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13 Cards in this Set

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The ____ Amendment gave African-Americans(newly freed slaves) citizenship and equal protection under the law.


The _____ Amendment abolished slavery in the United States.


The ____ Amendment gave all male citizens, no matter the color of their skin, the right to vote.


Laws created to prevent African Americans from voting, testifying against whites in court, or serving on a jury were called __________.

Black codes

The Reconstruction Amendments were ________, or approved, as changes to the Constitution.


The _______________ was a federal agency that provided medicine and healthcare, education, and work for newly freed slaves.

Freedmen's Bureau

The Ku Klux Klan, a terrorist organization in the south, did everything within their power to remove _____ __________ from their seats after 1876.

Black legislators

Farmers who agreed to work on a landowners property in exchange for land and farming equipment for a portion of their crop are called a ______ ______.

Tenant farmer

Farmers who agreed to work on a landowners property in exchange for land but were able to provide their own equipment,in exchange for a portion of their crop is called a ____________.


There were _____ plans for Reconstruction.


________ Plan: former Confederate states would be allowed back in if 10% of citizens took an oath of loyalty and the state ratified the 13th Amendment.


________ Plan: 1/10th of voters in the 1880 election needed to swear an oath of loyalty, ratification of the 13th Amendment, and pass the Black Codes.


_____________ Plan: wanted to protect the newly freed slaves,so required the ratification of the 13th AND 14th Amendments, required new state governments and constitutions, and if these rules weren't followed, Congress would take over.
