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45 Cards in this Set

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congenital pyloric stenosis
olive mass in epigastric region, nonbilious projectile vomiting at 2 weeks
whipples disease
infxn with Tropheryma whippelii (g+); PAS pos macrophages in lamina propria, mesenteric nodes
older men
lactase deficiency
osmotic diarrhea
pancreatic insufficiency causes
CF, cancer obstruction, chronic pancreatitis
blunting villi, affects jejunum, assoc with dermatitis herpetiformis, inc risk of T-cell lymphoma
transglutaminase screening
acute gastritis
disruption of mucosal barrier
caused by stress, NSAIDs, etOH, uricemia, burns (Curlers), brain injury (Cushings)
chronic gastritis A
Ab to parietal cells, pernicious Anemia --> gastric body, Achlorydia

similar to Menetriers (hypertrophy --> parietal atrophy)
chronic gastritis B
caused by H. pylori
affects antrum
inc MALT lymphoma
terminal ileum, colon, rectal sparing
skip lesions, transmural inflammation, cobblestone mucosa, creeping fat
non-caseating granumlomas
tx: corticosteroids
ulcerative colitis
continuous colonic lesions (always rectal)
mucosal and submucosal involvement, pseudopolyps
crypt abscesses and ulcers, toxic megacolon, CRCA, bloody diarrhea, primary scleroisng cholangitis
tx: sulfasalazine
severe ab pain
pancreatitis, ischemic colitis, kidney stones, ab aortic aneurysm
tortuous dilation of vessels --> bleeding
cecum, ascending colon; older patients
virchow's node
involvement of left supraclavicular node by mets from gastric AC
(type A blood is RF for gastric AC)
pancreatic islet cell malignancy
produces excess gastrin --> hyperacidity
assoc with MEN I
massive loss of whole blood per rectum
sigmoid diverticulosis, angiodysplasia
invasive diarrhea pathogens
shigella, camp jejunum, entamoeba hystolytica
secretory diarrhea
laxatives, vibrio cholerae -enterotoxins- E. Coli, carcinoid syndrome -serotonin inc
acute mesenteric ischemia
afib --> systemic embolization --> SMA
small bowel signs
thumbprint sign on radiograph
diffuse abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea
ischemic colitis
splenic flexure pain and bloody diarrhea
5-HIAA in urine
serotonin --> carcinoid tumor (terminal ileum)
- liver metastasis makes it a syndrome (flushing of skin, diarrhea, tricuspid regurg, pulm stenosis)
turcot's polyposis syndrome
AR, assoc with malignant brain tumor (astrocytoma, medulloblastoma)
colon cancer
left vs right
left: obstruct -- napkin ring
right: bleed -- polypoid tumors
colon cancer
CEA detects recurrence; RAS, rectosigmoid, colonoscopy, liver met
pathogen of appendicitis
E. Coli and Bacteroides fragilis
same as diverticulitis
pain precedes nausea/vomiting
-periumbilical to RLQ
-complications: perforation, pylephlebitis --> thrombosis
anal carcinoma: basaloid vs squamous
basaloid above pectinate line, common
squamous below pec line, HPV assoc
plummer-vinson triad
esophageal webs
iron deficiency anemia
Reye's syndrome
childhood hepatoencephalopathy
post infxn (influenza B, VZV) or ASA
fatty liver, hypoglycemia, coma
occlusion of IVC or hepatic veins w/ centrilobular congestion and necrosis --> cong liver dz
absence of JVD, assoc w/ polycythemia vera, preg, HCC
black liver
Dubin-Johnson syndrome
(conj hyperbilirubinemia)
mildly dec bilirubin uptake or UDP-glucuronyl transferase
(unconj hyperbilirubinemia)
primary sclerosing cholangitis
intra and extrahepatic. inflammation and concentric onion skin fibrosis of bile ducts
hi ALP, assoc with UC
biliary cirrhosis
primary: intrahepatic, mitochondrial Ab, assoc w/ scleroderma and CREST
secondary: extrahepatic biliary obstruction --> bile lakes; (hi conj bilirubin)
cholangitis triad
jaundice, fever, RUQ pain
h2 blockers
cimetidine, ranitidine, famotidine, nizatidine
mech: rev block of histamine rec --> dec parietal H secretion
use: peptic ulcers, gastritis, mild GERD
tox: inh p450, gynecomastia, impotence, cross BBB and placenta
omeprazole, lansoprazole
mech: irrev inh H/K ATPase in parietal
bismuth, sucralfate
mech: binds ulcer base, physical protection; allows HCO3 for mucous layer
use: ETEC, ulcer healing
PGE1 analog; inc secretion of mucous barrier, dec acid
use: prevents NSAID ulcers; maintains PDA, induces labor
tox: diarrhea; abortifacient
muscarinic antagonist
block M1 rec on ECL cells (dec hist) and M3 rec on parietals (dec H)
use: peptic ulcer
tox: tach, dry mouth, eyes
use: crohn's, RA, CML
tox: resp infxn, fever HoTN
AB and anti-inflamm; act by colonic bacteria
use: UC, crohn's
tox: malaise, sulfa, nausea
serotonin antagonist; anti-emetic
tox: headache, constipation
mech: thru serotonin rec to inc Ach at myenteric, inc esophagus, gastric, duo
tox: torsades with other drugs
d2 rec antagonist, inc resting tone, contractility, LES, motility
use: diabetic and post-surgery gastroparesis
tox: park effects, digoxin, diabetic agents, SBO