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167 Cards in this Set

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Resources - Plant needs
1) sunlight in visible band
2) CO2 (from atmosphere)
3) H20 (from soil)
4) nutrients (macro/micro)
5) space to acquire resources
Resources - Animal needs
1) O2 (from atmosphere)
2) H2O (from environment)
3) nutrients/E sources (varies depending on habitat and type of animal - herbivore etc)
4) space to acquire resources (habitat)
-all things consumed by an organism
-consumption causes a decrease in supply of resource (less is available) - can become critically limiting
*absence of any of the resources that plants/animals need is limiting to life
Environmental factors
-abiotic environmental factors that influence organisms but are not consumed
1) climatic
2) topographic
3) edaphic
Environmental factors - climatic
a) Temp and PPT (including snowpack duration)
-directly influences rate of physiological processes (organism itself)
-metabolic processes have a certain temp range
-indirectly influences the availability of/demand on resources

b) wind
-affects vegetation in exposed locations

*potential midterm Q: explain and interpret the different vegetation on slopes on either side of a mountain - with the environmental factors
Environmental factors - topographic
-slope aspect = orientation of the slope
-elevation = location relative to sea level
-slope position = location relative to local mountain peaks and valleys
-slope steepness = angle relative to horizontal

-topography influences incoming solar radiation, microclimate, and sol water balance
Environmental factors - edaphic
-texture, structure, organic matter, organisms, acidity & nutrient availability
theory of tolerance
each and every species is able to exist and reproduce successfully only within a definite range of values for a particular environmental factor
*note: there are both upper and lower limits of tolerance, beyond which the organism dies
*can look at/graph one environmental factor at a time, or combine them
Climatic envelopes
-climate factors interacting to determine the distributional limit of a species
-includes: moisture, annual minimum temp, arid vs. humid climates, annual snowfall,

*competition line happens where the species is at a competitive disadvantage because of this conditions
ecological niche
-a characteristic of a species that is defined by considering the species combined tolerance ranges for all of the environmental factors that influence it
-each factor can be considered as one niche dimension
-multidimensional - as many dimensions as factors that define the niche
-includes biotic interactions b/c species in the same niches will interact
negative biotic interactions
cost to one or both species
-competition -, -
-predation +, -
-herbivory +, -
-parasitism +, -
positive biotic interactions
benefit one or both species
-commensalism +, o
-mutualism +, +
neutral biotic interactions
no effect on either species
physiological amplitude
-relates to range of tolerance (alternate representation)
-optimal growing conditions without competition
ie/ most trees grow best in fresh, rich soil
ecological amplitude
distribution depends on competitive influence of neighbouring plants
-characteristic of a species "profession"
-potential distribution of the species
-the actual place where the organism lives "address"
-characterized by a particular set of environmental factors that match the organisms niche
-largest division of terrestrial ecosystems, subdivided into formations
-regional-scale ecosystems, strongly related to climate and soils
-described by the physiognomy of the dominant vegetation
physiognomy of biome
architecture and life-forms of the vegetation
architecture of vegetation
-look at structure
-ID canopy layers or strata
-qualitative or quantitative measures

emergents, canopy, subcanopy, shrub layer, ground cover
scattered trees, above main canopy layer
crowns of the trees mostly exposed to sun
trees with crowns mostly shaded
shrub layer
shrubs, large herbs, seedlings, saplings
-2-3m in height
ground cover
moss, herbs, ferns, bare ground
life forms of vegetation
attributes to describe vegetation
growth form - graminoid, herb, shrub, tree, vine
size - seedling, sapling, tree
lifespan - annual, biannual, perennial
tissue - herbaceous, woody
leaf traits - needle/broadleaf, evergreen/deciduous
biomes and formations
-five biomes and six forest formations
-strongly related to climate
treeless, vegetation compact to the ground
tree-like growth forms, succulents, shrubs/herbs, bare ground
graminoids, broadleaf forbs/herbs, perennials, low to ground canopy dominates, below ground biomass, trees in riparian areas
grass dominated understory, scattered emergents
high variability
-tropical rainforest
-monsoon forest
-subtropical evergreen
-midlatitude deciduous
-needle leaf
ecosystem determinants
factors that determine ecosystem characteristics
vegetation characteristics
= CL + O + R + P + T
CL = climate (energy and water = water balance)
O = organisms (litter + bacteria > nutrients)
R = topographic relief (elevation, slope, aspect)
P = parent material or geological substrate that is the basis of soil
T = time since disturbance
CLORPT also relates to vegetation characteristics
CL = climate and soil = factors responsible for general similarities in vegetation at sub-continental or regional scales
=biomes and formation classes

