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10 Cards in this Set

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____ is the first government sponsored university.

University of Georgia

List the FIVE capitals of Georgia in order:

S- Savannah

A- Augusta

L- Louisville

M- Milledgeville

A- Atlanta

Explain the following land distribution systems:

Land Lottery

Headright System

Yazoo Land Fraud

LL- free white men(and some women)were given a random plot of land, which was FAIR

HS- head of family gets 200 acres, plus 50 for each family member(up to 1,000)

YLF- land speculators bribed legislators to sell land, then they sold it to the people at a markup

The Treaty of Indian Springs, signed by ______________, gave the last of the Creek lands in Georgia to the government.

William McIntosh

What mode of transportation was essential to to westward expansion because it made traveling and transporting goods easier?


Eli Whitney created the _________ to easily clean the seeds from cotton fibers.

Cotton Gin

_________, a Cherokee Chief, fought for the treaties signed between the U.S. government and the Cherokee to be honored.

John Ross

____ ________, Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, ruled in favor of the Cherokee in the Worcester v. Georgia case.

John Marshall

Despite the rule in Worcester v. Georgia, President ____________ ordered for thr Cherokee to be kicked out anyway.

Andrew Jackson

Because of the ________________, the Cherokee were kicked out of Georgia, leading to the _____________.

Indian Removal Act

Trail of Tears