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97 Cards in this Set

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what percent of your body is oxygen atoms?
rain in the _____ is more ____ than vineger
eastern united states

becasue of _____ some insects can walk on water
surface tension
the iron in a ______ is the same element as _______
multivitamin pill

the iron in a nail
In 1981, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
Began tracking high numbers of otherwise healthy young men who were coming down with extremely rare diseases.
In 1981, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
Began tracking high numbers of otherwise healthy young men who were coming down with extremely rare diseases.

Examinations of these patients showed that they all had a failing immune system.
This condition was caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
binds to certain molecules found on cells of the immune system called “helper” T cells.
what does HIV do?
The virus kills these cells and wipes out one part of the body’s defenses.
Take any biological system apart and ...
Take any biological system apart, and you eventually end up at the chemical level.
is anything that occupies space and has mass.
Matter is found on the Earth in three physical states:
Matter is composed of ...
chemical elements
are substances that cannot be broken down into other substances.
There are ___ naturally occurring elements on Earth.
All the elements are listed in the ...
periodic table.
atomic number
number of protons
mass number
number of protons plus neutrons
_____ elements are essential to life.
25 of the elements that are essential to life fourof these ...
make up about 96% of the weight of the human body.
Trace elements ...
occur in smaller amounts.
Trace elements ...

An iodine deficiency ...
are essential for life.

causes goiter.
Elements can ...
combine to form compounds.
These are substances that contain two or more elements in a fixed ratio.

Example: NaCl (salt)
Each element consists of ...
one kind of atom.
An atom is ...
the smallest unit of matter that still retains the properties of an element.
Atoms are composed of ...
subatomic particles.
what are the subatomic particles of an atom?
A proton is ___
An electron is ____
A neutron is _____.
positively charged
negatively charged
electrically neutral
Most atoms have ____
protons and neutrons packed tightly into the nucleus.
The nucleus i___
s the atom’s central core.
what orbits the nucleus
The electrons .
Elements differ___
in the number of subatomic particles in their atoms.
_______, determines which element it is.
The number of protons, the atomic number
An atom’s mass number is _____
the sum of the number of protons and neutrons.
Mass is______
a measure of the amount of matter in an object.
Isotopes are _____
alternate mass forms of an element.
isotopes have ____
They have the same number of protons and electrons. But they have a different number of neutrons.
In radioactive isotopes ___
The nucleus decays, giving off particles and energy.
Radioactive isotopes ___
have many uses in research and medicine.
Example: PET scans
Alzheimer’s disease
It gradually destroys a person’s memory and ability to think.
why are Doctors now using PET scans
In an attempt to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease before the onset of symptoms.
___________can harm living organisms by damaging DNA.
Example: the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear accident
Uncontrolled exposure to radioactive isotopes

the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear accident
Electrons determine ________
how an atom behaves when it encounters other atoms.
Electrons ____
orbit the nucleus of an atom in specific electron shells.
The number of electrons in the outermost shell _________
determines the chemical properties of an atom.
Chemical reactions ______
enable atoms to give up or acquire electrons in order to complete their outer shells.
chemical reactions usually result in ________

The atoms are held together by ____
atoms staying close together.

chemical bonds.
When an atom loses or gains electrons________
it becomes electrically charged.
charged atoms
Ionic bonds
are formed between oppositely charged ions.
A covalent bond
forms when two atoms share one or more pairs of outer-shell electrons.
Water is a compound in which the electrons in its covalent bonds are shared unequally.
This causes it to be a _______
polar molecule, one with opposite charges on opposite ends.
The polarity of water results in __________These interactions are called ______
weak electrical attractions between neighboring water molecules.

hydrogen bonds.
Cells constantly __________
Such changes in the chemical composition of matter are called ________
rearrange molecules by breaking existing chemical bonds and forming new ones.

chemical reactions.
Chemical reactions include:
Reactants, the starting materials
Products, the end materials
Chemical reactions cannot __________
create or destroy matter
chemical reactions only _____
rearrange matter
Life on Earth began ______and evolved there for _______
in water

3 billion years.
Modern life still _______
remains tied to water.
Your cells are composed of _____water.
why is earth habitable?
The abundance of water
________explain most of water’s life-supporting properties.
The polarity of water molecules and the hydrogen bonding that results
water's life supporting properties are ...
Water’s cohesive nature
Water’s ability to moderate temperature
Floating ice
Versatility of water as a solvent
Water molecules stick together as a result of ______
hydrogen bonding.
Water molecules stick together as a result of hydrogen bonding.
Cohesion is vital for _____
water transport in plants.
Surface tension is ____
the measure of how difficult it is to stretch or break the surface of a liquid.
what do Hydrogen bonds do?
give water an unusually high surface tension.
Because of hydrogen bonding, _______
water has a strong resistance to temperature change.
Heat is ______
Temperature ______
the amount of energy associated with the movement of the atoms and molecules in a body of matter.

measures the intensity of heat.
Water can ______
absorb and store large amounts of heat while only changing a few degrees in temperature.
When water molecules get cold, _____
they move apart, forming ice.
A chunk of ice has ______than an equal volume of liquid water.
fewer molecules
why does ice float.
The density of ice is lower than liquid water.
what do most substances do as they cool?
Most substances become denser
_____ also becomes denser, to a point
water becomes denser but ....
reaches maximum density at 4oC, and expands as it cools below that point
expands even further upon freezing
liquid water
hydrogen bonds constantly break and reform
stable hydrogen bonds hold molecules apart, making ice less dense than water
Since ice floats_____
ponds, lakes, and even the oceans do not freeze solid.
what would happen if bodies of water could freeze?
Marine life could not survive
A solution ________
is a liquid consisting of two or more substances evenly mixed.
The dissolving agent in a solution is called _____
the solvent.
The dissolved substance in the solution is called _______
the solute.
When water is the solvent, ___________
the result is an aqueous solution.
A chemical compound that donates H+ ions to solutions.
A compound that accepts H+ ions and removes them from solution.
To describe the acidity of a solution, _____________
we use the pH scale.
are substances that resist pH change.
what do buffers do?
accept H+ ions when they are in excess.

They donate H+ ions when they are depleted.
Buffering is ________
not foolproof.
Example: acid precipitation
what created an environment that made life possible?
Chemical reactions and physical processes on the early Earth created an environment that made life possible.
Earth began as a ______about ____years ago.
cold world
4.5 billion
what eventually happened to the planet?
The planet eventually melted from heat produced by:
Radioactive decay
Impact of meteorites
The first atmosphere was probably composed of _______
hot hydrogen gas.
hot hydrogen gas
This gas escaped because the gravity of Earth was not strong enough.
A new atmosphere was formed from _____________
the gases belched from volcanoes.