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43 Cards in this Set

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System of glands that secrete hormones

Endocrine system

What’re the 3 types of hormones

Peptide, steroids, and amino acids

Made from large, precursor polypeptides from post-translational modifications

Peptide hormones

Peptides work by utilizing what kind of messenger system?

Second messenger

Function of peptide hormone?

Bind to a receptor (1st messenger) to trigger the release of another hormone (2nd messenger)

T/F: one hormone can bind many receptors before degradation?


Common 2nd nessengers

cAMP, IP3, Ca2+

Peptides hormones are great in short doses, but why?

They take effect very rapidly and are easy to control, however, they degrade extremely fast.

Are peptide hormones lipid soluble or water soluble?

Water soluble; they can freely travel through blood without carriers

What are steroids hormones derived from?


Cholesterol is a

Non polar molecule that can cross the plasma membrane

Steroid hormones need a _______ black to carry them due to their __________.

Protein; hydrophobicity

Where are steroid hormones?


Which hormones can directly increase or decrease the transcription of certain genes?


List the amino acid derived hormones




What receptors do catecholamines bind to?


Where do thyroids hormones bind?


Hormones that are secreted and act directly on target tissue

Direct hormones

Hormones that are secreted and act directly on target tissue

Direct hormones

Hormones that require an intermediate or other source to activate the hormone to be released

Tropic hormone

Example of tropic hormone

GnRH—-> LH/FSH—-> estrogen/testosterone

Organ in the brain that connects the nervous system and endocrine system


What organ does the hypothalamus control and how?

The pituitary through paracrine release

What organ does the hypothalamus control and how?

The pituitary through paracrine release

How are the hormones of the pituitary regulated?

Negative feedback

What organs hormones are rarely, if ever, found in the bloodstream?


What organs hormones are rarely, if ever, found in the bloodstream?


The anterior pituitary secretes components from the hypothalamus into

The hypophyseal portal system

Which hormone is dopamine an antagonist of?


Mnemonic for hormones secreted by the anterior pituitary


Tropic vs Direct

What hormones are secreted by the posterior pituitary?

Oxytocin and ADH

ADH is secreted in response to

Higher solutes in the blood or low blood volume

Growth factor grows bone and muscle. Which hormone works in a positive feed back loop to aid this


Growth factor grows bone and muscle. Which hormone works in a positive feed back loop to aid this


Thyroid secretes

Thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3)

Thyroid secretes which mineral?

Increase calcium storage in bone; increase calcium excretion by the kidney; decrease calcium absorption by the gut

Hypothyroidism is caused by

Iodine deficiency

Hypothyroidism is caused by

Iodine deficiency

Hyperthyroidism is caused by

Excess iodine

PTH is the antagonist of _________. PTH serves to decrease bone calcium and activate ___________, a derivative of vitamin D.

Calcitonin; calcitriol

Where is the adrenal glands found?

Top of kidneys

Aldosterone functions to

Increase sodium reabsorption in the distal convoluted tubules and collecting duct

Tyrosine derivatives are

Thyroid (steroids that aren’t derived from cholesterol)

Catecholamines (peptides)