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34 Cards in this Set

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The ___ pituitary lobe stores and releases ADH and oxytocin


Pituitary lobe that secretes ACTH, Growth hormone, and FSH is the

Anterior Lobe

Pituitary hormone that stimulates uterine contractions during female labor


Pituitary hormone essential to growth, development, and continued function of the adrenal cortex

adreno/cortico/trophic hormone

Master gland of the body


Thyroid hormone that regulates carbohydrate metabolism

thyroxin or thyroxine

Located in front of the lower voice box and the upper trachea, the _____ Gland is the largest endocrine gland and is shaped like a shield.


The four small dime size glands that lie directly upon and behind the Thyroid Gland are the _____ Glands. They secrete para/thormone that is responsible for regulating body calcium usage.


The endocrine glands located above each kidney

Adrenal glands

The name of the hormone that helps to maintain the level of calcium in the blood and is produced by the four Parathyroid glands is


The hormone that plays an important role in the control of blood sugar levels and controls hyperglycemic and hypoglycemic body responses


the hormone that helps the body deal with stress



much/thirst/refers to

The combining forms that mean "poison" are

toxic/o- , viro- , or septo-


low or below/sugar levels/blood - tired and fatigued

the prefixes e-, ec-, ect-, ecto-, ex-, and exo- all mean

out or outside

the state of excessive thyroxin production, which causes high sugar use levels and hyperactivity



specialist in the science and study of glands of internal secretion (into the blood stream)

a chronic disease caused by under activity of the Islets of Langerhans (Beta Cells) in the pancreas

Diabetes Mellitus

Addison's Disease (AKA ___) shows a progressive destruction of the ad/renal cortex

hypo/adreno/coric/ism - weakness, vitiligo, nausea, and hypotension

The condition resulting in muscle spasms due to an abnormally low concentration of calcium in the blood

tetany - tension/of muscle


a set of signs and symptoms that run togethe - together/run

the sum total of all the chemical processes that take place in a living organisms is _____.


The term given to substances secreted by Endo/crine glands that means to urge on


the lack of ______ can cause premature aging

Human Growth Hormone

JFK had the life threatening condition ____. All 3 adreno/cortical functions are last. The body shows skin or membranes of discoloration, hemorrhages, weakness, anxiety or depression, infections, anorexia, and neoplasms.

Addison's Disease

Grave's Disease AKA


Dwarfism is often seen with progeria. the probable cause is heredity factors or the lack of pituitary _____ production that leads to complete premature aging.

Human Growth Hormone (HGH)

The inability to sleep in often caused by the lack of PIneal Gland to secrete


The parathyroid gland produces parathormone, which regulate body calcium blood levels and prevents


Fertility pills contain ____ hormone that is administered around the 15th day of the female cycle to stimulate ovulation

Luteiniz/ing "yellow/process of causing"

Birth control pills start releasing ____ early in the female cycle which stops the release of LH from the Anterior Pituitary.

Pro/gesterone hormone "before/separation: urge on"

The hormone _____ increases in the blood to a level that causes LH to be released from the anterior pituitary. This hormone is the third of the four female cycle hormones


The hormone _____ increases quickly in the female blood from the corpus luteum of the egg to a level that inhibits further Luteinizing Hormone production from the Anterior Pituitary, which stops ovulation
