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5 Cards in this Set

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- historical debate about the causes is dominated by the much larger European conflict
- combination of continuity and change
Main Argument
Imerialism and expansionisn, the economic status of nations and conflicting ideologies caused the second world war
1st para: imperialism and expansionism
- Continuing conflicting interest between states exercised by imperialism
- Italy, Japan and Germany extreme imperialistic
- economic needs
- provoked by the decisions of the Treaty of Versailles
- extreme leadership eg Hitler
- aims had already existed but were now adopted by the agressive leaders
- expansionism eg Lebensraum for Hitler
- revisionsts describe the leaders as revolutionists rathr than aggressors
- evidences of aggressive expansionism: Hossbach Memorandum, Hitler's book "Mein Kampf": Hitler's aims clearly stated, world power by expanding into the east, aims could only be achieved with force
the Manchurian crisis, Pearl Harbor: achieve expansionist aims by gaining Manchuria, wouod have strengthened economic position
and the Abyssinian Crisis: expand by gaining Abyssinia, democratic powers remained passive too long, US still isolationist
- Germany simply apeased between 1937 and 1939 which encouraged Germany even more to continue
- France reluctant to Intervent
2nd para: economic status of nations
- economic cris because of the decisions of the Treaty of Versailles and because of the Great Depression
- breakdown of the diplomatic systems
- enabled Hitler's rise to power
- belif that Narzism could solve the crisis
- BUT little evidence of industrialists having direct influence on the foreign policy
- Mussolini gained power in 1922 because of the poor economic situation
3rd para: conflicting ideologies
Fiscism and Nationalist, Communism and Capitalism
direct contact in Europe
- very difficult to reach agreements for international Disputes
- German ideologies and Siviet ideologies in direct contact and opposing each other
- Hitler's speech to the generals in 1939: wanted to break the Soviet Union which would result in the beginning of the German rule on earth