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14 Cards in this Set

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What is the primary purpose of forcing employees to take mandatory one week minimum vacations every year

To check for evidence of fraud

What is the primary means by which supervisors can determine whether or not employees are complying with the organisation security policy


Code of Ethics tides for all but which of the following,

Clearly defines courses of action to take when a complex issue is encountered

Which of the following not typically associated with human resource security

background checks, termination

Over the last month you have noticed a significant increase in the currents of inappropriate activities performed by employees what is the best first response step to take in order to improve or maintain the security level of the environment

, improve and hold new awareness sessions

As you're hoping to use of a computer system problem you know such as we enter password on notes talk to a computer monitor to check password policy of your company and find out the following settings are currently required :10 min and password the age for max and password 30 password history 6. require complex password set include numbers and symbols account lockout clipping level 3

Implements end user training

You have installed antivirus software and computers at your business within a few days however you notice that one computer has a virus when you question the user she says she did install some software a few days ago but it was supposed to be a file compression utility Shima she did not scan the file before running it : what should you add to your security measures to help prevent this from happening again?

User awareness training

Which of the following defines to man control

Certain tasks should be dual custody in nature to prevent a security breach

Which of the following is a legal contract between the organisation in the employee that specifies the employee is not to disclose the organization's confidential information

Non-disclosure agreement

Your company security policy requires separation of duties for all network security matters which of the following scenarios best describes his contacts

The system administrator configures remote access privileges and the security officer reviews and activate each account

Which of the following is not a protection against collusion

Cross training

Which of the following is not an element of the termination

Desolution of the NDA

When in informing employees that they're being terminated what is the most important activity

Disabling their network access

Best way to initiate solid administrative control of an organization employees is to have what element in place

Distinct job description