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38 Cards in this Set

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Counselor practice only within the boundaries of competence, base on:

1. Education

2. Training

3. Supervised experience

4. State and national professional credentials

5. Appropiate professional experience

When is more effective the assessment approaches?

Integrated formative and summative evaluations

Assessment of competence

What is a formative assessment?

A devolopmentally informed process

What provides the formative assessment?

Provides useful feedback during one's training and throughout one's professional career

When is must be completed the summative assessment?

At the end of a professional program or when applyign for licensure status

What is a summative assessment?

Is an end point evaluation

Developing or upgrading skill:

1. Work with colleagues or profeddionals who have more experience

2. Seek consultation before moving outside areas in wich you have recieved education and training

3. Learn new skills by attending conferences, reading professio al articles, taking courses, and participating in workshops

Making referrals:

1. If the resources are limited in the setting in which you work

2. If the boundaries of your professional role restrict you from felivering the services you client needs

3. Referring a client because of a conflict with you value system is not an ethically acceptable reason for a referral.

4. Considering a referral as a final intervention after you have exhausted other interventions including consulting.

Training programs have an ethical responsability to:

1. Establish clear selection criteria

2. Provide exposure to major contemporary counseling theories

3. Teach students strenghts and limitation of theories

4. Combine academic and personal learning

5. Screen candidates to protect public from incompetent practitioners

6. Teach a range of skills to work with diverse clients

7. Provide training in ethics

What have the interpersonal behavior of trainees?

Have a direct bearing on their clinical effectiveness, so these factors must be taken into consideration in the evaluation process

Evaluating characters and psychological fitness of trainess

What is character?

The honesty and integrity with which a person deals with others

Evaluating characters and psychological fitness of trainess

Gatekeeper role of the academic faculty in a professional program is

Protecting consumer by identifying and intervening with graduate students who exhibit problematic behavior

When a gatekeeper takes action?

When a student has goods grades but demostrares substandard interpersonal behavior, indicating serious unresolved conflicts

What's a well-designed gatekeeper precedures appear to improve?

The effectiveness with which deficient students are identified and prevented from progressing unremediated into the counseling profession

What is a dismissal from a program?

A measures of last resort

What is a certification?

- voluntary attempt by a group to promote professional identity

- attempts to verify qualifications

- sets minimum standards

- does not assure quality practice

What is licensure?

- governs professional practice

- highlights uniqueness of an occupation

- restricts both use of little and practice of occupation

What are the four major goals of supervision?

1. To promote supervisee growth and development

2. To rpotect the welfare of the client

3. To monitor supervisee performance and to serve as a gatekeeper for the profession

4. To empower the supervisee to self-supervise and carry out these goals as an independent professional

Supervision relationship must include

1. Clear informed consent material for supervisees, both orally and in writing

2. Discuss the right of supervisees from the beginning of the supervisory relationship

3. When supervisees learn what the can expect insupervision and what to do to achieve sucess, they are empowered to express expectations, make decisions, and become active participant in the supervisory process

4. Supervision contract with an exit clause that protects you and the supervisor

What needs to be included in a supervision contract?

1. Supervisor's background

2. Methods to be used in supervision

3. Responsabilities and requirements of supervisors

4. Supervisee's responsabilities

5. Policies pertaining to confidentiality and privacy

6. Documentation of supervision

7. Risks and benefits

8. Evaluation of job performance

9. Complaint procedures and due process

10. Professional development goals

11. Duration and termination of the supervision conteact

Right of supervisees

1. Supervisory sessions free from distractions

2. To be fully informed of supervisor's approach

3. Confidentiality with regard to supervisee's disclosure

4. Confidentiality with regard to clients except as mandated by law

5. Continual access to records maintained duringsupervision

6. Provide feedback to supervisors concerning supervision experience

7. Seek consultation from toher professionals as necessary

What are the esponsabilities of the supervisees?

