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19 Cards in this Set

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Heat stress governing instruction?

5100.19F section B, chapter 2

Requirements for dry bulb thermometer positioning?

At least 2 feet from vents

Hung with a non heat conducting material (zip tie)

Avoiding direct contact

Procedure for validating a hanging dry bulb?

Match it to a WBGT, if greater than five degree difference, it’s not valid

When are surveys required?

4 hours or less > 100

4 hours or more > 90

Galley > 85

space that heat injury occurred

Prior to conducting EOCC

COs discretion

What is a PHEL curve?

Guidance for stay times

When are the follow on surveys required?

5 degree increase in DB or 3 degrees WB

What PHEL curve are used for Sounding Security? In space watch standers? Galley?

We use PHEL curve II

Drills: III

Supply: V

Arduous Work: VI

Impact of stack gases and fuel vapors to personnel stay times?

Divide stay time by 3

Reduce stay time by 2/3

Time weighted mean?

Used for extremely hot environments with reduced stay times.

Determine time required outside of the space.

Are surveys required at the hottest part of the day?

IAW the instruction, NO

What does PHEL stand for?

Physiological Heat Exertion Limit

How many PHEL curves are there?

6 (light to heavy work)

Whose permission do you need to exceed stay time?


How long is recovery time?

Twice the stay time or 4 hours, whichever is less.

How much stay time is cut when there is water in the bilges?

By half

What are symptoms of heat exhaustion?

Heavy sweating


Muscle cramps





Nausea or vomiting


What are symptoms of heat stroke?

High body temperature

Absence of sweating with red or flushed dry skin

Rapid pulse

Difficulty breathing

Strange behavior







Describe process for conducting a survey.

1) Go to first watch station and stand where watch stander stands

2) Place meter at chest level, wait five minutes and record hanging DB then the DB, WB, and WBGT index from meter.

3) Go to next station and take readings after 3 minutes.

4) Determine stay times by using PHEL curve and WGBT index.

What are the heat stress recover requirements?

Rest in a cool environment

Twice the exposure time or four hours