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3 Cards in this Set

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What virulence factors are produced by Streptococcus pyogenes?

- streptolysins: lyse RBCs and toxic to neutrophils

- M proteins: external to cell wall, allow adherance and immune system avoidance. Promotes pathogenesis.

- hyaluronidase: dissolves connective tissue (hyaluronic acid)

- streptokinases: dissolve blood clots

How do M proteins help Streptococcus pyogenes colonize/infect the host?

- prevents activation of complement

- evades phagocytosis

- helps adhere to mucosal membranes

What 2 things can Streptococcus pyogenes cause?

- necrotizing fasciitis: flesh eating disease, destroys tissue rapidly

- streptococcal toxic shock syndrome: similar to staphylococcal TSS but much worse.