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229 Cards in this Set

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A medical battalion has __ surgical companies that have __ operating rooms each, and __ Shock trauma platoons that have __ holding beds?

3, 60, 3, 8, 10

The three types of appropriations used by the navy are?

Annual, Continuing, and mutiple year

What is the longest muscle in the body?


When completing a gram stain, you flood the slide with what and retain it on the slide for how long?

Iodine, 1 minute

What is youngs rule based off of?

Child's age

What is the established time to notify next of kin of dead or missing naval personnel

0600 - 2200

what is a small linear depression on the surface of the tooth?


For venipuncture ,what angle do you introduce the needle into the skin?

15 degrees

What was the first warfare submarine?


What is the most widely abused drug?


What are the three types of court martial?

General, special, summary

When was Pearl Harbor?

07 December 1941

Wound dressings should extend how far beyond the edges of the wound?

1 inch

What are the three types of appropriation used by the navy?

annual, continuing, mutilple year

What are the four basic parts of the human commmunication process?

the sender, the message, the reviever and the feedback

The speed of the low speed dental handpiece ranges from ____ rpm to ___ rpm___ or ____rpm depending on the model?

0 - 5,000 or 80,000

The framework of the compound microscope consists of?

Arm, stage, mechanical stage, and base

The most common cockroach?

German cockroach

A ______is when the pulp is inflamed and a small abcess forms in the pulpal canal.

periapical abscess

Vitamin C deficiency leads to _____?


The navy hoists the Ensign at ____ and lowers it at ______?

0800, sunset

What is the form number assigned to the manual of medical department?


What a triangular bandage is folded into a strip its called a?


__________ is a drug similar to aspirin, but has NO anti-inflammatory action?


The internal dimensions of the standard size casket are?

23 in x 78x

The internal dimensions of the oversized casket are?

25in x 81in

SSIC code 1000?

military personnel

SSIC cod 4000


SSIC code 6000

medicine and dentistry

SSIC cide 9000

ships design and materials

`SSIC code 12000

civilian personnel

What is frequently used for fractures of the lower jaw?

barton bandage

When is the commissioning pennant flown at half mast?

death of the CO of the ship

What are the fat soluble vitamins?

D, A, K, E

NAVMED 6320/18, also known as ________, is submitted to the CO no later than ____ daily.

binnacle list, 0930

________ requires the provider give the pt all the info necessary for a knowledeable decision on a procedure

informed consent

how many deaths per year must a funeral director over see before he gets an annual contract?

10 or more

Total blood volume of an average adult is?

5-6 liters

Which code of conduct? " If i am captured i will continue to resist by all means availabel...."

Article 3

What is the second stage of anesthesia?

excitement stage

during what stage of rescue operations do you remove lightly pinned casualties?

first phase

In TATICAL triage, what is class 1?

walking wounded

in TATICAL triage, what is class 2?


In TATICAL triage, what is class 3?


In TATICAL triage, what is class 4?


What is an abcess in the true skin caused by the entry of microorganisms in a hair follicle or sweat gland?

furuncle (boil)

Using the rule of nines, a pt with burns to the entire right arm, entire right leg, abdomen, chest and groin is what percentage burned?

46 percent

9 + 18 + 9 + 9 + 1

What snake family includes sea snakes and what kind of venom do they have?

Hydrophidae, neurotoxin

What are the three rifle salutes?

present arms

order arms

right shoulder arms

What kind of burn has two external burn areas : an entrance burn and an exit burn?

electrical burn

The name of the druge given by the manufacturer is known as the _______ name?

trade or brand name

the _______ dose is the least amount of a drug that can produce death?

minimum lethal

NAVMED 6150/21-30 are also known as?

dental record jackets

Wounds containing embedded white phosphuros particles may be rinsed with a dilute freshly mixed __________?

1% solution of copper sulfate









water is often called the ________?

forgotten nutrient

alveolar osteitis is also known as?

dry sockey

first large scale use of chemical agents came when?

WW1, 1915 in Ypres, belgium

Two tests for color vision?

Farnsworth lantern test (FALANT)

Psuedoisochromatic plates (PIP)

From the SSN 123-45-6789, what is the primary group?


from the SSN 123-45-6789, what is the secondary group?


From the SSN 123-45-6789, wat is the tertiary group?


Every item in the federal supply catalog is identified by a 13 digist stock number called what?

national stock number (NSN)

What is the alcohol prevention program dsigned specifically for younger sailors?

Prevent 2000

To minimize cellular degeneration, remains should be refrigerated at what temperature?