ORPT = local scale factors which cause variation between sites
=niches and habitats

=conditions of the atmosphere at a given place and time

=long-term weather averages, variability and extremes
General atmospheric circulation model
-basic principles
1) warm air rises and cold air sinks
2) warm air - low pressure, high moisture capacity, converging, ascending
3) cold air - high pressure, low moisture capacity, diverging, descending
4) air flows from high to low pressure
5) coriolis deflects to the right in the N hemisphere, to the left in the S hemisphere
General atmospheric circulation model
-primary low- and high- pressure areas
1) equatorial low-pressure trough
-@equator, high temp = low pressure trough
-warm, wet air converges and rises producing clouds and rain
2) subtropical high-pressure cells
- 20-30 degrees N/S latitude, high pressure zone, hot, dry air
3) subpolar low pressure cells
-60 degrees N/S latitude, low pressure zone, cool, wet air
4) polar high-pressure cells
-poles, low temp = high pressure cells
-cold, dense air, descends & diverges
General atmospheric circulation model
-Hadley cells and trade winds
-air source = equatorial low pressure has converging, ascending air
-rising air moves toward the poles on upper atmosphere winds then descend in the subtropics at about 20-30 degree N/S latitude
-descending air = high pressure
-surface flow is from high pressure to low pressure
-surface flow + coriolis effect = trade winds (NE in S.hemisphere and SE in N.hemisphere), converge @ equator creating the ITCZ
-entire system = "Hadley cells"
General atmospheric circulation model
-Midlatitudes and Polar front
-at 60 degrees latitude = low pressure belt
-winds from polar H to subpolar L = polar easterlies
-winds from subtropical H to subpolar L = westerlies
-polar front = meeting of cold air from N and warm air from S in the midlatitudes makes midlatitude cyclonic storms centred on low pressure
-polar jet stream = westerly flowing air above the polar front, positioned in the tropopause
Köppen-geiger climate classification system
-five climate groups based on average monthly temp and PPT and total annual PPT
-groups are subdivided into types, depending on seasonality, temp, PPT
-boundaries based on climate data and vegetation
Köppen-geiger climate classification system
-climate groups
A - tropical rainy climates, equatorial tropical regions below 25 degrees latitude
B - dry climates, where evapotranspiration > PPT
C - mesothermal, mild, 25-60 degrees mid-latitude, distinct seasons, some maritime
D - microthermal, severe mid-latitidues, >25 degrees latitude, continental
E - polar, boundary corresponds to arctic/antarctic treeline, tundra, ice caps

A, C, D, E = humid climates where PPT>evapotranspiration

H - highland climates, variable over short distances, types not mapped at global scale
soil water balance
P = E + (delta S) + R
-for a specific place and time, balance of water and outputs

inputs = PPT (P)
outputs = E + (delta S) + R
E = evapotranspiration
delta S = change in storage (+G = recharge, -G = utilization)
R = runoff of surplus (surface and ground water)
soil water recharge (+G)
-fills available pore spaces in soil
a) capillary water - water that resists gravity by clinging to soil particles via capillary tension (effected by soil/porosity)
b) storage capacity - amount of capillary water available for plant use
soil water utilization (-G)
evapotranspiration = rate of water vapour return to atmosphere from the ground (evaporation) or plant cover (transpiration)
Potential evapotranspiration (PE)
= ideal rate that would occur if complete plant cover and unlimited water
-measures water need
-represents energy availability (b/c it becomes the limiting resource)
actual evapotranspiration (AE)
= rate that actually occurs given availability of biological usable energy and water
-measures water use
-represents water availability
deficit (D)
-PE >= AE
-Deficit = PE - AE
Midlatitude broadleaf forest of ontario
growth form:
-divergent branches @ top (spreading, wide crown) = access to light & increased transpiration rates

-humid summers
-cold, snowy winters
-more temp extremes (continental effect)

limitations & adaptations:
-abundant water in summer
-E-limited forest
-winter deciduous = snow loads & drought protection
coastal temperate rainforest of BC
growth form:
-divergent branches @ base (longer @ base, conical tree form) = access to light

