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75 Cards in this Set

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What is Remoralization?
A client's feelings of hopelessness and desperation respond quickly to therapy, with remoralization usually being accomplished during the first few sessions.
What is Remediation?
During the second phase of therapy, the focus is on the symptoms that brought the client to therapy. Symptomatic relief usually requires about 16 sessions.
What is Rehabilitation?
The third phase focuses on "unlearning, troublesome, maladaptive, habitual behaviors and establishing new ways of dealing with various aspects of life."
What did Sue et al. (1991) find regarding therapist-client matching?
Ethnic matching reduced premature termination rates for Asian, Hispanic, and White Americans but not for African Americans and that matching was associated with improved treatment outcomes for Hispanic American clients only.
What did Maramba and Nagayama Hall (2002) find regarding therapist-client matching?
Ethnic matching has a small, but not significant, positive effect on number of therapy sessions attended.
What is "diagnostic overshadowing?"
The tendency of health professionals to attribute all behavioral, social, and emotional problems to mental retardation in individuals with this diagnosis. Subsequent research has shown that diagnostic overshadowing is not related to a professional's theoretical orientation, expertise, or experience and that it applies to other diagnoses and situations.
What is the goal of alloplastic intervention?
To make changes in the environment so that it better accommodates the individual.
What is the goal of autoplastic intervention?
To change the individual so that he/she is better able to function effectively within his/her environment.
What age range for both men and women is the largest proportion of admissions to psychiatric hospitals?
Schizophrenia is the most common diagnosis for psychiatric inpatients in what age rage?
Sue & Sue (2003) found that American Indian and Alaskan Native individuals are likely to (5 points)
-exhibit a spiritual and holistic orientation to life that emphasizes harmony with nature and regards illness as the result of disharmony;
-place greater emphasis on the extended family and tribe than on the individual and adhere to a consensual collateral form of social organization and decision-making;
-perceive time in terms of personal and seasonal rhythms rather than in terms of the clock or calendar and be more present- than future-oriented;
-exhibit a strong sense of cooperation and generosity;
-consider listening more important than talking.
Root (1998) and Sue & Sue (2003) found that Asian Americans were more likely to (4 points)
-place greater emphasis on the group (family, community) than on the individual;
-adhere to a hierarchical family structure and traditional gender roles;
-emphasize harmony, interdependence, and mutual loyalty and obligation in interpersonal relationships;
-value restraint of strong emotions that might otherwise disrupt peace and harmony and/or bring shame to the family.
Casas and Vasquez (1989) and Sue & Sue (2003) found that Hispanic and Latino individuals were more likely to (3 points)
-emphasize family welfare over individual welfare and stress allegiance to family over other concerns;
-view interdependence as both healthy and necessary and highly value connectedness and sharing;
-consider discussing intimate personal details with strangers (e.g., a therapist) as highly unacceptable and believe that problems should be handled within the family or other natural support system.
Paniagua (1994) recommends what type of therapy for Hispanic/Latino clients and why?
Family therapy because "it reinforces their view of 'familismo' and the extended family."
Other guidelines for the treatment of Hispanic/Latino clients recommend emphasis of what?
"personalismo" (except during initial contacts when "formalismo" is preferred
What is internalized homophobia?
It occurs when LGBT individuals "accept heterosexual society's negative evaluations of them and incorporate these into their self-concepts" (Renzetti, 1997, p. 290).
What did Jordan and Deluty (1998) find in their study of lesbians "coming out?"
The more widely lesbians disclosed their sexual orientation to others, the more likely they were to report higher levels of self-esteem and positive affectivity, lower levels of anxiety, and a reduced likelihood of engaging in anonymous socializing (going to gay and lesbian bars to spend time with people they don't know).
What did Morris, Waldo, and Rothblum (2001) find in their study of lesbian and bisexual women?
A higher degree of "outness" was associated with lower levels of psychological distress.
Sue and Sue (2003) describe cultural competence as involving what 3 competencies?
Awareness, knowledge, and skills
What is Awareness?
Culturally competent therapists are aware of their assumptions, values, and beliefs--e.g., they are aware of their own cultural heritage and of values, attitudes, and beliefs that may be detrimental to members of culturally diverse groups.
What is Knowledge?
Culturally competent therapists attempt to understand the worldviews of culturally diverse clients--e.g., they have an understanding of the history, experiences, and values of various groups including knowledge about the impact of oppression.
What are Skills?
Culturally competent therapists use therapeutic modalities and interventions that are appropriate for culturally different clients--e.g., they don't automatically use the same techniques for all clients and recognize their limitations with regard to helping clients from diverse groups.
