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48 Cards in this Set

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Neonate and infants have a decreased metabolism and excretion of drugs because of immature


As a result of immature kidney function, drugs are eliminated more slowly, requiring vigilant monitoring for toxicity

Client teaching to family members with children includes:

instructing family members to purchase child-resistant medication containers

child-proofing medications may decrease the risk for inadverlent ingestion

 route is the most exact and predictable route through which to administer medications


The IV route allows for the greatest titration and bioavailability of the medication. The other routes are less exact

 A parent is learning to administer medication to a preschool aged child. Which of the following strategies would be most effective in achieving cooperation

providing age-appropriate explanations

Preschool-age children are beginning to understand complex concepts. Physical restraints is needed more with infants and toddlers, violent reactions are characteristic of toddlers, and contracts are best made with adolescents

An 8 month old child is discharged from the hospital with a plan of care to recieve intramuscular (IM) injections each day. The parents have been taught the procedure to administer the injections. The nurse would reinforce using which of the following sites for IM injections in an 8 month old child


The leg is the optimal site for injection until the children been walking well for 1 year and the gluteal muscle is well developed

An infant client is ordered to recieve a topical silver nitrate ointment to prevent infection after sustaining burns. The nurse must be vigilant for signs of silver toxicity primarily because

infants have thinner skin, allowing for greater absorption

The thinner the epidermis allows for greater absorption of topical medications, increasing the risk for toxicity

A client is to be discharged to home on an oral liquid suspension in the amount of 4 mL per dose. Which of the following would ensure the highest level of accuracy in home administration of the medication

using an oral syringe

The oral syringe provides the greatest accuracy in measuring medications

A child is diagnosed with an ear infection. The physician orders an oral antibiotic. Which of the following is true of the calculation of this medicine

The dose is calculated on body weight

Pediatric medication should be calculated on body weight or body surface area

Two major organs affecting drug clearance from the body that should be closely monitored when an older adult client is receiving multiple drugs are

liver and kidneys

These are the organs primarily responsible for medication metabolism and excretion

Hepatic blood flow in the older adult is decreased, thus possibly causing a decrease in drug clearance. This results in

decreased excretion of the drug

With a change in hepatic blood flow, there will be impaired drug metabolism. This leads to decrease excretion, increasing the risk for accumulation

Which of the following laboratory tests is prescribed to evaluate renal function

blood urea nitrogen (BUN)

BUN measures the amount of urea in the blood after filtration, indicating kidney function

Polypharmacy is more common in the older adult. Polypharmacy means

taking man drugs together

There are many factors that are likely to decrease drug adherence in the elderly. One factor that can cause noncompliance in the older adult is:

a decrease in finances (inability to pay for the drugs)

An older adult client says that she has difficulty in removing the cap from the bottle of the prescription drug. She states that is the reason she does not always take her medication. The nurse can suggest that she

ask the pharmacist to put the drug in a non-child proof container

Childproof caps may be difficult for older adults with arthritis or decreased strength or motor function

A client is demonstrating signs and symptoms of disorientation. Which of the following questions by the nurse would be appropriate as related to medication use

"Are you taking any new medication"

A new medication may be associated with changes in sensorium or other behavioral characteristics. This should be evaluated

As a result of the specific physiologic characteristics of the older adult, most medication doses are _______ middle-aged adult doses

less than

Because of the changes in metabolism and excretion, doses are generally decreased to avoid accumulation and toxicity

An older adult client is ordered to recieve digoxin. The client has decreased renal function. Which of the following could indicate digoxin toxicity

a heart rate less than 60 beats/minute

digoxin slows and strengthens the heart. Toxicity may be manifested by bradycardia.

A client takes ibuprofen (motrin) to deal with the pain of arthritis. The client complains of gastrointestinal symptoms. Which fo the following is an appropriate stategy for the nurse to teach the client

"try to take an antacid 1 hour before your dose"

An antacid may decrease the gastrointestional side effect of the NSAID. It may also impair absorption, so it must be evaluated for effectiveness

A nurse is administering a medication to an older adult client. The nurse the nurse is aware that the clients t1/2 is longer than those in middle-aged adults. the nursing intervention indicated by this pemise is

monitoring the client for signs of accumulation

Because older adults may have less efficient medication elimination, monitoring for accumulation is an important component of nursing care

As a result of the specific physiologic characteristics of the older adult, most medication doses are _______ middle-aged adult doses

less than

Because of the changes in metabolism and excretion, doses are generally decreased to avoid accumulation and toxicity

An older adult client is ordered to recieve digoxin. The client has decreased renal function. Which of the following could indicate digoxin toxicity

a heart rate less than 60 beats/minute

digoxin slows and strengthens the heart. Toxicity may be manifested by bradycardia.

A client takes ibuprofen (motrin) to deal with the pain of arthritis. The client complains of gastrointestinal symptoms. Which fo the following is an appropriate stategy for the nurse to teach the client

"try to take an antacid 1 hour before your dose"

An antacid may decrease the gastrointestional side effect of the NSAID. It may also impair absorption, so it must be evaluated for effectiveness

A nurse is administering a medication to an older adult client t 1/2 is longer than those in middle-aged adults. The nursing intervention indicatied by this premise is:

monitoring the client for signs of accumulation

Because older adults may have less efficient medication elimination, monitoring for accumilation is an important component of nursing care

A nurse is discussing depression with a new nurse. The experienced nurse explains that major depression is thought to be related to the following hormonal changes

An increase in serotonin and increase in norepinephorine levels

Two herbal supplements have been indicated for mild depression

St. John's wort and ginkgo

These herbs may be recommended in the treatment of mild depression

A nurse is scheduling a clients medications. The client is ordered to recieve a daily dose of fluoxetine (Prozac). Because of the major side effects of this medication, the nurse correctly schedule this medication at