-summer drought
-mild, wet winters, maritime effect

limitations & adaptations:
-water limited forests
-summer drought
-evergreen, chemical & physical drought adaptations
forests in canada are classified according to ecozones and forest regions. Together these classifications provide a science-based foundation for forest management decision-making at the national level
an area of the Earths surface representing large and very generalized ecological units characterized by interacting abiotic and biotic factors
ecozone classification
-distinguished by unique geology, climate, vegetation, wildlife and human factors
-subdivided into ecozones and ecoprovinces
-hierarchical units are useful for reporting/planning at national, provincial and regional levels
How many ecozones does Canada have?
-15 terrestrial, subdivided into 53 ecoprovinces, which subdivided into 194 ecoregions
-5 marine
Canadian terrestrial ecozones
-12 terrestrial ecozones are at least partly forested: Hudson Plains, Taiga Plains, Taiga Shield, Boreal Shield, Atlantic Maritime, Mixedwood Plains, Boreal Plains, Prairies, Taiga Cordillera, Boreal Cordillera, Pacific Maritime, Montane Cordillera
-3 arctic ecozones are not forested: Arctic Cordillera, Northern Arctic, Southern Arctic
ecozones determinants
1) temp
2) PPT
3) Geology & Soils
ecozones determinants - temperature
-N-S gradients are determined by solar inputs (day lengths and sun angles)
-location relative to Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic Oceans determines continentality
ecozones determinants - PPT
-warm, wet air masses from the Pacific Ocean move W to E on the prevailing westerlies
-cold, dry air masses from the Arctic collide with the warm, wet air masses from the Gulf of Mexico along the polar front, strongly influencing the eastern and central parts of Canada
ecozones determinants - Geology & Soils
-Canadian shield (position/influence), ancient igneous granitic rock, underlies half of Canada's land mass
-3 major mountain ranges are the Arctic Cordillera (NE), Coastal and Rocky mountain ranges (W cordillera, continental divide) and strongly influence regional climate and soils (adiabatic PPT/rain shadows)
Arctic Cordillera (AC)
Northern Arctic (NC)
Southern Arctic (AC)
Northern most ecozones
-high latitude, low solar E (b/c of solar angle, even with long days) & PPT inputs;
- permafrost limits soil water availability to plants (Arctic desert wetland paradox); non-forested tundra
Arctic desert wetland paradox
-low PPT, but humid, permafrost prevents percolation, abundant standing surface water but low water availability
Boreal Shield (BS)
Taiga Shield (TS)
Hudson Plains (HP)
-canadian shield, still undergoing isostatic rebound
-soils deeper to the south and shallower to the north with exposed rock and discontinuous permafrost;
-lowlands south of Hudson and James Bay are poorly drained wetlands and bogs
Atlantic Maritime (AM)
Mixedwood Plains (MP)
-SE of canadian shield
-densely populated and highly altered by humans over 400 yrs
-MP: great lakes-St Laurence + Carolinian forests
-AM: Acadian forests
Prairies (P)
Boreal Plains (BP)
Taiga Plains (TP)
-grasslands/boreal forest
-rainshadow of W cordillera
-glaciation influenced by topography, soils & wetlands/lakes
-grasslands transition to parkland to forest fromS to N
-highly altered by humans in the S
Pacific Maritime (PM)
Montane Cordillera (MC)
Boreal Cordillera (BC)
Taiga Cordillera (TC)
-Western cordillera
-strong latitudinal gradient in temperature
-W-E and low-high elevation PPT gradients
-diverse topography strongly influences vegetation and human impacts
forest region
a geographic zone with fairly uniform vegetation cover in terms of dominant species and stand types
-based on vegetation or forest composition not on environmental variables
forest regions of canada
Great Lakes - St Lawrence
Carolinian (Deciduous)
Boreal forest region
location (ecozones)
-northern Canada (MP, BS, TS, HP, BP, TP, BC, TC)

dominant tree species
-white spruce, black spruce, balsam fir, jack pine, white birch, trembling aspen, tamarack, willow
Acadian forest region
location (ecozones)
-maritimes (AM)

dominant tree species
-red spruce, balsam fir, yellow birch
Great Lakes-St. Lawrence forest region
location (ecozones)
-central Canada (MP, BS)

