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136 Cards in this Set

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A decrease in the strength of a Sensation that occurs during a prolonged stimulation is called?


Which of the following types of receptors are not part of the somatic senses?


All the following are somatic Sensations except?


Which of the following senses uses receptors that are housed in a complex sensory organ?


Touch receptors are classified as


The sensation of itch results from the stimulation of

Free nerve ending.

Pain of visceral origin that is felt at a surface location is called

Referred pain

The sense that tells us which muscles are contracted, the amount of tension in a joint, the position of the joints, and orientation of the head is called


Olfactory receptors

All of the above are correct

Taste receptors are called

Gustatory receptors

Villate papillae are found in an inverted V- shaped row at the

Back of the tongue

The white of the eye is called the


Which of the following belongs to the vascular tunic of the eye?


The structure in the eyeball that contains photoreceptors is the


The clear jelly like substance found behind the lends of the eye is the

Vitreous humor

The bending of light by the cornea and lens is called


All the following are components of the external ear except the

Ceruminous glands

Which of the following is found in the middle ear?

Auditory ossicles

An oval shaped middle portion of the Bony labyrinth is the


The center of the eardrum is connected to the


The receptors of hearing are located in the

Semicircular canals

The sensors of maintaining dynamic equilibrium are located in the


A common disease characterized by an abnormal high intraocular pressure is


If you enter a room and smell a strong order which soon fades away, you have experienced

Sensory adaptation

The sense of balance that tells you "where your head is at" when you are not moving is called ______ equilibrium and is a function of the _______ in the inner ear.

Dynamic; semicircular canal

The following is accomplished using the extrinsic a muscle

Changing the size of the pupil for light and dark conditions.

The ossicles of the ear are responsible for

Pressure equalized across the eardrum

Accommodations for near Vision involves changing the shape of the


which of the following converts pressure waves in the endolymph into nerve impules?

Organ of corti

Which of the following systems work closely with the endocrine system to coordinate the body's functions?

Nervous system

All the following are endocrine glands except

Sweat glands

A common second messenger used in signaling Pathways of water-soluble hormones is


Hormones that bind to receptors inside of target cells are usually

Lipid soluble

The pituitary gland is attached to the hypodermis by the


And heading back to because why is both an endocrine and exocrine gland is the


Hormone secretion is controlled by which of the following?

All the Above

Oxygenated blood is transported from the lungs to the pulmonary veins into the

Left atrium

The muscular wall of the left ventricle is thicker than the right ventricle because it

Pumps blood through the entire body

The left ventricle pump blood directly into the

Ascending aorta

Which of the following blood vessels deliver deoxygenated blood into the right atrium?

Vena cavae.

Which of the following vessels carry blood into the highest concentration of oxygen under normal conditions?

Pulmonary veins

The heart goes down between the left atrium and the left ventricle is the

Bicuspid valve

The heart valve found between the left ventricle and the large artery exiting the left ventricle is the

Aortic valve

The blood vessels that collects deoxygenated blood from the coronary circulation delivers it into the right atrium is the

Coronary sinus

Oxygenated blood is delivered to The myocardium of your heart by the

Coronary arteries

The normal pacemaker of the heart is the

Sinoatrial (SA) node

Which of the following represents the correct sequence of structures in the cardiac action potential construction system?

SA node, AV node, bunch of his, right and left bundle branches, purkinje fibers

The P wave of the ECG is created by the electrical activity associated with

Atrial depolarization

In an ECG, atrial repolarization is indicated by

None of these answers are correct

Closing of an AV valve produces the

First heart sound (lubb).

The smallest diameter blood vessels are


The endothelium that lines all blood vessels consists of

Simple squamous cells

Movement of fluids and solutes out of capillaries into the interstitial fluid occurs by filtration, which is driven by capillary blood pressure and opposite by

Blood colloid osmotic pressure

Exchange of nutrients and gases between the blood and tissues occur in the


Which type of blood vessels contains walls that are composed of a single layer of endothelial cells and basement membrane?


Under normal conditions, blood pressure is the highest in the


Vascular resistance affected by

all the choices are correct

Which of the following events would lead to increase blood pressure?

All the choices are correct

The Cardiovascular (CV) Center is located in the

Medulla oblogonata

Sympathetic output from the Cardiovascular Center results in

Increase blood pressure

The baroreceptors involved in blood pressure control are located in

Both the aorta and the internal carotid arteries

Which of the following hormones influences blood pressure?

