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5 Cards in this Set

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The matter of how a marriage is to be solemnized (formalized) is a matter within the jurisdiction of the ______. In that regard, the Alberta government created the ______. To be legally married in Alberta, the parties must comply with the requirements of the _____, which include the following: 4

provincial governments

Marriage Act of Alberta Marriage Act

The couple must obtain a marriage license prior to the solemnization of the marriage and the marriage ceremony must occur within 90 days of the issuance of the license;

The couple must exchange vows in front of a marriage commissioner or clergy person authorized to perform marriage ceremonies;

The exchanging of vows must be done in the presence of two adult witnesses; and

The marriage must be registered with the Alberta government.

The Marriage Act of Alberta also sets out the age requirement for persons to be married. Generally, a person must be _____ to marry in Alberta. However, it is possible for a person between the ages of _____to marry provided that person has ______. If this consent cannot be obtained, the person may apply to the ____. Persons under the age of 16 years cannot marry unless ____.

18 years of age

16 and 18 years

the consent of his/her guardians

Court to dispense with the consent

the person wanting to marry is female and a physician’s certificate shows that the female is pregnant or the mother of a living child.

A marriage can be terminated by 3 _____. In order to obtain a divorce, one of the parties must start a court action (in _____) by filing a _______ and then see the court procedure through to completion by the Court granting a _______.

A marriage can be terminated by divorce, declaration of nullity (annulment), or death. In order to obtain a divorce, one of the parties must start a court action (in the Court of Queen’s Bench) by filing a Statement of Claim for Divorce and then see the court procedure through to completion by the Court granting a Divorce Judgment. The grounds for divorce and the procedure for obtaining a divorce will be covered in Modules 6 an

Spouses are obligated to financially support one another, and in the event that the spouses separate, each may be able to make a claim for _____ (under ______);

financial support from the other

either the Divorce Act or the Family Law Act

The definition of Adult Interdependent Partner requires that:

Two persons live together in a relationship of interdependence for:

A continuous period of not less than three years; orA period of some permanence, if there is a child of the relationship by birth or adoption.