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48 Cards in this Set

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What four things does Adler's individual Psychology focus on?
Social Roles
Striving for Superiority
Style of Life:
Healthy lifestyle - optimism, confidence, and contributing to the welfare of others.
Unhealthy lifestyle - Self-centeredness, competitiveness, and striving for personal power.
In Gestalt therapy what are the 4 main boundary disturbance?
A goal of Gestalt therapy is to help the individual integrate his:
Introjection (absorbing the values or behaviors of others, including the larger society, without really understanding or assimilating those values or behaviors)
Projection (aspects of self to others)
Retroflection (doing to oneself what one wishes to do to others)
Confluence (absence of boundary w/environment, low tolerance of differences)

thoughts, feelings, & actions
Etic vs Emic
Etic = general culture
Emic = culture specific
What are 4 consequences of oppression?
Internalization (avoidance or denial)
Conceptual incarceration (adopting white worldview)
Split self
Racial oppression (reduced ability to recongnize and use resources)
What are the 5 stages of the racial/cultural identity developmental model?
1) conformity
2) dissonance
3) resistance and immersion
4) introspection
5) Integrated awareness
What are the 4 stages of the Black racial identity model (Cross)?
1) Preencounter
2) encounter
3) Immersion
4) Internalization
What are the 6 stages of the white racial identity model (Helms)?
1) Contact
2) disintegration
3) reintegration (position that whites are superior)

4) psuedo-independance (become dissatisfied with reintegration and re-examine their beliefs about racial inequalities)

5) Immersion (embrace their whiteness without rejecting members of minority groups and attempt to determine how they can feel proud of their own race without being racist)

6) Autonomy
What are the 4 stages of Troiden's homosexual identity model?
1) Sensitization
2) Confusion
3) assumption
4) Commitment
According to Berry, what are the 4 degrees of acculturation?
Integration - incorporating aspects of the dominant culture while maintaining connection with your own culture
assimilation - identifying with dominant culture while rejecting own
Separation - pulling away from the dominant culture
marginalization - not identifying with either your own culture or the dominant culture
According to Dreikers, misbehaving children involves one of what four goals?
Attention, revenge, power, or display of inadequacy
According to Beck, automatic thoughts are:
unrealistic interpretation of a
situation that determine one's maladaptive behavioral and emotional
3 phases of Howard's model of psychotherapy
remoralization, remediation, and rehabilitation
Research indicates that matching a therapist and client in terms of race/ethnicity has what effect?
is inconsistent but indicates that it may reduce premature termination for some groups (In one study by Sue found ethnic matching seems most beneficial for Asian- and Hispanic-Americans including therapy outcome)
The most commonly used effect size is a type of?
standard score - it reports the effect of an intervention in terms of standard deviation units
According to Carl Rogers, a client is "congruent" when?
The therapist is genuine, authentic, and nondefensive
Palo Alto described communication as having a report function and command function - what are these
report function = content or informational aspect of the communication
command function = conveyed nonverbally and exemplifies the relationship between the communicators
Hypnosis involves what 3 factors?
absorption: engrossed in experience
dissociation: ordinary functioning of consciousness and memory are altered
suggestibility: less inhibited and restricted
According to Lenore Walker, what are the three stages of violence in relationships?
tension building
acute battering
loving contrition (most benefits of relationship occur in this stage when apologies and declarations of love are given)
** relationship remains stable when benefits are equal to costs of relationship
structured learning theory
incorporates social skills training along w/modeling, role-playing, and skill instruction
What are some strategies of motivational interviewing?
Open ended questions, affirmations, reflective listening and summary statements
Traditional Western approaches to individual therapy vs non-western:

Traditional Western: emphasize linear causal relationships and are reductionistic (tend to explain complex phenomena in terms of relatively simple principles)
The clinical scales of the MMPI-2 were developed using empirical criterion keying. This means that items which ....
distinguish b/w specific subgroups of people are retained for the final version of the test
What is "network therapy?"
An appropriate intervention for Native American Clients where the therapist acts primarily as a catalyst who initiates the process and brings the client's family, friends, relatives (network) together
All of the following statements about Beck's cognitive theory of the origin and maintenance of depression are true, except
a. experiences in early childhood play a role in the development of depression in adulthood
b. depressed individuals are suffering from personality pathology due to relatively stable and omnipresent dysfunctional models of the world
c. the cognitive triad of depressive cognitions is negative beliefs about the self, future, and the world.
d. automatic depressive thoughts are the result of logical errors that occur when the individual tries to interpret a situation in terms of a dysfunctional schema
Choice B is not true of Beck's theory. According to Beck, dysfunctional schemas (i.e., models of the world) are not always present. Rather, they are activated by particular environmental events -- often, events that bear some resemblance to events earlier in life that caused the schema to develop. For instance, a business failure could activate the schema "no matter what I try, I'll fail because I'm inadequate" that might have been formed due to experiences in childhood. Unless activated by such events, schema lie dormant and don't affect functioning. You might have thought that choice A sounded more like the psychoanalytic than the cognitive viewpoint. However, as should be clear from this explanation, Beck also believes that past experiences play a role in the development of mental illness
Irving Yalom (1985) felt the most important therapeutic factors in groups were:
Interpersonal learning, cathrasis and cohesiveness
An African-American adult repeatedly expresses his superiority as an African-American and expresses contempt for all Caucasians. According to Cross' Nigrescence Theory, this person is most likely in which stage of development?
According to the Nigrescence model, during the Immersion-Emersion stage of identity development there is a tendency for African-Americans to idealize other African-Americans and the culture and denigrate Caucasian individuals and culture
Donald Meichenbaum developed the technique of self-instruction as a means of helping impulsive and hyperactive children to perform tasks more successfully. The technique involves
teaching the subject to make appropriate self-statements while performing a desired task
Self in relation theory is a ______ theory which emphasizes the importance of _____________________