What is indigenous healing?
"culture-specific ways of dealing with human problems and distress" (Sue & Sue, 2003)
What is Curanderismo?
A holistic system of healing that is practiced in some Latin American countries and Hispanic American communities in the United States. It is based on the assumption that illness can arise from either natural or supernatural forces that affect physical, emotional, and/or spiritual functioning. Healing sessions are led by a male or female healer (curandero or curandera) and combine religious and spiritual rituals with herbal medicine, massage, and traditional methods of healing.
What is Ho'oponopono?
A traditional Hawaiian spiritual healing ritual for restoring harmony among family members by resolving a current conflict or other interpersonal problem. It entails a structured process that is conducted by a senor family member or other respected elder and begins with identifying the problem, followed by discussions that lead to confession, restitution, and forgiveness (Ka'imikaua, 2008). Family members often share a meal as part of a termination ritual that completes the process.
What is the sweat lodge ceremony?
A traditional Native American healing practice that takes place in a domed structure (the sweat lodge) built around a pit containing stones that are heated several hours before the ceremony begins. During the ceremony, participants sit in a circle around the pit and water is poured on the stones to create steam and intensify the heat. Use of the sweat lodge is based on the assumption that sweating combined with prayers and chanting, storytelling, and other rituals cleanses the body, mind, and spirit of impurities.
What is Acculturation?
The degree to which a member of a culturally diverse group accepts and adheres to the values, attitudes, behaviors, etc., of his/her own group and the dominant (majority) group.
What are the 4 categories of Acculturation?
Integration, assimilation, separation, marginalization
What is Integration?
The person maintains hi/her own (minority) culture but also incorporates many aspects of the dominant culture (some authors refer to this as biculturalism).
What is Assimilation?
The person accepts the majority culture while relinquishing his/her own culture.
What is Separation?
The person withdraws from the dominant culture and accepts his/her own culture.
What is Marginalization?
The person does not identify with his/her own culture or with the dominant culture.
How does Sue (1978) describe Worldview?
It is how a person perceives his/her relationship to nature, other people, institutions, and so on. It is impacted by the person's cultural background and experiences and is determined by two factors: the person's locus of control and locus of responsibility.
What is Cultural Encapsulation as defined by Wrenn (1985)?
When therapists a) define everyone's reality according to their own cultural assumptions and stereotypes; b) disregard cultural differences; c) ignore evidence that disconfirms their beliefs; d) rely on techniques and strategies to solve problems; and e) disregard their own cultural biases.
What is Emic Orientation?
Culture-specific theories, concepts, and research strategies; attempting to see things through the eyes of the members of that culture.
What is Etic Orientation?
Refers to phenomena that reflect a universal (culture-general) orientation. Involves viewing people from different cultures as essentially the same. Traditional psychological theories and practices usually reflect an etic perspective.
What is High-Context Communication?
It is grounded in the situation, depends on group understanding, relies heavily on nonverbal cues, helps unify a culture, and is slow to change.
What is Low-Context Communication?
Relies primarily on the explicit, verbal part of a message. It is less unifying than high-context communication and can change rapidly and easily.
What are 3 possible consequences of racial oppression on the mental health of African Americans, according to Landrum and Batts (1985)?
Internalized oppression, conceptual incarceration, and split-self syndrome
What is Internalized Oppression, according to Landrum and Batts (1985)?
It can involve a system of beating (acting out against the system), system blaming, total avoidance of Whites, and/or denial of the political significance of race. The latter may be manifested as attempting to earn acceptance by the conspicuous consumption of material goods, using status and educational degrees to elevate one's self-worth, and/or escaping through the use of drugs, food, etc.
What is Conceptual Incarceration, according to Landrum and Batts (1985)?
Involves adopting a White, Anglo-Saxon Protestant worldview and lifestyle.
What is Split-Self Syndrome, according to Landrum and Batts (1985)?
Polarizing oneself into "good" and "bad" components, with the bad components representing one's African American identity.
What is Cultural Paranoia, according to Ridley (1984)?
A healthy reaction to racism, when he/she doesn't disclose to a white therapist due to a fear of being hurt or misunderstood.
What is Functional Paranoia, according to Ridley (1984)?
An unhealthy condition that itself is an illness when he/she is unwilling to disclose to any therapist, regardless of race or ethnicity, due to general mistrust and suspicion.
What is Intercultural Nonparanoiac Discloser (Low Functional Paranoia, Low Cultural Paranoia), according to Ridley's model?
A client in this category is willing to self-disclose to an African American or Anglo therapist.
What is Functional Paranoiac (High Functional Paranoia, High cultural Paranoia), according to Ridley's model?