dominant tree species
-red pine, eastern white pine, eastern hemlock, yellow birch, maple, oak
Corolinian (Deciduous) forest region
location (ecozones)
-SW Ontario (MP)

dominant tree species
-beech, maple, black walnut, hickory, oak
Coast forest region
location (ecozones)
-BC (PM)

dominant tree species
-W red cedar, W hemlock, sitka spruce, DF
Columbia forest region
location (ecozones)
-BC (MC)

dominant tree species
-W red cedar, W hemlock, DF
Montane forest region
location (ecozones)
-BC & Alberta (MC)

dominant tree species
-DF, lodgepole pine, ponderosa pine, trembling aspen
Subalpine forest region
location (ecozones)
-BC & Alberta (MC)

dominant tree species
-Engelmann spruce, subalpine fir, lodgepole pine
Forest regions in BC
5 of the 8 Canadian forest regions are found within BC
(+ alpine tundra & grasslands)

-moderating influence of the pacific ocean + the westerlies
-mountainous terrain (topography)
-latitudinal variation
National Forest Inventory (NFI)
a collaborative effort between the federal, provincial and territorial governments, compiles detailed information for each of Canada's 12 forested ecozones
-network of permanent observational units located on a national grid covering 1% of Canada's landmass
-combination of ground plot, photo plot and remote sensing data
-data on dominant species, volume of wood and remote sensing data
-ongoing monitoring provides accurate, timely, and consistent information on the state of sustainable management of Canada's forests
climate regions of BC
-Pacific: along coast
-Cordilleran: S/N mtn ranges
-Boreal: NE BC
-oriented N-S
-mountain ranges strongly influence temp + PPT regimes
coarse scale influences on BC climate
Global circulation model
-aleutian low b/c of low pressure @ 60 degrees N
-high pressure @ 30 & 90 degrees N, along Cali/Oregon coast & arctic
-westerlies = prevailing winds
-polar easterlies

Regional Air Masses
-maritime polar
-continental polar
-continental arctic
Temperature & BC Climate
1) latitude
-influences sun angle, day length and seasonality

2) Longitude: Continentality and Cloud Cover
-land vs water
-in BC W-to-E gradient

3) Topography
-aspect = orientation relative to the sun
-elevation = temp decreases with increased elevation
Environmental Lapse Rate
= change in temp with altitude (for stable, unmoving air)
-average ELR = 6.4 degrees per 1000m
-varies with local weather conditions
Dry Adiabatic Lapse Rate (DALR)
= rate of temp change with altitude for a parcel of moving air that is not saturated (RH < 100%)

=10 degrees per 1000m
Adiabatic cooling
-as an air mass ascends there is less pressure affecting it and it expands
-with expansion sensible heat is used and it cools although no heat energy is lost or gained by the surrounding environment
Adiabatic warming
-opposite to cooling
-as an air mass descends it compresses and warms

*note: for moving air, the temp change depends on whether the air is dry or saturated
Moist adiabatic lapse rate (MALR)
= rate of temp change depends on whether the air is dry or saturated (RH = 100%)
=6 degrees per 1000m

MALR is less than DALR because latent heat of condensation is liberated into the air mass as sensible heat so the rate of cooling is lower
PPT & BC climate
1) types of uplift leading to PPT

2) snow
convergent uplift
-low pressure
-influence of the Aleutian low (+ subtropical high)
-low = convergent flow
-westerlies carry air masses onshore + orographic uplift = ppt
-high = blocks or diverges westerlies = dry conditions
-summer = weaker L + northward shift of H + westerlies leads to seasonality:
vancouver - summer dry
prince rupert - always wet
convectional uplift
-associated with continentality
-surface heating of land: uplift of warm air masses, turbulence + cumulonimbus clouds, thunderstorms
-interior BC, continental warm summers
-results in summer-wet PPT regime
frontal systems
-air masses
-"front" = zone of contact of two air masses
-name = "aggressive" air mass
-affects all parts of BC