All of these hormones influence blood pressure

All of the following blood vessels are commonly used to feel the pulse except

Pulmonary artery

All systemic artery branches from the


Venues blood rich in substance absorbed from the gastrointernal tract it carried into the liver by the

Hepatic portal vein

The fetal circulation differs from adult circulation because three of the fetal organ systems do not fully function until birth. These three organ systems are the

Respiratory, urinary, and digestive system

All the following are important components of the lymphatic system except

Yellow bone marrow

All the following vitamins are transported from the gastrointestinal tract into the blood by the lymphatic system except

Vitamin C

The thoracic duct

Receives lymph from the left side of the head

Common functions of the lymphatic system include

All the choices are correct

Which of the following statements are about large lymphatic vessels is true

Closely resembles veins

Which of the following is the largest single mass of lymphatic tissue found in the human body


Tissue edema can result from

An infected lymph node, blockage of the lymphatic vessel or increased capillary blood pressure

Lymph nodes are

All of the choices are correct

Which of the following lymphatic tissues is the site of T cells maturation and selection?

Thymus gland

The first line of innate defenses against pathogens is

Intact skin and mucous membranes

The following are signs or symptoms of inflammation except


Which of the following can act as an antigen

All the choices are correct

Vaccination is an example of

Artificially acquired active immunity

Mother's milk will provide the infant with

Naturally acquired passive immunity

One important function of lymph nodes is to

Filter foreign substances out of the lymph

The change of gases between blood in the systemic capillaries and tissue cells is called

Internal respiration

The following does not belong to the conducting zone of the respiratory system

Respiratory bronchioles

Which of the following the list a correct order in which inhaled air secretly moves through the structures of the respiratory passageway

Pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles

The exchange of gases that occurs during external respiration takes place in the


The fluid that lines the inside of the alveoli is produced by

Surfactant - secreting cells

To the following conditions is necessary for air to enter the lungs during inspiration

The alveolar pressure must be lower than the atmospheric pressure

The volume of air that can be forcibly exhaled after a normal exhalation is the

Expiratory Reserve volume

People you know there in one normal breath is called the

Tidal volume

The total lung capacity equals


Gas exchange in the lungs occur across the respiratory membrane by the process of


Most oxygen in the blood is transported as


Under resting conditions, the basic rhythm how breathing is controlled by the

Medulla oblongata

Cartilaginous rings

All the choices are correct

Which of the following is not a function of the respiratory system

Transport nutrients of tissues

Why is the left lung about 10% smaller than the right lung

The majority of the mass of the heart is found on the left side

All of the following organs are part of the gastrointestinal tract except me


Which of the following is NOT an accessory structure of the digestive system?


The ability if the GI tract to mix and move material along its length is called


The greater omentum is part of the


The tongue is primarily composed

Skeletal muscle

Salivary amylase is an enzyme secreted into the oral cavity to start the digestion of


All of the following are regions of the stomach except the


When empty, the mucus of the stomach contains large folds called


Chyme is released from the stomach into the


Which of the following substances can be absorbed into the stomach


The pancreatic duct transports pancreatic juice from the pancreas into the


Which of the following is not a protein digesting enzyme


Bile is produced by


Most substances absorbed into the blood in the small intestines are carried to the liver by the

Hepatic portal vein

In adult humans, all the following are functions of the liver except

Red blood cell production

The major events of chemical digestion and absorption of food occur in the

Small intestine

The final portion of the small intestine, which is mostly found in the lower right quadrant , is called the


Which of the following is not an enzyme used to digest carbohydrates


Absorption of digested nutrients and water in the small intestine occurs by

All of the choices are correct

The appendix is attached to the


The large Intestines absorbs

All of the choices are correct

The exocrine portion of the pancreas

Does all of the things

Which of the following lists the correct order of movement of the digestive materials through the large intestine

Secum, ascending colon, transverse colon, Decending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum

Storage of glycogen, vitamins (A, D, E, K) and minerals (iron and copper), along with detoxification of chemicals like ammonia, are functions of the


The portion of peritoneum that is the small intestines to the posterior abdominal wall is called the


The functions of the kidneys

All the choices are correct

All of the following components of the urinary system except the

Prostate gland

The functional units of the kidneys are called


First step in urine formation is

Glomerular filtration

Tubular structure that connects the kidney to the urinary bladder is the


Which of the following forces are used to move urine from the renal pelvis of the kidneys to the urinary bladder

All the choices are correct

The urinary bladder is lined by

Transitional epithelium

The process of expelling urine from the urinary bladder through the urethra is called


The terminal portion of the urinary system consists of a small tube that extends from the urinary bladder to the exterior of the body called the


Increased secretion of ADH from the posterior pituitary gland promotes

Tubular reabsorption of water

Females are more subceptible to UTIs than males because they have

A shorter urethra

The cell produced by fertilization of the ovum by sperm is called the


Sperm cells can survive up to ______ hours in the female reproductive tract


The type of ovarian follicle that ruptures at the time of ovulation is called a

Mature (graafian) ovarian follicle

Fertilization of the ovum by sperm usually occurs in the

Uterine tubes