Clients are nondisclosive to both African American and Anglo therapists, and their nondisclosure is due primarily to pathology.
What is Healthy Cultural Paranoiac (Low Functional Paranoia, High Cultural Paranoia), according to Ridley's model?
Clients self-disclose to an African American therapist but are reluctant to disclose to an Anglo therapist due to past experiences with racism and/or to the White therapist's attitudes and beliefs.
What is Confluent Paranoiac (High Functional Paranoia, High Cultural Paranoia), according to Ridley's model?
Client is nondisclosing to African American and Anglo therapists, with nondisclosure being due to a combination of pathology and the effects of racism.
What is Heterosexism?
Cultural ideologies which are "systems that provide the rationale and operating instructions" that promote and perpetrate antipathy, hostility, and violence against homosexuals; includes beliefs about gender, morality, and sexuality that define sexual minorities as deviant or threatening and is inherent in language, laws, and other cultural institutions.
The multisystems model is an appropriate approach for what group?
African American families
What is the Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model according to Atkinson, Morten, & Sue (1993)?
It distinguishes between 5 stages that people experience as they attempt to understand themselves in terms of their own culture, the dominant culture, and the oppressive relationship between the two cultures. Each stage reflects changes in how the person views the self, others of the same racial/cultural group, members of other racial/cultural groups, and members of the dominant group.
Name and describe Stage 1 of the Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model according to Atkinson, Morten, & Sue (1993).
Conformity: characterized by positive attitudes toward and preference for dominant cultural values and depreciating attitudes toward one's own culture. A client in this stage is likely to prefer a therapist from the majority group.
Name and describe Stage 2 of the Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model according to Atkinson, Morten, & Sue (1993).
Dissonance: marked by confusion and conflict over the contradictory appreciating and depreciating attitudes that one has toward the self and toward others of the same and different groups. People in this stage are likely to prefer a therapist from a racial/cultural minority group and usually perceive their personal problems as being related to racial/cultural identity issues.
Name and describe Stage 3 of the Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model according to Atkinson, Morten, & Sue (1993).
Resistance and Immersion: actively rejecting the dominant society and exhibiting appreciating attitudes toward the self and toward members of their own group. A person in this stage prefers a therapist from the same racial/cultural group and is likely to perceive personal problems as the result of oppression.
Name and describe Stage 4 of the Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model according to Atkinson, Morten, & Sue (1993).
Introspection: characterized by uncertainty about the rigidity of beliefs held in Stage 3 and conflicts between loyalty and responsibility toward one's group and feelings of personal autonomy. People in this stage continue to prefer therapists from their own group but are more open to therapists who share a similar worldview.
Name and describe Stage 5 of the Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model according to Atkinson, Morten, & Sue (1993).
Integrative Awareness: experience a sense of self-fulfillment with regard to their cultural identity and have a strong desire to eliminate all forms of oppression. They also adopt a multicultural perspective and objectively examine the values, beliefs, etc. of their own group and other groups before accepting or rejecting them. Place greater emphasis on similarity in worldview, attitudes, and beliefs than on ethnic, racial, or cultural similarity.
How did Cross describe Identity Development in the original (1971) Black Racial (Nigrescence Identity Development Model)?
It involves a shift from Black self-hatred to Black self-acceptance and consisted of 5 stages: pre-encounter, encounter, immersion-emersion, internalization, and internalization-commitment.
What did Cross's 1991 revision of the Black Racial (Nigrescence Identity Development Model) introduce?
The idea of "race salience" and reduced the number of stages to 4.
What did Cross and Vandiver's 2001 revision of the Black Racial (Nigrescence Identity Development Model) change?
They included the revision as part of their construction of the Cross Racial Identity Scale (CRIS). This version includes the same 4 stages as the 1991 version but expanded the pre-encounter stage to include assimilation, miseducation, and self-hatred identities and the internalization stage to include two multiculturalist orientations (multiculturalist racial and multiculturalist inclusive).
What is the Pre-Encounter stage of the Black Racial (Nigrescence) Identity Development Model?
Race and racial identity have low salience during the pre-encounter stage. Individuals in the assimilation substage have adopted a mainstream identity, while those in the anti-Black substage have accepted negative beliefs about Blacks and, as a result, are likely to have low self-esteem. Individuals in the pre-encounter stage usually prefer a white therapist.
What is the Encounter stage of the Black Racial (Nigrescence) Identity Development Model?
Exposure to a single significant race-related event or series of events leads to greater racial/cultural awareness and an interest in developing a Black identity. In this stage, the individual is likely to prefer a therapist of the same race.
What is the Immersion-Emersion stage of the Black Racial (Nigrescence) Identity Development Model?