ie/ cold front in Northern BC:
-polar easterlies(continental, polar air mass) + westerlies (maritime, polar air mass) = PPT
a) snowpack - maximum at high altitude and latitude: W>E
b) accumulation and feedbacks
high albedo
=high reflection
=low absorption of polar E
=cool temps
=PPT as snow
=persistent snow pack
=high albedo
*snow accumulates and persists where it already exists
traditional successional paradigm
-communities well integrated units with populations that are co-evolved and tightly bound
-component species are interdependent, highly integrated, required to function
-species in an association have similar distributions, which are predictable in space and time
communities boundaries are distinct and persistent, ecozones are narrow
-succession is highly ordered, predictable process, deterministic
-physical site and biotic resources are constant over time required for succession
-compositional change = relay floristics
-stable, equilibrium (absence of disturbance)
-different sites converge to common climax driven by regional climate
relay floristics
each seral stage facilitates the next to climax
-disturbance yields site
-few species invade and dominate the site
-alter microenvironment of the site making it more suitable to other species
-new species invade, dominate, and further modify the site for next group of species (facilitation)
-succession ends when a group of species able to replace itself become dominant = climax community
traditional paradigm & 20th century management and conservation
...ecosystems are discrete with clear boundaries
...climax ecosystems are stable and in equilibrium with the environment
...disturbances are rare, but disturbed ecosystems return to equilibrium in a predictable way

...knowledge of site and vegetation predict future
...disturbed forests (clear cuts) will recover and
...maintain site quality + vegetation potential = sustainable

...any unit of nature = adequate for conservation
...protected ecosystems maintain themselves "in balance" in their initial, desirable state
problems with climax concept
-most communities are dynamic and changing in responses to environmental variation
-disturbance is common and change is ubiquitous
-climax is rare, disturbances of range of types and magnitudes is the norm
Contemporary successional paradigm
(post 1970s)
-species are individuals with gradual changes in abundance and distribution
-species in a community coexist because they have overlapping environmental needs and tolerances
-current communities = temporary assemblages of populations, with an element of chance (can function with the removal/addition of some species)
-communities are complex and variable in space and time
succession in contemporary paradigm
complex and variable due to environmental variation and stochastic change
initial floristics + multiple disturbances = complex forest dynamics
initial floristics
-after a major disturbance, most species colonize the site immediately after, rather than invading through time
-dominance changes trough time
-different species dominate through time due to differences in life history attributes: seed abundance and size, mechanism of dispersal, initial growth rates, lifespan and maximum size, competitive abilities, tolerance of shade, etc

dominance = f(life history)
initial floristics + multiple disturbances
-subsequent disturbances of a range of types and magnitudes alter site conditions and increase heterogeneity
-allow regeneration of early successional species, increases in abundance of existing species, establishment of new species
-size and timing of the disturbances increases complexity and successional trajectories and result in multiple successional pathways
implications of the contemporary paradigm for forest management and conservation
alternate approach to forest management and conservation that emerged in response to the contemporary view of succession: "ecosystems management based on historic range of variation
key objectives of contemporary paradigm
-maintain ecosystem resistance to and recovery from disturbance
-maintain adaptability to long-term changes in environmental conditions
emerging paradigm
managing ecosystem resilience given uncertainty (due to global change)
traditional paradigm summary
-equilibrium (focus on climate & soils)
-managed to conserve stable states (end point)
-stand level decisions
-homogenized landscapes (not as much variation as there used to be)
contemporary paradigm summary
-multiple pathways
-non-equilibrium (focus on disturbances & variation)
-managed to maintain processes (disturbances, biotic interactions, etc)
-multi-scale management
-increasing heterogeneity

