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23 Cards in this Set

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In what state does the story take place?
(Boston) Massachusetts
Whose treasure was supposedly buried in the area that the devil was guarding?
Kidd the Pirate
What main trait does the story bring out about Tom Walker?
He likes money (he's a penny-pincher and stingy).
Briefly describe Tom's house.
It was sad looking and stood all alone. There were a few thin trees and no smoke from the chimney. There were no visitors. The horse there was thin and starving.
In what kind of place does Tom first meet the devil?
the swamp
Give 1 of the devil's nicknames in this story - Old _____
Give 1 of the devil's nicknames in this story - Great ____ or Black _____
Give 1 of the devil's nicknames in this story - Wild ______
Give 1 of the devil's nicknames in this story - Dark _____ or Black _____
Who is Deacon Peabody?
a preacher who held a high place among his neighbors
Who was Crowninshield?
a rich man who had gotten his money by stealing from others
Into what does the devil turn the souls of the people his possesses?
trees and fire woods
How did the devil make his mark on Tom Walker?
pressed his finger on Tom's forehead (the fingerprint could not be removed)
How does the devil appear and disappear
suddenly - he seemed to go down into the earth
What job did the devil offer Tom that he refused to take?
slave trader
What job did Tom take in order to make money for the devil?
usurer (a person who lends money at a high rate of interest)
What happened to Tom's wife?
The devil killed her.
Why does Tom go out looking for his wife?
She had taken all of their property of any worth (the silver teapot and spoons, etc)
What articles does Tom find in the woods that belonged to his wife?
heart and liver (wrapped in his wife's apron in the tree)
What does Tom use to protect himself from the devil?
Two Bibles (one small Bible in his coat pocket and one big Bible on his desk)
What was Tom doing when the devil came to get him?
taking someone's money
What was covered over with foreclosures that made it easy for the devil to get Tom?
his big Bible
What happened to all of Tom's money and possessions?
they burned and turned to woodchips and shavings