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75 Cards in this Set

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When adults elaborate on children's speech, thereby increasing its complexity, they are using
When 4-year-old Nicholas sees a tree blowing in the wind, he says, "Look! The tree is waving at me!" Nicholas is demonstrating
animistic thinking.
Three-year-old Cameron happily presents his mother with a toy truck on her birthday. According to Piaget, Cameron is demonstrating
Which of the following words would a child most likely acquire first?
Four-year-old Morganne's script for shopping will include
the correct sequence of events.
Julie uses private speech freely when faced with difficult tasks. Julie probably __________ than her less talkative agemates.
shows greater improvement in task performance.
A major change in representation that increases steadily from 4 to 8 years of age is
the awareness that make-believe is a representational activity.
How might inhibition help a child master false belief?
by suppressing the assumption that others' knowledge and beliefs are the same as his own.
Which of the following statements is true?
Intelligence tests are designed so that examinees' performance is not affected by situational factors.
Children are shown a labeled Band-Aid box, and a similar box that is unmarked. They are shown that the Band-Aid box is empty, and the unmarked box contains Band-Aids. Four-year-olds who are asked where a new friend will look for Band-Aids
choose the labeled Band-Aid box.
Tom's mother regularly tells him, "Finish your vegetables and you can have a cookie." This practice often
causes children to like the vegetables less and the cookie more.
Research on handedness indicates that
the brains of left-handers tend to be less strongly lateralized than those of right-handers.
Three-year-old Madeline's mother asked her to draw a cube. Based on her age, you would expect Madeline to draw
a square.
When Victoria draws a picture of a person, she draws a circular shape for the body and represents the arms and legs with lines. She adds features like eyes, mouth, hair, and fingers. Victoria is MOST likely ____ years old.
Presented with Piaget's three-mountains problem and asked to pick the picture that shows "what the doll sees," a preoperational child
picks the picture that shows her own perspective.
When children who lack growth hormone (GH) are given injections of GH starting at an early age, they
show catch-up growth.
Candice is interested in whether her preschool students have good recognition memory. After showing them several pictures of animals, she should wait a short while and then
show them the familiar pictures and some unfamiliar pictures, and have students pick out the ones they saw before.
Research on brain development demonstrates __________ between 3 and 6 years of age.
especially rapid growth in the frontal lobe.
After learning a word through fast-mapping,
children still must refine their representation of the word.
Between ages 2 and 6,
boys continue to be slightly larger than girls.
Which of the following is true concerning childhood immunizations?
Though required for school entry at age 5 or 6, 40 percent of poverty-stricken American preschoolers lack essential immunizations.
Which of the following metaphors would a preschooler be MOST likely to understand?
clouds are like pillows
Which of these developmental trends matches most closely with the maturation rates of the two hemispheres of the brain?
Language skills develop very rapidly in early childhood.
The dramatic rise in the numbers of young children enrolled in preschool or child care is largely due to
a rise in working mothers.
Three-year-old Alicia wants to dress herself this morning. She puts on a top and pants that do not match and two different color socks. Alicia is working on her
self-help skills.
1. Asked whether there are more oranges or fruits in a group of 2 apples, 3 bananas, and 5 oranges, preoperational children will
report that there are more oranges.
2. Neo-Piagetian theorists combine Piaget's stage approach with an emphasis on
information processing.
3. In supporting children's language acquisition, __________ is especially important during early childhood.
Interacting with more skilled speakers.
4. Which of the following statements about children's theory of mind is true?
Preschoolers who engage in extensive fantasy play are more advanced in their understanding of false beliefs.
5. Hennie and Brendan have identical balls of clay. After Brendan flattens his into a "pancake," he believes he has more clay than Hennie. Brendan lacks
6. According to Vygotsky, __________ is an ideal social activity for promoting cognitive development in early childhood.
make-believe play
7. Which of the following best describes a 3-year-old's understanding of numbers?
They realize that when a number label changes from, say, three to four, the number of items also changes.
8. Jack comes from a low-SES household. Research demonstrates that if he receives poor-quality child care, he will
score lower on measures of cognitive and social skills.
9. Among poverty-stricken preschoolers in the United States, __________ percent lack essential immunizations.
Studies of brain development show that
most left-handers have no developmental problems.
11. In Piaget's preoperational stage, the most obvious change is an extraordinary increase in
representational, or symbolic, activity.