*interpretation has shifted, but the BEC system hasn't caught up yet which is a major constraint
climate variability (variation)
-interannual to decadal variation in climate
-variation around long term trend
-short term (years), rises and falls about the trend line
climate change
-multidecadal to century long directional trend
-long-term climate change above and beyond natural climate variability
-change longer than reference period of 30 yrs
reference period
~30-40 yrs
encompasses natural cycles of cooling/warming ue to ocean currents
proxy-climate record types
-ice cores
-tree rings
-lake and ocean sediments
Ice core proxy-climate
-analysis of ice cores from glaciers and ice sheets
-annual snow accumulation forms compressed layers of ice with air bubbles
-annual layers of ice are dated to provide chronological time sequence
-geochemical analysis of air bubbles
-comparison of successive layers indicate changes in atmospheric composition
-O2 isotopes indicate temp
-CO2 concentration is measured in ppm
-temporal trends in ice core record: saw tooth pattern indicating gradual cooling trend then abrupt change to warm conditions
-long glacials and short interglacials, primarily driven by Earths orbital geometry (from circular to elliptical on ~100, 000 yr cycle)
earths orbit impact on paleo-climate
circular = regular solar input to earth, warmer
elliptical = variable solar input, overall cooler
other factors explaining paleo-climate cycles
-ice-climate feedbacks
-climate-carbon feedbacks
-ocean-atmosphere interactions
ice-climate feedbacks
ice builds up slowly but can melt quickly with feedbacks to climate to accelerate warming once melting starts
climate-carbon feedbacks
warmer temps = greater biotic activity and greater oceanic mixing and produce more C, which results in more greenhouse warming
ocean-atmosphere interactions
ocean currents transport tropical energy to high latitudes but switch off during glaciation, reducing energy at high latitudes, facilitating ice sheet development
Corals proxy-records
-analysis of annual bands to determine coral age, density, stable isotope and element ratios
-continuous records over past 400yrs, fossil corals = 1,000s of yrs
-indicate environmental conditions in shallow and near-shore tropical oceans
tree rings proxy-records
-analysis of annual bands to determine tree age, ring-widths, density, isotope and element ratios
-continuous records over past 11,000yrs possible by cross-dating of samples from live and dead trees
-indicate environmental conditions in temperate and boreal forests
-climate is important factor in influencing tree growth
Rt = At + Ct + δD1t + δD2t + Et
R = ring width in year t
A = age related growth trend due to normal physiological aging processes
C = climate that occurred during that year
D1 & D2 = disturbance factors causing change in growth rate, ie/ insect defoliation or fire
E = random processes not accounted for by these other processes (error)
Global climate variation and change
-Earth's climate is always varying at a range of temporal scales
-temperature reconstruction for N hemisphere using multiple proxies over 2000 yrs shows: gradual cooling form 1000-1800AD, on average: cooler temps than 1961-1990s
-instrumental record for 20th century show warmest temps and rapid rate of change
evidence linking human activities to global warming
can use hind-casting models that fit last 150 yr trend to predict what may happen, says that natural + anthropogenic sources have contributed thus far ( vs natural or anthropogenic alone)
Köppen-Geiger climate classification
-based on changes in climate measured around the world, the spatial boundaries for climate groups and types are changing, esp at high latitudes and in the driest climates (B climate group)
projected future climate trends in BC
-changes to BC climate will exceed the global average given our high latitude
summary of predicted temp changes in BC
-on average, mean annual temp (MAT) will increase by 3-5 degrees by 2100
-both summer and winter temps will warm; winters will warm faster and more than summers
-warming will be greater in N than S
-least amount of warming expected in coastal areas where temp is moderated by the ocean temp
summary of predicted ppt changes in BC
-on average, mean annual ppt (MAP) will increase 0-5% but changes in MAP are variable among regions and seasons
-overall, central & S BC will get drier, N & coastal BC will get wetter
-summer ppt in S BC will decrease by 10-15%, N BC will be wetter by ~5%
-winter ppt will increase 10-20%, greatest changes along S coast and N BC
regional climate & BEC zones
-within each BEC zone in BC regional climate (macroclimate) is considered the primary determinant in soil formation processes and late-successional tree-species composition
-using instrumental climate records and spatial modelling of climate and zone distribution boundaries, the contemporary climate envelope or signature associated with each BEC zone was derived
-verifies that climate envelopes are a good representation of current conditions within the zones
flying BEC zones
-projected climate envelope of BEC zones
-do NOT indicate the future distribution of BEC zones
-climate associated with BEC zones, not vegetation types associated with that zone, in order for the zone to move all the tree species must have essentially same silvics (seed abundance, dispersal, germination, survival, growth rates, mortality rates, lifespan etc)
-contemporary ecological paradigm indicates that species respond to change individualistically, therefore unlikely that zone vegetation will move as a unit
individualistic species responses
-using instrumental climate records and spatial modelling of climate and current tree distribution boundaries, the contemporary climate envelope has been derived
-these combined with projected climate from models = projected climate envelope of individual species
direct effects of climate change on trees
altered rates of:
- tree survival/mortality
-regeneration success
*these interact to determine species distributions
indirect effects of climate change on trees
-climate-mediated disturbances such as fire, insects, pathogens and their interactions
-essential components of forest dynamics
-potential catalyst facilitating changes in species distributions and community composition
No-analogues (based on paleoecological records)
-future climate conditions and communities may differ from current or past conditions
-given changing climate and differences in migration rates among species
-species may co-occur in future although their ranges do not overlap at present, new combos are likely in future
Four stage stand development
1. stand initiation
2. stem exclusion
3. understory re-initiation
4. old-growth
stand initiation
-after a severe, stand replacing disturbance, the site is "open"
-new individuals and species colonize the site until it is fully occupied, which may take several years to decades, depending on environmental conditions
-duration varies with site, size, and severity of disturbance, source of propagules, life history attributes of colonizing species, interactions among species, stochasticity

