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18 Cards in this Set

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Two most generalized (important) control system in physiology

Endocrine and nervous system

Two most important questions when studying physiology and reasons behind them

Why; purpose or physiological significance of the action.

How; the mechanism of the action taken.

Organelles turn to ...

Cells ~ tissues ~ organ ~ organ system ~ organism

What are cells

Their the living units of the cell

Is the cell quality the same for all cells in the body

No, RBC don't have organelles. Liver cells have more organelles than other cells (endoplasmic reticulum). Every cells is used for it's function.

Difference between common features in a cell and specific functions

Common features are made so the cells can live and specific functions are for the survival of the whole organism. Basic characteristics are similar in most cells while unique characteristics are to perform specific structural adaptations.

The 3 basic functions of cells are

Metabolism, growth and reproduction.

The 8 examples of the basic cell function

Specialized cell functions

Modification or elaboration of cell function for example muscle cells can contract.

What are tissues and what are their 4 types

Cells with similar structure and specialized functions which combine to form a tissue. The four types are epithelium, nervous, muscle and connective tissue.

What are organs and an example on it

Consists of two or more primary tissues organized together to perform a specific function. An example would be the stomach with all 4 types of tissues present.

Body system level is

Groups of organs that are further organized into body systems. Each system has its own function inorder for the body to survive

The seven life process


Average water percentage in a health adult

50-70%, lower in fat people

Total body water is divided into

1) intercellular 2/3

2) extracellular 1/3

Extracellular fluid is divided into

1) interstitial fluid 3/4

2) plasma 1/4

What's homeostasis

The process by which the body keeps the internal environment relatively constant, despite changes in the external environment. The internal environment is in a dynamic state of equilibrium.

Whats the internal environment and external environment

Internal environment is the extracellular fluid while external environment is what happens outside the body.