Race and racial identity have high salience during this stage. A person in the immersion substage idealizes Blacks and Black culture and feels a great deal of rage toward Whites as well as guilt and anxiety about his/her own previous lack of awareness of race. Durimg the emersion substage, intense emotions subside, but the individual rejects all aspects of the White culture and begins to internalize a Black identity. Cross refers to the attitudes associated with these two substages as intense Black involvement and anti-White, respectively.
What is the Internalization stage of the Black Racial (Nigrescence) Identity Development Model?
Race continues to have high salience, and individuals in this stage have adopted 1 of 3 identities: a pro-Black, non-racist (Afrocentric) orientation; a biculturist orientation that integrates a Black identity with a White or other salient cultural identity; or a multiculturalist orientation that integrates a Black identity with two or more other salient cultural identities. Individuals in this stage may actively work to eradicate racism and, in therapy, may exhibit healthy cultural paranoia.
What is the White Racial Identity Development Model, according to Helms (1990, 1995)?
According to Helms, racism is a central part of being White in America. The model proposes that identity development involves two phases: abandoning racism (statuses 1-3) and developing a nonracist White identity (statuses 4-6). Each status is characterized by a different information-processing strategy (IPS), which refers to the methods the individual uses to reduce discomfort related to racial issues.
What is Contact Status, according to the White Racial Identity Development Model (Helms, 1990, 1995)?
The individual has little awareness of racism and of his/her racial identity and may show unsophisticated behaviors that reflect racist attitudes and beliefs. The IPS for this status is oblivousness and denial.
What is Disintegration Status, according to the White Racial Identity Development Model (Helms, 1990, 1995)?
Increasing awareness of race and racism leads to confusion and emotional conflict. To reduce internal dissonance, the person may over-identify with members of minority groups, act in paternalistic ways toward them, or retreat into White society. The IPS for this status is suppression of information and ambivalence.
What is Reintegration Status, according to the White Racial Identity Development Model (Helms, 1990, 1995)?
The individual attempts to resolve the moral dilemmas associated with the disintegration status by idealizing White society and denigrating members of minority groups. He/she may blame minority group members for their problems and view Whites as the victims of reverse discrimination. The IPS for this status is selective perception and negative out-group distortion.
What is Pseudo-Independence Status, according to the White Racial Identity Development Model (Helms, 1990, 1995)?
A personally jarring event or series of events causes the person to question his/her racist views and acknowledge the role that Whites have had in perpetrating racism. The person is interested in understanding racial/cultural differences but does so only on an intellectual level. The IPS for this status is selective perception and reshaping reality.
What is Immersion-Emersion Status, according to the White Racial Identity Development Model (Helms, 1990, 1995)?
The individual explores what it means to be White, confronts his/her own biases, and begins to understand the ways he/she benefits from White privilege. This status is characterized by increased experiential and affective understanding of racism and oppression. The IPS for this status is hypervigilence and reshaping.
What is Autonomy Status, according to the White Racial Identity Development Model (Helms, 1990, 1995)?
The individual internalizes a nonracist White identity that includes an appreciation of and respect for racial/cultural differences and similarities. He/she actively seeks out interactions with members of diverse groups. The IPS for this status is flexibility and complexity.
Troiden (1988) discusses what identity development model?
Homosexual (Gay/Lesbian) Identity Development Model
What is the name and description for Stage 1 of the Homosexual (Gay/Lesbian) Identity Development Model (Troiden, 1988)? During what period of life does this Stage usually occur?
Sensitization: Feeling Different. Usually characteristic of MIDDLE CHILDHOOD. The individual feels different from his/her peers.
What is the name and description for Stage 2 of the Homosexual (Gay/Lesbian) Identity Development Model (Troiden, 1988)? During what period of life does this Stage usually occur?
Self-Recognition: Identity Confusion. At the onset of PUBERTY. The individual realizes that he/she is attracted to people of the same sex and attributes those feelings to homosexuality, which leads to turmoil and confusion.
What is the name and description for Stage 3 of the Homosexual (Gay/Lesbian) Identity Development Model (Troiden, 1988)?
Identity Assumption. The individual becomes more certain of his/her homosexuality and may deal with this realization in a variety of ways--e.g., by trying to "pass" as heterosexual, by aligning him/herself with the homosexual community, or by acting in ways consistent with society's stereotypes about homosexuality.
What is the name and description for Stage 4 of the Homosexual (Gay/Lesbian) Identity Development Model (Troiden, 1988)?
Commitment: Identity Integration. Individuals in this stage have adopted a homosexual way of life and publicly disclose their homosexuality.