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41 Cards in this Set

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What are the four major tissue types in the body?

* Epithelial

* Connective Tissue

* Muscle Tissue

* Nervous Tissue

What are the characteristics of Epithelial Tissue? (5)

* Covers organs and body surfaces

* Lines cavities and hollow organs

* Has a free surface on one side and a basement membrane on the other

* Usually lacks blood vessels

* Cells readily divide and are tightly packed

What are the functions of Epithelial Tissue? (6)

* Protection

* Absorption

* Secretion

* Excretion

* Filtration

* Sensory reception

What are the three shapes of Epithelial Tissues?

* Squamous (flat)

* Cuboidal (cube shaped)

* Columnar (tall)

Describe the two kinds of layers found in Epithelial Tissues.

* Simple - one layer of cells

* Stratified - more than one layer of cells

Describe Simple Squamous cells? (3)

* Single layer of flat cells

* Substances pass easily through

* Found in Kidneys

Describe Simple Columnar cells. (6)

* Single layer of elongated cells

* Nuclei usually near the basement

* Membrane at the same level

* Sometimes has cilia and microvilli

* Often has goblet cells (secrete mucus)

* Lines stomach, uterus and intestines

Describe Simple Cuboidal cells. (5)

* Single layer of cube-shaped cells

* Lines kidney tubules

* Covers ovaries

* Lines ducts of some glands

* Secretes and absorbs

Describe Pseudostratified Columnar cells. (5)

* Single layer of elongated cells

* Nuclei at two or more layers, giving the appearance of being stratified

* Often has cilia

* Often has goblet cells

* Lines respiratory passageways

Describe Stratified Squamous Cells. (5)

* Many cells layers

* Top cells are flat

* Can accumulate Keratin

* Makes up the outer layer of skin,

* Lines oral cavity, vagina and anal canal

Describe Stratified Cuboidal Cells. (3)

* Has 2-3 layers

* Cube-shaped cells

* Lines ducts of mammary glands, sweat glands, salivary glands and the pancreas

Describe Stratified Columnar Cells. (3)

* Top layer of elongated cells

* Cube shaped cells in deeper layers

* Lines part of the male urethra and part of the pharynx

Describe Transitional Cells. (4)

* Many cell layers

* Cells change shape under tension

* Cube shaped and elongated cells

* Lines urinary bladder, ureters and part of the urethra

What are the three types of Epithelial junctions.

* Tight Junctions

* Desmosomes

* Gap Junctions

Describe Tight Junctions.

* Protein molecules in the plasma membranes of adjacent cells fuse together and form impermeable junctions

Describe Desmosomes. (3)

* "Rivet" junctions between cells

* Distributes tension throughout cell walls for strength

* Found in cardiac muscle

Describe Gap Junctions. (2)

* "Communicating" junction between cells

* Hollow tubes that allow things to pass back and forth

What are the characteristics of Connective Tissue? (4)

* All arises from Mesenchyme

* Has varying degrees of vascularity

* largely nonliving ECM

* Has ground substance, fibers & cells

What are the characteristics of Loose & Dense Connective Tissue? (11)

* Fibroblasts * Defense Cells

* Fibrocytes * Adipocytes

* Gel-like ECM * Low metabolism

* Fibers: collagen, reticular & elastic

* Binding tissue * Reservoir for water & salts

* Resists mechanical stress

* Nutrient (fat) storage

What are the Loose Connective Tissues?

* Areolar
* Adipose

* Reticular

What are the Dense Connective Tissues?

* Regular

* Irregular

* Elastic

What are the characteristics of Cartilage? (6)

* Chondroblasts * Chondrocytes

* Gel-like ground substance

* Fibers: collagen and some elastic

* Resist compression due to large amounts of water in the matrix

* Cushions & supports bodily functions

What are the characteristics of Bone Tissue? (5)

* Osteoblasts *Osteocytes

* Gel-like ground substance, calcified with inorganic salts

* Collagen fibers

* Hard tissue that resists compression and tension

* Functions in support

What are the three kinds of Cartilage?

* Hyaline

* Elastic


What are the characteristics of Blood? (6)

* Erythrocytes * Leukocytes

* Platelets

* Plasma

* A fluid tissue

* Carries O2, CO2, nutrients, wastes and other substances

What is the major function of Collagen connective tissue? (2)

* Made of collagen fibers

* Tough fibers with high tensile strength

What is the major function of Elastic connective tissue? (2)

* Long thin fibers that form branching networks in the ECM

* Great elasticity needed for skin, lungs and blood vessel walls

What are the major functions of Reticular connective tissue? (2)

* Short, fine, collagenous fibers that branch extensively forming delicate networks

* Surround small blood vessels and support the soft tissues of organs

Describe Skeletal muscle tissue. (4)

* CT sheets attached to bones of the skeleton

* Forms the flesh of the body

* As they contract they pull on bones or skin causing body movements

* Voluntary muscle

Describe Cardiac muscle tissue. (5)

* Only in the walls of the heart

* Contractions propel blood through blood vessels to all parts of the body

* Striated with one central nucleus

* Branching cells fir together tightly at unique junctions called intercalated discs

* Involuntary muscle

Describe Smooth muscle tissue. (5)

* No visible striations

* Spindle shaped with one central nucleus

* Found in walls of hollow organs (except <3)

* Squeezes substances through organs by contracting and relaxing

* Involuntary muscle

Describe the characteristics of nervous tissue. (3)

* Main component of the nervous system

* Regulates and controls body functions

* Two cell types: Neurons & supporting cells

Describe a Neuron and what it does. (3)

* Highly specialized nerve cells that generate & conduct nerve impulses

* Respond to stimuli via dendrites

* Transmit electrical impulses over substantial distances, via axons

Describe a Supporting Cells.

Non-conducting cells that support, insulate and protect the neurons

What is the suffix of a Mature cell?


What is the suffix of Immature cells?


What tissue has the highest metabolism?

Adipose tissue

What are the three types of Glandular secretions?

* Merocrine Glands

* Apocrine Glands

* Holocrine Glands

Describe a Merocrine gland.

* Fluid producing

* Salivary gland

* Pancreas gland

* Sweat gland

Describe a Apocrine Gland.

* Cellular product

* Mammary glands (milk)

* Ceruminous glands (ear wax)

Describe a Holocrine gland.

* Secretory product

* Whole cells

* Sebaceous glands

* Pimples