36 - 40 degrees

Record color for 0


Record color for 1


Record color for 2


Record color for 3


Record color for 4


Record color for 5


Record color for 6


Record color for 7


Record color for 8


Record color for 9


What stretcher is designed for engine room spaces, holes, and other compartments too small for regualr stretchers?

Neil Robertson

What is the large opening in the occipital bone where the spinal cord passes through?

Foramen Magnum

What are the two most common local anesthetics in dentistry?

2% lidocain hydrochloride

2% mepivicaine

What fittings are normally open but are secured for protection during CBR attacks?

Circle Williams

What type of inventory is a physical count of all the material aboard a ship or in a specific storeroom?

bulkhead to bulkhead

What snake family includes cobras, kraits, and mambas? What type of venom?

Elapidae, neurotixin

What is the cranial nerve for eye movement?


Phosgene is wht type of chemical agent and smells like what?

choking agent, freshly cut grass

How many bones in the body?


What type of injuries are caused by collapsing buildings and flying debris?

secondary blast injuries

Condolence letters are required to be written within how many hours and by who?

48 hours, CO

What are the three classifications of national ceremonies?

open, closed, new

What is the pointed or rounded elevation of enamel found on cuspids and on the chewing surfaces of bicuspids and molars?



nuclear powered carrier


guided missle cruiser


guided missle nuke powered sub

TA - H

hospital ship

The sphenoid bone has a ______ shape?

wing like

How many mLs of saliva do the salivary glands secrete on a daily basis?

1,500 ml

What is the prescription form?

DD 1289

What form is used for polyprescriptions?

NAVMED 6710/6

The three bones used for hearing are?

Malleus (hammer) Incus (anvil) and Stapes (stirrup)

The dental light rotates on three different axes. ____ horizontally, _____ vertically, and ____ diagonally.

180 degrees, 125 degrees, 45 degrees

Death results are the body core temp approaches what?

80 degrees F

What is the most penetrating type of radiation?


Pt has oral conditions that will result in dental emergencies within 12 months. What dental class?

Class 3

How many bones in the face?


How many bones in the cranium?


What is an inflammtion of the pulp caused by injury to the pulp, usually from dental caries or trauma? Most common cause of tooth pain

acute pulpitis

What is the thick glass slide used for manually counting red blood cells and white blood cells?


The innominate bone is also known as what?

The hip bone

What are the three parts of the innominate (hip) bone?

Ilium, Ischium, pubis

When whole blood is administered by IV, it is known as?


Describe a lifeline.

50 feet long, steel wire cable

Three most commonly used topical anesthetics in dentistry come in what forms?

ointments, sprays, and liquid

When pain from an affected tooth manifests in a healthy tooth, its called?

referred pain

What urine is best for a routine urinalysis?

first morning urine

What are the three forms of medication that can be inhaled?

Gas, vapor, powder

Flash blindness can last ____ to ____ minutes.

20 - 30

What is the basic unit of a shipboard organization?


What is the color of the O2 tank? The nitrous oxide tank?

O2 - green

Nitrous Oxide - blue

Three types of dental care?

routine, emergency, elective

Man overboard flag


How far from your moth should the mouthpiece of a sound powered phone be positioned?

1/2 to 1 inch

What is another name for blood platelets?


Vesicants are what kind of chemical agent?


Passing honors for boats are exchanged when they pass at how many yards?

400 yards

In dental repairs, the temp of the water inside the curing unit is what degrees F and the curing process takes how long?

115 degrees F, 30 minutes

What flag is flown for all personnel to return to the ship?


Largest organ in the body


Type of wound where the tissue tears away from the body


After applying a spling or bandage, you have to check what for circulation?

capillary refill

What are the four sensations of taste?

sour, sweet, bitter, salty

Which section of the health record are all ancillary studies placed?

right side section 4

NAVMED P- 5010

Manual of Naval Preventive Medicine

Vaccines used to protect personnel from infections before exposure are called

Prophylactic immunizations

Ice used around food and drink must be made from?

Potable water

In a dental battalion, there are ___ dental officers, __ MSC's, ___ dental techs, and ___ enlisted marines?

74, 2, 153, 9

What is the official name for a stroke?

Cerebrovascular accidnet

What is another name for a pacemaker?

Sinoatrial node

What means "take" or "take thou" ie " I want this patient to have the following meds"


What is a small, snail shaped structure in the inner ear?


What type of bacteria are rod shaped


White flag conditions are what temperatures?

< 80 degrees

Green flag conditions are at what temps?

80 - 84 degrees

Yellow flag conditions are at what temps?

84 - 87.9 degrees

In the DTF, at the beginning of each workday, flush the unit water lines and hoses for how long?