one's connections with others, particularly a daughter's relationship with her mother
According to the concept of "homeostasis" if a married woman's depressive symptoms improve what to things may happen in the family?
1. family members may sabotage the recovery
2. become symptomatic themselves
Approximately what % of those now entering the labor force are racial ethnic minorities and women?
What is "orgasmic reconditioning" and "satiation therapy"?
orgasmic reconditioning - instructs a client to begin masturbating while fantasizing about the inappropriate stimulus then switch to a more appropriate fantasy at orgasm

satiation therapy - focuses on reducing arousal to inappropriate stimuli by first masturbating to orgasm while imagining appropirate stimuli then continue while fantasizing about innapropriate
Asian-American's are more likely to attribute their academic success to:
While non-asians are more likely to attribute successful performance to:
fear of failure

Research indicates the most effective treatment for antisocial behavior in juvenile offenders is _________
which involves _________
Multisystemic therapy

goal oriented intensive family and community based treatment (strategic and structural family therapy, behavioral parent training, and cognitive behavioral therapies)
According to Millon, when narcissistic people experience personal failure they resort to these three defense mechanisms
first repression, if that doesn't work then rationalization and projection
ECT and memory?
most memory problems are reversable but the person may continue to complain about loss of memory for personal (autobiographical) information for many months
Gestalt therapy strives to increase and individual's awareness of ________, _______, and ____________
self, environment, and the nature of the self-environment boundary
A shortcoming of most curriculum-based suicide prevention programs for adolescents is that:
try to reduce stigmatization of suicide by attributing it to stressful life events rather than (more correctly) to mental illness. Critics argue that this emphasis reduces the effectiveness of the programs since it provides inaccurate information about the causes of suicide
Richard Stuart applied operant conditioning and social exchange theory in the context of marital therapy. He encourages couples to focus on
positive aspects of each other and to use reciprocal reinforcement or "quid pro quo." He maintained that in successful marriages rewards exceed costs and are built on positive reinforcement, rather than negative reinforcement, punishment, or coercion
Research suggests that, generally speaking, individuals who migrate to the United States from another country would be most likely to experience symptoms of psychiatric disorders:
In general, psychiatric disorders among immigrants and refugees are most frequent somewhere between the end of the first year through the third year after they immigrate to this country. This observation is related to what has been termed the "social displacement syndrome." This is the tendency of immigrants to initially experience elation and optimism, followed by a period of frustration, depression, and confusion as the reality of the adjustments required by their new lives sets in
When working with African-American families, Nancy Boyd-Franklin recommends
the use of a multisystems (ecostructural) approach
When comparing feminist therapy to a more psychodynamic approach, feminist theory
Takes factors other than a woman's view of herself into consideration: A primary goal is empowerment or helping women become more self-defining and self-determining
Research on the impact of therapist experience on therapy outcome suggests that the relationship between experience and outcome:
studies report a moderate relationship between a therapist's experience and the outcomes of therapy for the client overall, but a somewhat stronger relationship when the client's symptoms are severe. This makes sense: Experience would seem to be more important for very troubled clients
In their discussion of mental health services for Latino clients, Rogler et al. (1987) describe three ways to increase the cultural sensitivity of therapy for members of this group. These methods include all of the following
incorporating elements of Latino culture into therapy

increasing the accessibility of mental health services for Latino clients

selecting standard treatments that best fit Latino culture
Jung’s analytical psychology differs from Freud’s in that
that he had a more optimistic view of human nature, he promoted a more active interchange b/w analyst and patent, and he conceptualized the psyche as continuing to evolve throughout the lifespan (Similar to Freud he considered the ego an important part of his theory)
According to Kohut (self-psychology), the roots of ____________ can be found in excessively unempathic responses of the child’s self-object
Recent studies examining therapist preferences of individuals belonging to culturally-diverse groups indicates that they are most likely to rank _________ as more important than ______________
attitude similarity more important than race/ethnic similarity
Negative Effects of ECT:
patchy anterograde amnesia (3-6mo), temporary retrograde amnesia
According to Rational Emotive Therapy, irrational beliefs are acquired through:
biological basis (people have natural tendencies towards beliefs)