regional term for the neck region
Regional term that means nearer to the head
Regional term that means fingers, toes
Regional term for the thigh area
Regional term for the fleshy area along each side between the lower ribs and the top of the hip bones
Regional term for the area where the thigh meets the trunk of the body
Regional term for the mouth
Regional term for the area around the eye
Regional term for the front of the knee
Regional term for the foot
Regional term for the genital area
Regional term for the middle of the chest (over the breastbone area)
Regional term for the navel
Regional term for being nearer to the lower region of the spinal column (near the tailbone)
Regional term for the rounded area of the shoulder closest to the upper arm
Regional term for the buttocks
Regional term for the area of the back between the ribs and the hips
Regional term for the back of the head
Regional term for behind, or back of, the knee area
Regional term for the shoulder blade area
Another name for organs
The cavity toward the back of the body is called the _______
Dorsal cavity
The cavity toward the fron of the body is called the
Ventral cavity
The dorsal cavity can be divided into what two cavities?
Cranial and spinal (vertebral) cavity
The ventral cavity can be divided into what two main divisions
Thoracic and abdominopelvic cavity
The space in the thoracic cavity that contains the hear, esophagus, trachea, thymus gland and large blood vessels attached to the heart is called the ___________
The right and left lungs are located on either side of the mediastinum in the ________ cavities
The abdominopelvic cavity can be further divided into what two cavities
Abdominal and pelvic cavity
What organs are contained in the abdominal cavity?
Stomach, most of intestine, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, and kidneys
What organs are contained in the pelvic cavity?
Remainder of intestines, rectum, urinary bladder, and internal parts of reproductive system
What four quadrants divide the abdominopelvic cavity
Right upper quadrant (RUQ), Left upper quandran (LUQ)
Right lower quadrant (RLQ)
Left lower quadrant (LLQ)
Name the 9 regions that divide the abdominopelvic cavity
Right and left hypochondriac region, Epigastric region, Right and Left lumbar region Umbilical region, Right and left iliac region, and hypogastric region
Name the four smaller cavities located in the head
oral, nasal, orbital, and middle ear cavities