This medication, an SSRI, may cause insomnia so it should be given early in the day

A client is ordered a tricyclic antidepressant. In monitoring this client, the nurse would assess for

orthostatic hypotension

Tricyclic antidepressants are known to cause orthostatic hypotension, hypotension, and sedation

A client is ordered fluoxetine (Prozac) for mild depression. The nurse would monitor for the following side effects

nervousness, restlessness, and insomnia

A Latino client is ordered to recieve an antidepressent drug. The nurse would anticipate that this client's dose would be

lower than that for other cultural groups

Latino clients are more sensitive to antidepressants; therefore the dose must be decreased

A nurse works in an assisted living setting. The nurse is administering an antidepressant to a 78 yr old client. The nurse is aware that the daily dose of antidepressants for the older adult would be

about half of the adult dose

Older adults require half the adult dose related to physiologic differences in absorbtion, distribution, metabolism, and excretion

Health teaching for clients taking MAO inhibitors such as tranylcypromine (Parnate) is very important. Which of hte following foods would the nurse instruct the client to avoid


MAO inhibitors, if eaten with aged foods or those with tyramine, can lead to hypertensive crisis

Serum lithium level is important to monitor because it has a narrow therapeutic range. Reference (therapeutic) ranges is

0.5 to 1.5 mEq/L

Hyponatremia can occur with the diuresis and sodium loss may occur with lithium therapy. Adaquate sodium intake must be ensured

A nurse is scheduling a client's medications. The client is ordered to recieve a daily dose of amitriptline (Elavil). Because of the major side effects of this medication, the nurse correctly schedule this medication at


This medication, a tricyclic antidepressant, may cause sedation, so it should be given at bedtime

A client is on maintenance lithium therapy for bipolar disorder. The client enters the emergency department complaining of tremors and feeling "funny". The client appears to be giddy and confused. A serum lithium level is drawn. The lab calls, stating the client''s level is 2 mEq/L. the nurse would anticipate

holding the next dose of lithium

This serum lithium level is above therapeutic range and the client is demonstrating symptoms of early lithium toxicity. The next dose would be held

A client begins taking paroxetine (Paxil) for obsessive-compulsive disorder. Which of the following client statements would indicate that the medication is effective

"I am learning to set priorities for what has to be done"

This demonstrates that the client is less compulsive

A client enters the nurse practioner's office. The client has been treated with antidepressants for mild depression for 3 years. The client says his medication is no longer working and he states that he has heard that MAO inhibitors are effective meidcations in treating depression. The nurse would respond based on the knowledge that:

this medication requires significant dietary restrictions

MAO inhibitors, when eaten with aged foods and those with tyramine, can lead to hypertensive crisis. The medication alone does not do this; is is effective for depression and has some side effects

Which of the following interventions is highest priority for the care plan for a client on lithium therapy?

Drink 1 to 2 L of water per day

Drinking and staying hydrated is of highest priority. Lithium may cause polyuria and lead to dehydration

A client is taking an antidepressant. Which of the follwoing would indicate a side effect of anticholinergic origin

urinary retension

Urinary retention, constipation, tachycardia, and dry mouth are anticholinergic symptoms.

A client is taking fluoxeine (Prozac) for mild depressive disorder. The nurse is providing teaching and counseling. The client complains of lak of sexual desire and diminished sexual arousal. The nurse's response is based on the fact that:

This is a known side effect and may require intervention

This side effect is expected of the SSRIs and may require specific interventions and counseling.

A client is being treated withan MAO inhibitor. The client needs to be instructed to avoid foods with tyramine, such as

aged cheeses

Aged foods and foods with tyramine may lead to life threatening hypertensive crisis if digested with MAO inhibitors.

A client is ordered to receive fluoxetine (Prozac) for premenstrual depressive disorder. The client is receiving client teaching. Which of the following statements made by the client would indicate a need for more teaching

"I should feel better in 1 week

This medication often takes 2-4 weeks for a therapeutic effect. The medication does decrease appetite and may cause nausea. It is taken early in the day to avoid insomnia

A client is ordered to receive an MAO inhibitor in the treatment of major depression. Select the food to be restricted while on this medication

aged cheese

Hypertensive crisis from fatal tyramine interaction (cheese, coffee, cream, yogurt, bananas, liver, yeast, chocolate, beer, red wine)

Why is it important to provide age appropriate explanations to a school aged child when working with their medication

this will most enlist their co-operation with the medication

The client is due to be started on Prozac. What changes in the client's functioning should the nurse anticipate

ECG changes

ECG changes can occur when the client is treated with Prozac

The nurse needs to understand the differences in drug excretion in children. The nurse bases decisions in medication administration on the knowledge that drug excretion in infants and children is usually


As a result of immature kidney function, drugs are eliminated more slowly, requiring vigilant monitoring for toxicity

Drug half life for an older child can be shortened because of increase metabolic rate. The drug dose for older children may be

increased because of drug metabolism

With shorter half life, more of the drug is eliminated quickly. This requires a higher dose of the medication

Infants have decrease plasma protien-binding sites because of decrease plasma protien and albumin levels. Compared to adults, with drugs that are highly protien-bound the drug dose for infants usually


With fewer binding sites, there is more active drug available. This requires a reduction in the dose

The gastric pH of children younger than 3 years is greater (more alkaline) than adults. Penicillin can be destroyed by gastric aciditiy. Compared to an adult, the penicillin dose for a child should be


Because the gastric pH is more alkaline, less penicillin would be destroyed