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19 Cards in this Set

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Pure water is boiling in an open pan at atmospheric pressure. Salt at a temperature equal to that of the boiling water is added. Immediately after the salt dissolves, which of the following will most likely occur?

The boiling ceases

The heat transfer during adiabatic process is?


A pump is used to increase the pressure of the water entering the boiler of a steam power power cycle. Which statement is true concerning the pump

The enthalpy of water leaving the pump is higher than the enthalpy of the water entering

Enthalpy of an ideal gas is function only of:


Entropy is the measure of

Randomness or disorder

An isentropic process is one which

Is adiabatic and reversible constant temperature

Name the process that has no heat transfer


Which of the following thermodynamic cycles is the most efficient?


A compression ignition cycle is modelled by which ideal cycle

Otto cycle

When cooled to a temperature approaching absolute zero, many materials have a sudden drop in their electrical resistivity to a value of almost zero. This phenomenon is known as :


An inventor proposes to propel a ship by widrawing heat from seawater and converting it all into work. Since the thermal energy of the sea is essentially unlimited, the ship could almost run forever without any fuel. This scheme fails because:

It violates the second law of thermodynamics

An economizer is used to...

Heat the feedwater before it enters the boilerl

Which of the following is a safety device on compressor

Relief valve

The presence of oil or scale on boiler tubes causes....


All of the following statements about the Carnot cycle are true EXCEPT

It is irreversible

Cooling air in intercoolers between compression stages in multi-stage air compressor

Requires less horsepower for compressor that without intercoolers

What is the color code of steam pipe lines?

Silver gray

The specific heat capacity is an SI derived unit described as?


In the deep well installation or operation, the difference between static water level and operating water level is called..