12. Which of the following two letters would young children have the MOST difficulty telling apart?
p and q
13. Three-year-old Derek takes turns in conversations, knows to speak differently to his baby sister than he does to his grandfather, and responds appropriately when asked to clarify his statements. These skills are known as
14. Of annual deaths worldwide in children under age 5, __________ percent are in developing countries, and __________ percent of such deaths are due to infectious diseases.
98; 70
15. Measures of neural activity reveal especially rapid growth from 3 to 6 years in
frontal-lobe areas devoted to planning and organizing.
16. While reading a book on bees, Lucy's mother told her that bees "are insects, pollinate flowers, and produce honey." This helps to guide Lucy's construction of ________.
17. Cross-cultural research on cognitive development suggests that
children in some cultures gain more from direct observation than from verbal communication.
18. __________ can __________ the appearance of permanent teeth.
Prolonged malnutrition; delay
19. In the United States, approximately 11 percent of the child population is uninsured. These children
are three times as likely as insured children to go without needed doctor visits.
20. Mrs. Chaudoin heard that storybook reading can promote language and literacy development in preschoolers. To engage with her 4-year-old, she should
discuss the story's content with her daughter.
21. During the preschool years, a child's diet
is often marked by a decline in appetite.
22. By age 6, the average child will have acquired approximately __________ new words.
23. Collin says, "I see truck!" His grandmother responds, "Yes, you see a big, red fire truck!" His grandmother's response would be classified as a(n)
24. Most 3-year-olds
begin to create pictures from scribbles.
25. In North America, about _________ percent of children live in a home with one or more computers.
1. Preschoolers work out their first ideas about justice and fairness
through disputes with siblings and peers over rights, possessions, and property.
It is generally agreed that
the type rather than the amount of solitary and parallel play changes significantly during preschool.
Which of the following nonsocial activities is a cause for concern?
Kuuipo, who wanders aimlessly through the preschool room
Four-year-old twins Djenana and De'andeya are engaged in a typical sibling dispute. In order to help them gain sensitivity to their sibling's feelings, their parents should
intervene with reasoning and negotiating.
Four-year-old Madeline meets a new boy at preschool. When Madeline's teacher explains that the new boy is "shy," Madeline is likely to believe that the new boy
is uncomfortable around new people.
Which of the following statements would likely be made by a parent using inductive discipline?
"It hurts Sarah's feelings when you don't give her a turn."
Erikson's critical psychological conflict during the preschool years is
initiative versus guilt.
Over the preschool years, intense emotional outbursts
occur less frequently.
Which of the following is true regarding violent media and aggression in the United States?
In children's programming, cartoons are the most violent.
By what age do children correctly judge the causes of many of the basic emotions?
4 to 5 years
Gender schema theory explains how __________ and __________ work together to shape gender-role development.
environmental pressures; children's cognitions
In preschool, girls and boys engage in different social behaviors. Which of the following occurs more often in adult-structured contexts?
Aaron's parents have high standards for his behavior. At the same time, they do not provide him with emotional warmth or respond consistently to his emotional needs. Aaron frequently hears, "Do it because I said so!" His parents can be classified as
While playing, preschool children
often transition back and forth between onlooker, parallel, and cooperative play.
In North America, Parents Anonymous has as its primary goal
helping child-abusing parents learn constructive parenting practices.
Which of the following statements about corporal punishment is TRUE?
Corporal punishment generally peaks around age 5.
Parents who use inductive discipline
talk to their children about the effects of misbehavior.
parents who are undemanding and indifferent are classified as
What is the most common type of aggression among children?
instrumental aggression
Which of th efollowing is the LEAST effective form of punishment?
physical punishment
Parents can help children learn to initiate peer contacts by
providing informal peer play opportunities.
Eleanor Maccoby's theory that hormones affect human play cycles and choice of play partners is reinforced by the fact that
young children spend significantly larger portions of their time in same-sex play situations.
When asked about their expectations for sons and daughters, parents say that __________ is (are) important for sons.
control of emotions
Although her older sister consistently models the ability to share, 3-year-old Kailyn remains possessive and constantly claims objects as "Mine!" Kailyn's parents should know that her behavior
is a sign of developing selfhood and her effort to clarify boundaries between herself and others.
Three-year-old Miguel covers his eyes and runs out of the room during a scary scene in his favorite movie. He is displaying
emotional self-regulation.