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31 Cards in this Set

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What is GERD?
Gastro-esophageal reflux disease; a reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus which causes pain and discomfort .
How is GERD normally prevented?
By the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which is a higher pressure area and prevents reflux into the esophagus from the low pressure area of the abdominal cavity.
What can cause GERD?
decreased tone and pressure of the LES, increased intra-abdominal pressure, increased gastric volume, acites, nicotine, caffeine, alcohol, beta and ca+ blockers, straining, etc.
What problems does GERD cause?
gastric contents irritate esophagus tissues and causes a breakdown which causes inflammation, erosions and ulcerations. The body tries to repair itself by making Barrets type epithelium which is pre-cancerous tissue.
What are some s/sx of GERD?
heart burn, substernal pain, regurgitation, sour taste, wheezing, dysphagia
What interventions can we do for GERD?
avoid or limit foods and meds that cause problems, avoid alcohol and nicotine, do not eat 2 hrs before bedtime, limit fluids with meals, don't lay down after a meal, avoid restrictive clothing, HOB up, avoid heavy lifting.
What meds can help with GERD?
Antacids, H2 receptors (pepcid, tagament, zantac, proton pump inhibitors (prevacid, prilosec, nexium)
What is a hiatal hernia?
weakness in the diaphragm and part of the stomach goes up to the thoracic cavity.
What are two types of hiatal hernias?
Sliding hiatal hernia and rolling hiatal hernia.
What is a sliding hiatal hernia and what are the s/sx?
The LES and a portion of the fundus moves thru the diaphragm into the thorax. S/sx: GERD like symptoms
What is a rolling hiatal hernia and what are the s/sx?
Fundus of the the stomach and portion of the greater curvature of the stomach roll up into the thoracic cavity (LES stay in ab. cavity). S/sx: fullness after meal, breathlessness, chest pain, reflux rare.
What are some interventions for hiatel hernias?
small frequent meals, avoid heavy lifting, HOB up, meds, surgery, ng tubes, etc.
What is gastritis?
inflammation of the gastric mucosa; mucosal barrier fails
What is a complication of gastritis?
Gastritis can damage chief and parietal cells that produce intrinsic factor which allows us to absorb vit. B-12 at puts you at risk for pernicious anemia.
What is acute gastritis and what can cause it?
short term problem caused by alcohol, drugs or food poisoning.
What is chronic gastritis and what problems can it cause?
long term problem which involves all layers of the stomach and is associated with gastric ulcers, cancers, etc.
What are some s/sx of gastritis?
pain-usually relived by food, can't tolerate spicy/fatty foods, weight loss.
What are some interventions for gastritis?
H2 receptor antagonists, vit. B-12 replacement, dietary changes, decrease in caffeine and alcohol, stress management.
What is peptic ulcer disease?
A ulcer in the GI tract caused by tissues coming into contact with gastric acid and usually occur on the lesser curvature of the stomach.
What are duodenal ulcers?
Most common ulcer and occur in the duodenum (small intestine) and are related to H. pylori.
What are some s/sx of ulcers?
burning pain relieved (duodenal) or worsened (gastric) by eating
What are some complications of ulcers?
peroration, hemorrhage, pyloric obstruction
What are some interventions for ulcers?
dietary changes, rest (physical and mental), ng tube, ns lavage, meds (antacids, H2 receptor antagonist, prostoglandin analogs, mucosal barrier fortifers, surgery
What is IBS?
Irritable bowel syndrome: gastric mobility problems or intenstinal mobility problem.
What are some s/sx of IBS?
several episodes of constipation, diarrhea, or combo of both, may have pain which subsides after defecation which is not being caused by an organic problem.
What interventions are there for IBS?
no specific tx, anti-diarrheals or increased fiber help, manage stress or avoid irritating foods.
What is an abdominal hernia and what are the different types?
intestine protrudes through a weakened area of the abdominal muscle related to increased intra-abdominal pressure. types: reducable, irreducable or incarcerated, and strangulated.
What is a reducable and irreducable hernia?
Reducable hernia the intestine can be returned (pushed back) to abdominal cavity where a irreducable hernia cannot.
What is a strangulated hernia?
ischemia of the intestines results from decreased blood supply and can lead to necrosis, bowel obstruction or perforated bowel.
What are some s/sx of abd. hernias and what causes them?
lump on abdomen (may need to reposition pt- have stand up or do valsalva maneuvers. Causes: heavy lifting, trauma, weakness of abd. muscles.
What are the interventions for abd. hernias?
truss or surgery, no heavy lifting, push hernia back in if reducable, etc.