1 minute

When filling a prescription, the label on the containers should be verified at least how many times?


What expenses are incurred in the recovery, preparation, encasement and burial of the remains?


The two major classifications of anesthesia are _____ and _____?

Regional, General

The five stages of dealing with death?

denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance

Another name for skeletal muscle is

Voluntary, or striated

Another name for smooth muscle is?

Involuntary or nonstriated

If captured you only have to give your what?

name, rank, service number, date of birth

What is the form number for the Dental Lab Work Authorization?

DD form 2322

What is the most common cause of dental caries?

bacterial plaque

Clarks rule decides the medication dose based off what?

Child's weight

What is the largest gland in the body?


Bruises behind the ears are commonly referred to as what?

battle signs

What is the usual flow rate for an IV bag?

40 - 60 drops per minute

As a general rule, all first and second degree burns that cover more than _____ % of the bod are considered serious?

15 percent

What method is used to anesthitize maxillary teeth?


What are the enamels main inorganic components?

Calcium, and phosphorus

In dental prosthodontics, what should you paint the acrylic resin with to prevent it from sticking?

tinfoil substitute

NAVMED 6600/3?

Dental health questionnaire

NAVMED 6600/6?

Dental appointment card

NAVMED 6600/8?

Monthly DIRS


Authorized medical allowance list


Authorized dental allowance list

International Certificate of Vaccination is what form?

PHS - 731

What is another name for a subdiaphragmatic abdominal thrust?

The heimlich maneuver

What is another name for contusions?


An open fracture is also known as what?

Compound fracture

Dental development usually begins in what week of prenatal life?

Fifth or sixth

The crown of the tooth is divided into an anatomic and a clinical crown. Which is the exposed part?


What is the "meat" between your teeth and helps prevent food from packing between teeth?

Interdental papilla

What teeth are also referred to as the canines?


SSIC code 1000

military personnel

SSIC code 2000


SSIC code 3000

operations and readiness

SSIC code 4000


SSIC code 5000

general admin and management

SSIC code 6000

medicine and dentistry

SSIC code 7000

financial management

SSIC code 8000

ordnace material

SSIC code 9000

ships design and material

SSIC code 10000

general materials

SSIC code 11000

Facilities and activities

SSIC code 13000


SSIC code 16000

Coast guard

Three catagories of Medical records?

health record, outpatient/dental, inpatient


report of medical history


report of medical examination


reference audiogram


hearing conservation data (annual hearing exam)


eyewear Rx

What is the DD2005 and where is it located?

Privacy act statement, back of section 2

Most widespread tissue in the body


Three levels of the skin?

epidermous, dermis, subcutaneous

What is the thin outer membrane surrounding the bone?


How many vertebrae are in the vertebral column?


Three developmental phases of tooth formation?

growth, calcification, eruption

The growth period of a tooth is divided into which three stages?

bud, cap, and bell

What are the two parts of the tooth?

crown, root

The crown is what part of the tooth?

The portion encased in enamal, the clinical crown is the visible portion

When teeth have more than one root, what is the region where they seperate called?


What is the calcified substance that covers the entire tooth and protects the dentin?


What is the light yellow substance that is less dense than enamel?


What is the bonelike tissue that covers the root of the teeth in a thin layer?


What is the soft tissue inside the tooth?

Dental pulp

What is the chief function of the pulp?

formation of dentin

The tissues that surround and support the teeth are collectively called?


What is the bony portion of the maxilla and mandible where the teeth are embedded and the tooth's roots are supported?

Alveolar process

What is the mucosa covering the alveolar called?


What is the most common type of gingivitis?

marginal gingivitis

What is another name for Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis (NUG)?

Trench mouth, or Vincent's infection

What is Pericoronitis?

inflammation of the gingiva around a partially erupted tooth

What is the abbreviation for Pericoronitis?


In dental treatment rooms, how long do you flush lines after each patient?

30 seconds

What is the formula for Young's rule?

(Age in years/ (age in years + 12)) x adult dose = childs dose

What is the formula for Clark's rule?

(Weight in lbs/ 150) x adult's dose = child's dose

Buccal administration of meds is where?

Between cheeks and gums

What are the three different names for medications?

Chemical, generic, brand (trade)

Astringents are used for what?

shrinkage of the skin and mucous membrane

Vitamin A

retinol, deficiency leads to colitis

Vitamin D

deficiancy leads to rickets

For venipuncture, what angle do you use for sticking the needle into the skin?

15 - 30 degrees

What magnification is the low power lens?


What magnification is the high power lens?


What magnification is the oil immersion lens?


What are the five types of white blood cells?

Neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes, monocytes