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23 Cards in this Set

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What is humus?

Organic compound of soil formed by the decomposition of plants and soil microorganisms.

What is loam?

Soil composed mostly of sand, silt, and small amounts of clay.

What terms are used to describe the movement of material during a mass wasting event?

Fall, slide, and flow.

What is the controlling factor of mass wasting?


What enviroment is chemical weathering most effective?

In warm and humid climates.

What is mechanical weathering?

Mechanical weathering is the process through which large rocks are broken into increasingly smaller pieces.

What is mass wasting?

Process by which soil, sand, and rock move downslope as a solid under the force of gravity.

What is the focus of an earthquake?

The point in the Earth where the earthquake occurs. Also called a hypocenter.

What are the characteristics of a primary wave?

Always first, they're compressional (go through solids and liquids).

What is a tsunami?

Long sea wave caused by earthquakes, submarine landslide, or other disturbance.

What is the instrument to measure earthquakes?


What is the epicenter?

Point on Earth directly above the focus of an earthquake.

What is the most destructive s wave(seismic wave)?

Surface waves.

What is used to find the distance from a seismic station to a earthquake?

Measure the distance from the first p and s waves.

What is Earths dense core thought to consist of?

Iron and nickel.

What is the thinnest layer of Earth?

The crust.

What is a shield volcano?

Broad domed volcano with gently sloping sides.

What is the belt that has most of the active volcanoes on Earth?

Ring of Fire.

Why does rock tend to rise to the Earths surface?

Due to combination of different densities with other rocks in the crust, and pressures.

What effects the size of crystal formation in rocks and materials?

Dissolved material, evaporation, pressure and temperature.

What is an intrusive rock?

Formed when magma crystallizes and solidifies underground to form intrusions.

How is igneous rock formed?

Extrusive- formed at surface as the result of partial of rocks within mantle/crust.

Intrusive- formed by cooling of magma on surface.

What is metamorphism?

Alteration of the composition of a rock by heat, pressure, or other natural agency.