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76 Cards in this Set

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Vital for survival and includes interactions of organisms and the environment.

Biological processes

Life's continuity relies on this process. It is when offspring is generated from parents.


a.k.a procreation or breeding

Involves division of a body into 2 or more equal parts.


Type of Asexual Reproduction

The body breaks into 2 or more parts, and each part can develop into a complete individual.


It is a type of Asexual Reproduction

An outgrowth from a parent arises and develops organs like those from the parent.


Type of Asexual Reproduction

During unfavorable conditions, a bacteria can form an endospore, a dormant cell with preserved DNA


Type of Asexual Reproduction

It is when filamentous gametes align, grow projections forming a bridge, and fuse to become a zygospore.


Type of Sexual Reproduction

The fusion of 2 gametes with different sizes. In humans, it involves the union of a large immotile egg and a small motile sperm.


Type of Sexual Reproduction

Can refer to an individual having both a male and female reproductive organs. Hence, self fertilization occurs.


Type of Sexual Reproduction

The fusion of egg and sperm cell.


The study of growth and development of plants and animals.

Developmental Biology

The importance of reproduction.

Quality Improvement & Procreation

It allows mixing of genetic materials leading to variation among individuals in a species.

Quality Improvement

Reproduction sustains the species so that it does not become extinct.


Involves the formation of gametes from a diploid idividual through meiosis, resulting in 4 haploid cells with half the gentic material of the parent.


It is a potent stem cell that can differentiate into any kind of cell.

Totipotent cell

In the cleavage stage, a series of mitosis forms a multicellula_________.


Formed during the gastrulation stage, this has three distinct germ layers.


These are the 3 germ layers of a gastrula

Ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm.

This is the process by which the 3 germ layers differentiate into specific organ systems.


The three types of cells formed by the Endoderm.

Lung cells (alveolar cells), Thyroid cells, and Digestive cells (pancreatic cells)

The 5 Cells that the Mesoderm forms.

Cardiac muscle cells, smooth muscle cells, skeletal muscle cells, tubule cells of the kidney, and red blood cells.

It occurs when the zygote splits during the first cleavage stage, resulting in identical twins.

Monozygotic twins

It occurs when two or more fertilaztion events results in two zygotes rising at the same time.

Dizygotic twins

These is where sperm production takes place.


Sperm is temporarily stored here.


This organ supplies the semen with enzymes, lipids, etc.


This is where sperm passes through to reach the urethra

Vas deferens

It is a passage for both semen and urine.


It is a passage for both semen and urine.


It creates a part of the semen that counteracts the acidity of the vagina to protect the sperm.

Seminal vesicle

Secretes pre-ejaculate to lubricate and clear urine to let semen pass.

Bulbourethral gland

It is the homologue of the penis.


The external opening of the vagina.


It is the main entrance to the female reproductive tract.


The term that refers to the folds in the vagina


Site of egg cell production.


Catches the egg cell released in ovulation and is the site of fertilization.

Fallopian tube

The term for a solid blastula formed by the growth of a zygote.


The morula is moved as a hollow blastula also known as ______.


The site where the implantation of the blastocyst takes place.

Endometrial lining

This signals the start of pregnancy.


The blastocyst grows into an ______.


It is a very early stage of development.

Is the stage of carrying the embryo/fetus inside the uterus.


Other term for pregnancy

The specific site in the fallopian tube where fertilization takes place.

ampulla/ampullary isthmic junction

How long does the menstrual cycle last in the ovary (Ovarian cycle) and uterus?

28 days

It is the phase where the follicles in the ovary mature.

Follicular phase

How long does the Luteal and Follicular phase take?

Both take 14 days.


Other term for menstrual phase that takes place in the uterus (Uterine cyle)

"period" phase


During the "period" phase, the_____ degeberates and sheds off.


This is the phase where the endometrium heals.

Proliferative phase

This phase correponds with the luteal phase to prepare for implantation.

Secretory phase

Is the last phase in the Uterine cycle.

Is the process of blocking any of the stages reproduction.


The processes of reproduction that can be blocked by contraception.

Release and transport of gametes, fertilization, implantation, and actual completion of development of the embryo/fetus.

Is the deliberate removal of the embryo/fetus.


It is a form of contraception.

Known as the withdrawal method, is ending the intercourse before ejaculation.

Coitus interruptus

It is a form of contraception.

Is the paractice of not engaging in sexual intercourse.


Most effective method

Is a form of male birth contol that cuts the supply of sperm to your semen.


A surgical procedure done on a female's fallopian tubes to prevent pregnancy.

Tubal ligation

Female equivalent to a vasectomy.

The general life cycle of plants is an alternation between a diploid______ and haploid _______.

Diploid sporophyte and haploid gametophyte

It is an alternation between sexual and asexual reproduction.

The term for the asexual phase in a plant's life cycle.


It is the sexual phase of a plant's life cycle.

Haploid gemtophyte/"gameteplant"

Site of gametogenesis in plants.


It is the reproductive structure of a plant.


The four major whorls of a flower.

The sepals, petals, stamen, and pistil.

The collective term for sepals.


The collective term for petals.


Collective term for corrola and calyx


The 2 structures of the stamen.

anther and filament/stalk

Found in anthers that develop into pollens.

Microsporangia/Male sporangia

The female reproductive organ of the flower.

Pistil or Gynoecium

The four structures of the pistil/carpel

stigma, style, pollen tube, ovary

Flowers that have all whorls present.

Complete flowers

A flower with both the male and female reproductive organ.

Perfect (Bisexual) flowers

Flowers with only one of the reproductive organs present.

Imperfect (Unisexual) flowers

A plant with perfect flowers or capable of growing perfect flowers.

Monoecious plants