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16 Cards in this Set

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Describe a technique used to understand more about the function and structure of organelles?

Substances like amino acids can be labelled using radioactive chemicals.

Then microscopy or a centrifuge can be used to trace the pathways of where they appear

What does the S in ribosomes mean?

S - Svedburg

It is the measure of the rate of sedimentation in a centrifuge - it depends of size and shape.

What is the ratios of RNA:protein in 80S and 70S ribosomes?

80S - 1:1

70S -2:1

What two subunits is the 70s ribosome made up of?

50s and 30s

And 80s is made of 40s and 60s

What is the function of the RER?

It isolates, synthesises and transports the proteins made by the ribosomes.

What is the function of the SER?

Synthesis and transports of lipids and steroids.

So lots of SER is found in cells like liver cells(cholesterol)

The amount of endoplasmic reticulum allows scientists to...

Determine the function of the cell.

What is the function of the Golgi Apparatus?

- modifying proteins sent from the RER via vesicles that fuses with the Golgi membrane.

- adds carbohydrates to proteins to make glycoproteins, lipids to make lipoproteins.

What is the connection between the Golgi and lysosomes?

Digestive enzymes in the Golgi is pinched off surrounded by a membrane to make lysosomes.

This can fuse with cell membrane to release digestive enzymes into extracellular environment.

Describe the structure of the Golgi Apparatus

- stacks of parallel flattened sacs of membrane called Cisternae. - formed by vesicles of ER.

- trans face and cis face

What technique did scientists use to understand the function of the Golgi?

Radioactive Labelling

What are the 3 main function of the lysosomes?

1.Can fuse with cell membrane and release digestive enzymes into extracellular environment. - normal digestion or fighting pathogens

2. Apoptosis

3. Can digest material in cell that is dangerous or unnecessary.

How do lysosomes perform apoptosis?

Lysosomes release their digestive enzymes to digest the entire cell.

What are the reasons for a cell to go into apoptosis?

1. Wearing out

2. Mutation

3. Under stress

4. Just removing areas that is no longer needed e.g. webbing during development of embryo

Give 2 examples in which too much apoptosis occurs and 1 when it is too little.

Too much: heart tissue after heart attack

Death of T killer cells in HIV/AIDS

Too little: Cancer cells fail to die by apoptosis.

When looking through a microscope, how do the lysosomes look like?

Dark spherical bodies in the cytoplasm