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42 Cards in this Set

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Define the dissolve function

aggregates layers with the same features and removes any boundaries between them, leaving only the boundaries around their shared features.

In 2 sentences or less, define geographic information systems.

A computer-based system that aids in 1. storing, 2. indexing, 3. displaying, and 4. analyzing spatial data and information

Name 5 necessary components of a GIS.

1. hardware

2. software

3. data

4. methods

5. people

All data used within a GIS, regardless of the data model, have 2 distinct components. Name them.

1. geographic

2. attribute

Another word for spatial data is

geographic data

Another name for aspatial data is

attribute data

vector data best represents

discrete data

raster data models best represent

continuous data

list 5 concerns in aquiring digital data

1. coordinate system

2. scale

3. how the data was acquired

4. analysis of data

5. age of the data

Describe satellite ranging

uses triangulation to determine location. Satellites 1 and 2 send signals and satellite 3 determines the point where the 3 signals intersect.

Name 4 errors that can affect acquired field data

1. multipath signal error

2. atmospheric delay

3. receiver clock error

4. orbital error

Describe multipath signal errors

radio signals are obstructed by an object, causing the timestamp to be off

Describe atmospheric delay error.

solar flares or storms affect the signal

Describe an orbital error

one of the satellites ate off their normal geometric position

Describe a receiver clock error

the receiver's clock is wrong which affects the timestamp

Define remote sensing

the science/art of obtaining information about a place or object with a device not in direct contact with it

how does remote sensing work?

aircraft or satellites create a series of images from reflected electromagnetic radiation (EMR.) these images come together to form a composite color image of the surface of earth based on these reflections. this image is then sent back to earth from the satellite.

Define entity

any thing we are interested in collecting data on

Define attribute

a description of the thing we are interested in

Name the 6 components all maps should/could contain


1. title

2. map body

3. scale bar

4. legend


5. north arrow

6. neatline/border

What is the main type of data a choropleth map displays?

intensive data

What is the main type of data a dot-density displays?

extensive data

Describe intensive data and give examples

derived data, ratios & averages

examples: average rainfall amount in KY

describe extensive data and give an example

count data, attribute values

example: dental clinics in KY

Name 3 considerations to make when creating a dot-density map

1. within the region, where should I place my dot?

2. how large should my dot be?

3. what unit of value should I assign to each dot?

What 3 components comprise the Global Positioning System?

1. space

2. control

3. user

Describe the space component of GPS

24+ satellites orbit earth every 24 hours

at least 5-8 of these satellites are accessible at any given time by a receiver

describe the control component of GPS

comprised of tracking stations that monitor the functionality, orbit, and signals of the satellites.

if they find an error, it is reported back to earth so it can be corrected.

describe the user component of GPS

the user uses a receiver to pick up radio signals from satellite receivers.

cam be high or low end - design and quality will affect the accuracy of signal receiving.

explain the function of a buffer

selects the areas within a specified distance to a selected feature

What is a map overlay?

takes an input of 2 layers to create one result layer.

options: union or intersect

describe the clip function

"stamps" a selected area and creates a "cookie cutter," thus removing any data from layers outside your selected area

list 2 examples of raster data

1. image

2. gridded area class map layer

define the class, zone, and value of raster data

zone: a continuous group of pixels with the same value

class: a group of zones

value: the numeric integer assigned to a single pixel

How are DEM's generated?

spatial interpolation, photogrammery, or scanning

what are DEM's used to derive?

1. watersheds and drainage basins

2. drainage basin networks and channels

3. points, peaks, and surface landforms

What can DEM's model?

1. forest fires

2. hydrological flow

3. drainage basins

Name 2 attributes derived from DEM's

1. wetness index

2. vertical profiling

what is a viewshed analysis?

determines what people can and cannot see well from a certain place on the ground.

used for deciding height and location for billboards

What is a union?

takes 2 input layers and combines them, *regardless if they overlap or not

what is an intersect?

takes 2 input layers and combines them, but the resulting output layer will only include the areas containing their shared areas.

Name 3 methods of dealing with the mixed pixel problem

1. centroid

2. transverse

3. percentage