1. Come prepared to each sessions2. Be an active participant3. Take the initiative to ask for what you need from your supervisior

4. Do related research and reading between sessions to enhance your clinical work

5. Pay attention to your interactions with clients and your supervisor

6. Willing to address any areas of concern you have

7. If you are having trouble with colleagues or fellow supervisees, bring such matters into supervision

8. Ask for feedback about your strengths and areas where you need to imporve and be open to feedback from supervisiors, fellow supervisees, and your clients

9. Try to critically evaluate feedback you feel is not constructive

10. Establish healthy boundaries for yourself

11. Let your supervisor know if you are feeling overwhelmed by your work with clients

12. Be open to various form of supervision including live supervision and videotaping

13. Talk about insecurities and anxieties you have that pertain to your work

14. Provide feedback to your supervisor about what you find helpful or unhelpful in your supervisory relationship

14. Pay attention to possible sources of contratranference

What are the supervisor's roles and responsabilities?

1. Must be competent in the practice of supervision and in counseling being supervised

2. Provide supervision only after obtaining the education and trainibg to ensure competence in this role, and only if they can devote the time to provide adequate oversight

3. Are ethically and legally responsibles for the actions of their trainees

4. Responsabilitues to supervisees' current and future clients

5. Have clearly developed framework for supervision and a rationale for the methods they employ

6. The quality of the supervisory relationship is just as important as the methods a supervisor chooses

7. A good portion of the supervisory sessions should focus on the perso al stress experienced by the supervisee during client-counselor interactions

What are the methods of supervision?

1. Self-report

2. Process notes build on the self-report

3. Audio recording

4. Video recording

5. Live supervision


Is one of the most widely used supervisory methods, yet it may be the least useful. Is limited by the supervisee's conceptual and observational ability

Method of supervision

Process notes

Build on the self-report by adding a writteng record explaining the content of the session and the interactional process

Method of supervision

Audio recording

Is a widely used procedure that yields direct and useful information about the supervisee

Methods of supervision

Video recording

Allows for an assessment of the subtleties of the interaction between the supervisee and the client.

Method of supervision

Live supervision

Is conducted by the supervisor during the supervisee's session with a client, provides the most accurate information about the therapy sessions

Method of supervision

Competence of supervisors

1. Required to have relevant training experiences and course work in supervision

2. Demostrated to have the four A's:

Available, Accessible, Affable, and Able

3. 5 years licensed or 3 with doctoral program approaved by Tallahasee

What are the legal aspect of supervision?

1. Informed consent

2. Confidentiality and its limits

3. Liablitiy

Direct liability

Can be incurred when the actions of supervisors are cause for harm

Supervision liablitiy

Vicarious liability

Pertains to the responsabilities supervisors have to oversee the action of their supervisees

Supervision liabilty

Online supervision have become more precalent; what are the ethical issuses have taken on added dimesions?

1. Confidentiality

2. Informed consent

3. The supervisory relationship

4. The online supervision will count toward livensure when the supervisior and supervisee reside in different states

What are the risk management practice for supervisors?

1. Don't supervise beyond your competence

2. Evaluate and monitor supervisees' competence

3. Be available for supervision consistently

4. Formulate a sound supervision contract

5. Mantain written policies

6. Document all supervisory activities

7. Consult with appropiate professionals

8. Maintain a working knowledge of ethics codes, legal statutes, and licensing regularion

9. Use multiple methods of supervision

10. Have a feedbacj and evaluation plan

11. Verify that your professional liablity insurance covers you for supervision

12. Evaluate and screeb all client under your supervisee's care

13. Establish a policy for ensuring confidentiality

14. Incorporate informed consent inpractice

What are the simensions of a good multicultural modelm?

1. Pluristic philosophy

2. Cultural knowledge

3. Consciousness raising

4. Experimential training

5. Contact with racial and ethic minorities

6. Practicum or intership with culturally diverse populations

Multicultural issues in supervision

Sexual intimacies during training

Core issue is difference in power and status

Multiple roles and relationships in the supervisory process

Provideing counseling for trainees:

Dual relationship standard of ethical conduct should be used

Multiple roles and relationship in the supervisory process