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48 Cards in this Set

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Colchicine is a plant alkaloid which stops what chromosome process?


Compare haploid and diploid

H: n condition, Half taken from m, half from f

D: 2n condition, in somatic body cells, 2x sperm/egg cell

Explain histones

Alkaline protein in eukaryotic cells, aid packing/order of DNA

Spermatogenesis may produce ______ million to ____ billion sperm

40mil - 1.5 bil

What is makeup of semen according to genetics lecture

Sperm, fructose, proteolytic enzymes

Why would we stop the division of chromosomes?

Locate centromere with wrights/giemsa, determine length of arms (match chromosomes with those of male/female parents), view banding pattern (where genes are located)

What is the function of sperm (3)

Activation factor for egg, provide haploid parental genome, aid repro of cell microtubules

What do micro tubules do?

Conduction of nutrients in cell, aid in pulling chromosomal material apart

A homogametic male would be represented as ___ rather than XY


Males will always attain ___ chromosome from sire, and ____ from dam

Y from sire, x from dam

A dioecious animal will produce which gametes

Produce either egg or sperm

A hermaphrodite may produce which gametes

Produce both

A heterogeneity male is considered a ____male


Explain Klingelter'ssyndrome

Look male with female characteristics, XXY

Explain Turner's syndrome

One x and no y, look female, sterlility, XO

Homogametic sex in birds would be represented __ rather than XX


The heterogametic female bird is represented as what


In certain insect species, XX represents a _____ while XO represents a _____

XX-female, XO-male

T or f, birds may experience a sex reversal


What is the subscript written for a torti cat?


What subscript would an orange cat be compared to a black cat

OO orange, oo black

Is it the male or female that acts as a carrier of hemophilia?


A torti white female may be represented as what genotype

XOXo with either WW or Ww

Compare meiosis to mitosis

Meiosis- the resultant cell have half the chromosome number as parent cell

Mitosis-cell division in which new cells have same chromosome number as parental

What is oo genesis

Origin and development of the sperm cell

What is parthenogenesis

Development if an underutilizes egg into an adult organism

Explain purebred

Offspring if parents of identical types

What is an autosome

Chromosome that is not a sex chromosome

Chromosomes are stained during which division stage


What does it mean to be monomorphic

Identical appearance of sexes

What are androgens

Steroid hormone which bind to receptors

What does it mean to be cryptorchid. When does it mainly occur?

Unilateral withheld descending of testes, 9mos of age

Hens kept in cool condition will favor which offspring sex


What is an ova testi in a hen?

Dormant right ovary

What is the cremaster and what is it's function?

Paired muscles that control testicular movement, also surround spermatic cord

Where is luteinizing hormone produced, and what's it's purpose

Via anterior pituitary gland, trigger ovulation and stim testosterone production

What are function of sertoli cells regarding sperm

'Nurse cell', provide nutrients, aid spermatogenesis, remove residual cytoplasm

What is function of epididymis?

Storage/maturation of spermatids

What are the main accessory reproductive glands included in male reproduction

1. Two seminal vesicles

2. Prostate gland

3. Two Cowpers (bulbourethral) glands

Compare uniparous and multiparous

U- one ovum develops for each ovarian cycle

Mnunber of ova are brought to maturity each cycle

were does fertilization occur?


what are the two outer layers of the placenta?

outer= amnion, therefore amniotic sac

inner= allantois, therefore allantoic sac

compare cotyledronary, diffuse, zonary, and discoid placental attachment

c: small and numerous attachment sites (placentomes), more complicated

d: sites spread diffusely over whole placental surface, detach easily

z: attachemtn belt-like

dis:single disc-shape

explain 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimester

1- zygote developing

2- differentiating stage of fetus structures

3- fetal growth,prep for change from parasitic to free living

explain the 3 stages of labour

1-uterine contraction

2- delivery of newborn

3- delivery of placenta

what does independent assortment of traits mean?

traits don't affect eachother

what does trait segregation mean?

50:50 chance of a trait

another name for the law of segregation and recombination is known as ______ law

Mendel's law