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9 Cards in this Set

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The matter of how a marriage is to be solemnized (formalized) is a matter within the jurisdiction of the ______. In that regard, the Alberta government created the ______. To be legally married in Alberta, the parties must comply with the requirements of the _____, which include the following: 4

provincial governments

Marriage Act of Alberta Marriage Act

The couple must obtain a marriage license prior to the solemnization of the marriage and the marriage ceremony must occur within 90 days of the issuance of the license;

The couple must exchange vows in front of a marriage commissioner or clergy person authorized to perform marriage ceremonies;

The exchanging of vows must be done in the presence of two adult witnesses; and

The marriage must be registered with the Alberta government.

The Marriage Act of Alberta also sets out the age requirement for persons to be married. Generally, a person must be _____ to marry in Alberta. However, it is possible for a person between the ages of _____to marry provided that person has ______. If this consent cannot be obtained, the person may apply to the ____. Persons under the age of 16 years cannot marry unless ____.

18 years of age

16 and 18 years

the consent of his/her guardians

Court to dispense with the consent

the person wanting to marry is female and a physician’s certificate shows that the female is pregnant or the mother of a living child.

A marriage can be terminated by 3 _____. In order to obtain a divorce, one of the parties must start a court action (in _____) by filing a _______ and then see the court procedure through to completion by the Court granting a _______.

A marriage can be terminated by divorce, declaration of nullity (annulment), or death. In order to obtain a divorce, one of the parties must start a court action (in the Court of Queen’s Bench) by filing a Statement of Claim for Divorce and then see the court procedure through to completion by the Court granting a Divorce Judgment. The grounds for divorce and the procedure for obtaining a divorce will be covered in Modules 6 an

Spouses are obligated to financially support one another, and in the event that the spouses separate, each may be able to make a claim for _____ (under ______);

financial support from the other

either the Divorce Act or the Family Law Act

The definition of Adult Interdependent Partner requires that:Two persons live together in a relationship of interdependence for:


A continuous period of not less than three years; orA period of some permanence, if there is a child of the relationship by birth or adoption.

Or Two persons live or intend to live together in a relationship of interdependence and enter into an Adult Interdependent Partner Agreement.

_______provides further direction on which two persons may or may not legally be Adult Interdependent Partners, and what it means to be in a relationship of interdependence.

The Adult Interdependent Relationships Act

Unlike a marriage, an Adult Independent Partner relationship can be terminated without the necessity of a _____. An Adult Interdependent Partner relationship can be terminated by: 4

court process.

The partners entering into a written agreement to end the relationship;

The partners marrying each other;

One of the partners marrying someone else; or

The partners separating for a period of one year.

There are some Alberta statutes that do not recognize the Adult Interdependent Partner and continue to afford legal rights and obligations to legally married couples only. For example: 2

Adult Interdependent Partners are not included under the Matrimonial Property Act; and

Adult Interdependent Partners are not included under the Dower Act.

Similarly, the issue of which parent will have ______of a child or which parent will make decisions for a child in the situation of separation or divorce of the parents will be determined on the basis of _______ regardless of whether ________.

physical care