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19 Cards in this Set

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Define Anthropology:

Study of human cultures and how each culture contributes to humanity and society.

Define Sociology:

Studies members in a specific group or society, and how people organizes themselves within these groups.

Define Psychology:

Study of human behaviour. Studying how someone reacts under certain circumstances.

(A psychologist examines the mental process.)


Individuals learn to act in certain ways through social contact, allows members of a society to learn accepted behaviour within a community or a specific culture.

3 Agents of Socialization:

- Biological/Environmental forces are responsible for a individuals personality

- Biological factors, or factors existing from birth

- Environmental, external conditions and personal experience.

Define Nature:

things that occur naturally, born with.

Define Nurture:

personality is determined by experiences.

Define Instinct:

organized behaviour pattern common to all members of a species.

Nature vs. Nurture debate:

How much a persons personality comes from innate things, or from experiences. What contributes more to human development?

5 factors of personality:

- Openness

- Conscientiousness

- Extroversion

- Agreeableness

- Neuroticism

Define Openness:

inventive, curious vs. cautious, conservative.

Define Extroversion:

outgoing, energetic vs. shy, withdrawn.

Define Agreeableness:

friendly, compassionate vs. competitive, outspoken.

Define Neuroticism:

sensitive, nervous vs. secure, confidant.

Albert Bandura's theory on violence and aggression:

agression is learned, not innate. We model our behaviour after others.

John Dollard's theory on violence and aggression:

frustration is the trigger for aggression

Define Dehumanization:

process by which people come to see each other as little more than simple objects.

Participant Observation is?

going into a cultures environment.

Milgrim and Asch Experiment showed what?

people conform in fear of being an outsider or outcast.