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68 Cards in this Set

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physical health
how well your body functions
mental health
being comfortable with yourself,others, and your surroundings
emotional health
how you react to events in your life
social health
how well you get a long with others
spiritual health
having meaning and direction in life
environmental health
how the environment effects our health
mental disorder is a
illness that affects the mind and reduces a persons ability to function/adjust to change or get a long with others
obsessive compulsive disorder. unwanted thoughts or images take control of the mind and they have to behave a certain pay to prevent the feared outcome
a phobia is...
anxiety related to a specific situation or object
emotional state in which a person feels extremely sad and hopeless
bipolar(manic depressive disorder)
mood swings from extreme lows to extreme highs
seasonalaffective disorder. depression from lack of light
panic disorder
anxiety and fear arise frequently and without reasonable cause.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that's triggered by a terrifying event
general anxiety
excessive worrying that does not have a specific cause.
multiple personality
two or more personalities with distinct memories and behavior patterns apparently exist in one
Abnormal anxiety about one's health
sychotic disorder (or a group of disorders) marked by severely impaired thinking, emotions, and behaviors
antisocial personality
A personality characterized by attitudes and behaviors at odds with society's customs and moral standards, including illegal acts.
borderline personality
is a pervasive pattern of instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image and emotions. People with borderline personality disorder are also usually very impulsive.
4 types of stressers & examples
major life changes- graduating, breaking up
catastrophes- hurricane
everyday problems- how you dress, competitions, conflict
environmental problems- unsafe/crowded, litter
stress response system
alarm, resistence, exaustion
alarm stage-
release adrenaline
resistance stage
become tires,irratable,less able to handle
exaustion stage
can no longer keep up with demands
ability to recover or bounce back from stress
relaxation techniques
yoga, meditation
5 stages of grief
denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance
how could it be me?
anger stage-
angry it happened
hed give back all of it to see them live again
depression stage
sad they died
accepted and moving on
4 stimulants
amphetamines, methamphetamine, cocaine,nicotine/tobacco smoke
4 depressants
barbiturates, CNS depressants, opiates,alcohol
3 hallucinogens
LSD, psilocybin, PCP
what affects BAC?(4)
rate of comsumption, gender,body size, food in stumache
stages to addiction
tolerance,dependent, addiction
symptoms that occur if person stops taking it
I message?
statement that expresses your feeligns but doesnt blame or judge other person
3 parts to I message
i feel...(feeling) when you (behavior) because (effect on you).
you message
expression that blames and judges other person
holding back your true feelings and goign along with other people
communicate opinions and feelings ina threatening and mean way
you are able to stand up for yourself and express your feelings in a kind way
reasons teens are at risk for sti
oral sex, not gettng treatment, multiple sex partners
affects smoking can have on baby
harm/kill baby, decrease chance ot live, cause lifelong problems
most common std
HPV(genital warts)
infectuous disease is
caused by organism or viruses that enter and multiply within the body(pathogens)
bacteria that live in air,soil,food,etc
diabetes type 1
produces little or no insulin, glucose remains high (children)
diabetes type 2
produce sufficient insulin, but body cells dont respond, hgih level of glucose, from being overweight/not healthy
sudden disruption of blood to brain
heart attack
when some tissue in the heart dont reciece its normal blood supply and dies
oncogene is a gene that, when mutated or expressed at high levels, helps turn a normal cell into a tumor cell
6 essential nutrients
water, vitamins, minerals, protein, fats and carbohydrates
what water does for the body
Keeps its temperature normal.
Lubricates and cushions your joints.
Protects your spinal cord and other sensitive tissues.
Gets rid of wastes through urination, perspiration, and bowel movements.
what fat does in the body
promotes cell growth,store vitamins and nutrients, insulation to body
BMI determined by..
umber calculated from a person's weight and heigh
healthy blood pressure
healthy cholesterol levels
less than 200
shock is when
heart fails to circulate blood adequateley to vitasl organs
if some one has shock, so thiss...
1.call 911
2. lay victim on floor(blanket)
3. raise legs
4. control bleeding
5. cover with blanket to keep warm
6. monitor breathing/pulse/cpr
universal precaustions
wear gloves, use plastic fac shield, wash hands after
3 c's
check(scene safe),call(911 in lifethreatening conditions),care(act quickly w/ first aid)
when to give cpr
when victim is unresponsive
compression to breaht ratio