1) colonization & establishment
2) allocation to growth - competitive advantage
3) environmental factors become limiting
stem exclusion
-growing space occupied, crown closure
-no new establishment
-resources become limiting (canopy closure, foliage layer rises)
-intense competition (self-thinning, crowding-dependent mortality, exclusion of less fit species)
self thinning
natural thinning, death from suppression

-results in a size hierarchy with different heights and diameters among species/individuals; different canopy strata and/or crown classes within strata
-in mixed species stands, where species have different maximum sizes, growth rates and tolerance of shade, differences in height classes can be pronounced and results in stratified mixed species stand
self thinning rule
trajectory of a single population in a single location through time under conditions where density-dependent mortality occurs
B = CN ^ (-1/2)
B = biomass per unit area
C = constant
N = number of individuals per unit area
-equation discribes the boundary line toward which plant populations grow

-below line, biomass +/or numbers of individuals increase until they reach line and self-thinning begins
-above the line, mortality reduces density towards line
-along the line, individuals die at a rate related to the rate of biomass accumulation
understory re-initiation
-overstory trees stratify, crowns change shape and individuals die creating openings, releasing growing space and other limiting resources
-propagules may be from persistent seed bank, seeds from canopy trees or dispersed from other stands
-herbs, shrubs and tree regeneration establish and survive in the understory (growth may be limited)
-seedling banks of slow-growing, shade-tolerant, advance regeneration may develop
old-growth stage
-gap-phase dynamics
-death due to senescence of fine scale disturbance including pathogens, insect and wind
-can be transition or true old growth
-specific stand structures are associated with old-growth forests: large, living, old trees; large standing dead trees; large fallen logs; canopy with multiple strata and trees of a range of size/age classes; diverse understory composition
gap-phase dynamics
-one to several overstory trees die, creating gaps in the canopy
-increases resource availability to understory trees, allowing them to grow and recruit into the overstory
transition old-growth
stands include part of the initial post-disturbance cohort
true old-growth
stands comprised entirely of trees that established beneath an existing forest canopy
limitations to 4-stage model
although widely, successfully applied to many temperate, closed-canopy forests, it does not adequately explain the structure and dynamics of old-growth forests because:
1) need initial disturbance to be severe, leaving no legacy
2) interpretation of forest succession has focused on living trees and the early stages of development following catastrophic disturbance
3) emphasis on the early stages of forest development is consistent with the objective of sustained timber yield (SI + SE + UR = 80 - 100yrs = 10% of lifespan of many trees)
8-stage model of stand development
-additional considerations
-severity of initial disturbance
-deadwood and structural legacies
-spatial variation
-complexities and variation in late stages of development
8-stage model of stand development
1) disturbances and legacy creation
2) cohort establishment
3) canopy closure
4) biomass accumulation/competitive exclusion
5) maturation
6) vertical diversification
7) horizontal diversification
8) pioneer cohort loss
Disturbance and legacy creation
-biological legacies = living and dead structures that persist after natural disturbance
-variation in disturbance provides a range of starting points
cohort establishment
can include new propagules to the site or release of surviving advance regeneration
canopy closure
-trees re-establish dominance of site
-trees grow until individual canopies overlap, closing the canopy and affecting the understory
biomass accumulation/competitive exclusion
-biomass accumulation may proceed without self thinning when stand densities are low
-trees competitively exclude other plants
-lower tree branches are pruned and crown classes differentiate
-pioneer cohort of trees reach maximum height and crown spread
-overstory trees develop "decadent" features (broken and multiple tops) and fine-scale disturbance replaces self-thinning as cause of mortality
-in the understory coarse woody debris is minimal but understory plants begin to establish, including shade-tolerant tree regeneration
vertical diversification
-canopy continues to open through crown dieback and tree mortality, adding structural complexity and creating niches
-shade-tolerant regen and lower canopy trees recruit to successive strata so that the canopy becomes continuous between the ground and upper tree crowns
-some species grow sub canopy branches by epicormic sprouting
horizontal diversification
-gap creation and expansion results in horizontal spatial heterogeneity
-understory is variable with sun flecks and highly shaded areas
pioneer cohort loss
-shade-intolerant pioneer species do not regenerate successfully in gaps and are lost from the stand as individual trees die
-ecological study of forest trees
-life history and general characteristics of forest trees and stands
-environment + genetics
-basis for the practice of silviculture
theory and practice of controlling the establishment, composition, growth and structure of forests
role of silvics in forest management
management and restoration of forests, maintaining/promoting desired attributes:
-tree species choice, methods of regen & cultivation, effects of productivity and site quality

