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69 Cards in this Set

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since the 1789 what has been associated with nationhood
what did nationalism evoke
memories of popular movemtns clasing with authoritarian governments
wat did napoleon 111 believe about himself
his personal rule and developemt of a centralized state
how was napoleons constitution modeled
after frist french empire
-emperor had control of finance army and foreign affairs
what could the assembly only approve
legislation drafted by a council of state
the regime aimed to put countryside under whose control?
political and administravtive thumb of modern state
Napoleon lll and his gov't
developed the economy and created a utopian faith in bring properity, pol. support and national glory
what did the new goverment pass
new limited-liabity laws to spur growth
- signed a free-trade treaty with Britain
- supported founded the Credit Mobilier
Credit Mobilier
investment banking institutions that sold shares publicly
- financed entreprises (railroads,insurance and gas companies). + building of the Suez Canal.
what did napoleon III permit?
existence of trade unions and legisilation of strikes.
best illustration of the second empire's policies was what
transoformation of the nation's capital.
how many houses had running water in 1850?
1 house in 5.
- incentive to rebuild was increased by political concers.
who financed the massive rebuild?
the Credit Mobilier
- erected 34,000 new buildings ( new hotels w/ new elevators)
Arc de Triomphe
named after napoleon 1s most fav. general.
the new regime drove working class people where?
the segrated suburbs.
Baron Haussman
presided over rebuilding
- considered city to a monument of cleanliness and order.
- other called him an artist of demolition.
Benjamin Disraeli
-shrewd conservative
- pol. life would be improved by including aristocrats of labor.
- he steered the reform bill of 1867
John Stuart Mill
brillian, committed and influential defender of personal liberty.
-wrote On liberty and Subjection of Women
- married to Harriet Taylor
On liberty
considered the classic defense of individual freedom in the face of the state + tyranny of the majority
- defined the texts of western liberalism
Subjection of Women
- coauthored w/ wife
- essays on womens political rights, law of marriage, and divorece.
- published after the wife died
- international success
what did the subjection of women argue towards?
women had to b consideed individulas on the same plane as men.
- women's freedome was a measure of soc. progress.
what brought women to vote
militant suffrage
the high point of british liberlaism
a decade of so after bill of 1867
- accomplished a peaceful restructing of pol. insititutions and social life.
casting a ballot vote was a...
priveldge granted to certain social groups in return 4 their contributions to + interests in society.
Guiseppe Garibaldi
guerilla fighter who replaced Mazzini + was exiled twice (US and latin america).
-commiteed to achieving national unification thru a pop. movement.
more moderate nationalist sought what?
economic and political reforms.
Victor Emmanuel II
- king of Piedmont- Sardinia
- brought Cavor into his gov't
Count Camillo Bensodi Cavour
- embodied the conservative vision of nationhood.
- promoted economic expansion + encouraged construction of modern transportation.
what did Cavour pursue
reforms guided by the state.
- 1st- minister of commerce and agriculture.
- 2nd- prime minister
what did Cavour plan depend on
- allied w/ napoleonic france
France and Italy vs. Austria
- 1859
- napoleon iii quickly surrended (impossible to expel austrians from venetia).
Revolt of Sicily
- Garibaldi volunteer fighters- The Thousand.
-took sicily in name of vicotor emmuanel
Revolt of Sicily
- Garibaldi volunteer fighters- The Thousand.
-took sicily in name of vicotor emmuanel
The thousand
embodied the widespread support 4 Italian unification- came from N and S. members of mid. class (artisans + workers).
Cavour thought the unification should be under whom
Piedmont- Sardinia stewardship
- w/o domestic turmoil or negoiations with other italian cities
Franco-Prussian war
- compelled napoleon to withdraw his troops from Rome.
- italian troops gained control of it in Sept.
Law of Papl Guaranties
-passed by the Italian parliament
- defined and limited the pope's status
1871 in Italy
- was a state.
- minority- spoke italy; majority- used local and regional dialects.
- gap between the industrialized north and the rural south.
why was building the Italian nation an on-going process
regional differences and social tensions
August Ludwig von Rochau
-wrote: The Principles of Realpolitik Applied to the Conditions in Germany.
- practical policitcs has to do w/ the fact that powere alone can rule.
Rochau's view on power
would not agree with those with a "just" cause.
- those supported the constiutitons o+ Enlightenment rights
How did Rochau believe power came through
-diverse forms( the expansion of the economy and social institutions).
clostly associated w/ otto von bismarck.
- political strategy for advancing power for its own sake.
How was the german nation built
growth of national feeling
- recalculations of mid-class interests
- diplomacy, war, and struggles b/w the regime + opponents
what did king Frederick WIlliam grant to Prussia
constitution that established a bicameral (2-house) parliament.
- lower house elected- universal male suffrage.
who became the prince regent of Prussia
William I
Prussia under the contriol of William I
conservative state w/ and expanded size and confidence in the mid-class.
what did Prussia have by the late 1850s
active liberal intelligensa
- thoughtful and engaged press
- liberal civil service (dedicated to pol. and eco. modernization).
the eco. changes of prussia in the late 1850s helped forge what
liberal political movement that won a majority in elections to the lower house
- could confidently confront the king.
the main bone of contention b/w liberlas and king
military spending.
William and military spending
-expand the army
- reduce the role of reserve forces (mid-class group)
- ensure military matters not subject to parliamentary control.
Otto von Bismarck
- elected minister-president of Prussia by William ( didn no answer to parliament).
- support monarchy and fiercly opposed liberal movement.
- born into a class of conservative and wealthy aristocrats.
Why didnt otto von bismarck institute domestic reforms
he favored the "rights" of a particular group
- thought the policites would unite and strengthen prussia
Bismarck and his views on Prussia
- - brought german states under prussian control b/c he wanted a grand German design.
- considered himself destined for greatness.
Bismarck's reputation
cynicism, arrogance, and frankness in expressing his views.
what did Bismarck do in Prussia
defy parliamentatry opposition.
- played the national card to make the German nation building an extension of prussian authority
the other german power apart from Austria
- influence over the german conferedatio +catholic regions in the S.
- bismarck persuaded austria to join war w/ prussia against denmark
Bismarck's dispute with Denmark
- disputer over Schlewig and Holstein
denamrk vs prussia
- short and froced the danish ruler to give up 2 nations to austrian and prussia.
- alliance b/w A and P fell apart
7 weeks war
- Austria vs. Prussia
- Prussia won! and austria agreed to dissolve german conferderation.
- to replace G. conferd. bismarck created nth german confed.
norht german confed.
union of all german states N of the main river
bismarck's view on the german confederation
outlived its usefullness and exploited austria's disadvantages
Franco-Prussian war
- S. Germany aided the prussians.
- war quickly over, no one came to France's aid.
- france could not match prussia's professionaly trained army.
-began in june and ended in sep. w/ defeat of France and capture of Nap. III.
Bismarck hoped that a conflict with whom would help german nationalism
- exploited mistakes and accused the french of trying to steal the rhineland
where was the german empire proclaimed
hall of mirrors at versailles
where was the german empire declaed
jan. 18, 1871 at the hall of mirrors in versailles.
- symbol of past french absolutism.
whoho declaed their alligance to william I after formation of germany
all german states no abosbed by the prussian fold.
- xcept austria.
treaty in frankfurt b/w germany and france
- closed border region of Alsace to the Germany.
- forced Frace to pay 5 billion francs.
what remained intact and reconfigured as the german nation state
prussian kaiser, prime minister, army,and bureaucracy.