requires knowledge of:
-ecological characteristics of tree species and environmental effects on tree behaviour and growth
silvicultural systems
-program of treatments for a whole rotation
-determined by management objectives and site features
-multiple steps: pre-harvest prescription; regeneration cutting method - harvest system, site preparation, regen; post-regen treatments: brushing, spacing, pruning, fertilization, thinning, pre-commercial thinning
regeneration cutting methods
silvicultural systems are named by method of regeneration cutting used to replace a forest stand
-systems that create even-aged stands: clear cutting, seed tree, shelterwood
-systems that create uneven-aged stands: group selection, single-tree selection, patch cuts
-hybrid systems: variable retention silviculture
clearcut systems
harvest an entire stand of trees in single harvest:
-area >= 1 ha, and > 2 tree heights in width, >50% open area climate (not influenced by edge)

-even-aged stand by planting, natural or advance regen, direct seeding
-shade-intolerant or exposure-tolerant species
-species that grow on a range of substrates with fast initial growing rates

-trees retained for objectives other than regen
seed tree system
selected trees or tree groups left during harvest
-provide seed source for natural regen
-even-aged system, creates single or double cohort
-after natural regen, seed trees may be cut

-shade-intolerant or exposure-tolerant species
-important factors: spatial configuration, timing of cut and site prep

criteria for leave trees
-large, dominant trees
-windfirm - topographic position, exposure within patch or along edges
-tree roots, stem and crown
-good seed source
shelterwood systems
mature trees removed in a series of cuts over 20-30 yrs:
1) prepatory cut - leave windfirm trees, increases growth and cone production
2) seed cut - create gaps for regen, provide protection and seed; new cohort(s) regenerated under the shelter of remaining trees, regen may be planted, natural or advance
3) removal cut - after regen achieved, shelter no longer needed

-shade-tolerant or protection-requiring species
-provide seed for natural regen
-retained mature trees released = generate volume increments for subsequent harvest
types of shelterwood systems
uniform shelterwood
-individual residual trees are uniformly dispersed
-ideal for shade-tolerant trees
(retention % creates: 20-25% cool seedbed, ~30% moist seedbed, >50% protection from frost)
group shelterwood
-residual trees are clustered
-harvest to create gaps and small patches to facilitate natural regen +/- planting
nurse-tree shelterwood
-mixed species, protects regen
-two canopy strata (2+ species)
-overstory: from original stand or established after cutting
silvicultural systems creating uneven-aged stands
-harvest at specified repeated intervals
-harvest single scattered individuals or small groups of trees
-encourage relatively frequent establishment of regen in canopy gaps
-encourage and maintain an uneven canopy and an uneven-aged stand structure
single-tree selection
-remove 1+ trees of a range of sizes = small gaps, cutting cycle 1-10+ yrs
-regen very shade-tolerant species to create multi-cohort stands
-risk of high grading and reducing chance of high quality regen
group selection
-cut trees in defined groups, openings <2 tree heights wide
-shade-intolerant trees can regen with shade-tolerant species
-creates multi-cohort stands
patch cut system
-openings <1 ha in size
-creates small even-aged stands (fine-scale), uneven-aged at coarser scales
-does not depend on shelter incidentally provided by the surrounding uncut stand
hybrid silvicultural systems - variable retention
fundamental objective:
-reduce ecological impact by retaining biological legacies (structural diversity)

components of even-aged and uneven-aged regen silvicultural systems:
->50% of opening <1 tree length from an edge
-irregular boundaries and retention of trees provides "forest influence"
-regn usually even-aged, natural, or planted